5,654 research outputs found

    Konversation als Machtkampf

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    Strategisk konversation: Et informationspolitisk reformprogram i en organisatorisk kontekst

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    Artiklen behandler flere aspekter af organisatorisk informationspolitik. Der skelnes mellem fire aspekter: 1) Infopolitisk agenda, 2) infopolitisk projekt, 3) infopolitisk styreform og 4) infopolitisk program/reformprogram. Fokus ligger på strategisk konversation, en kommunikativ og diskursiv proces, der kan opfattes som et informationspolitisk reformprogram i en organisation. Det vises, hvordan strategisk konversation kan udfordre bureaukratisk forvaltning og rationalistisk strategisk ledelse. Strategisk konversation har som formål at implementere en ny styreform – scenarieplanlægning. Artiklen er konceptuel og inddrager diskursteori til belysning af diskursive processer i forbindelse med strategisk konversatio

    The Meaning of Concepts of Human Nature in Organizational Life in Business Ethics Context

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    The main goal of this paper is to exhibit the role of the concept of human nature for the ethical orientation of organizational life. Therefore, after presenting some definitions of the concepts of human nature, which depict the complexity of these phenomena, some models of the concepts of human nature are described. Furthermore, the setting of the concepts of human nature in the organizational life is discussed. Those concepts can be perceived as a deep-structure of the organizational life, having an impact not only on the individual behaviour of employees and managers (like sensibility for human emotions, pro-social engagement, communication style), but also affecting their moral competence and influencing whole organizational culture – image of the organization, preferred management strategies and the way of perceiving justice. Those elements play crucial role in ethical attitude of the organization because all those variables support the efficacy of ethical rules and most of them are part of ethical code and corporate ethical code. Therefore, it is necessary for an organization to consider implicit and explicit concepts of human nature on which the organizational culture is based and support those concepts, which enables the ethical conduct of the organization and being alert especially to the consequences of materialistic/egoistic and competitive concepts of human nature. The theses discussed in the paper are supported by some empirical research studies conducted in this field.The National Science Centre (UMO-2011/03/D/HS4/00849

    Gemeinplatz und Salonkonversation bei Marcel Proust

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    Topiken der Konversation bei Flaubert und Proust

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    The School as a Social Microcosm? A Historical-Sociological Analysis of the Characteristics of School Education

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    Die Genese der funktionalen Differenzierung der Gesellschaft hat für Prozesse der Sozialisation und Erziehung weit tragende Bedeutung. Sie ergibt sich daraus, dass jetzt in einem Sondersystem für andere Systeme erzogen wird. In der eigenen Familie wächst der junge Mensch zunächst nahezu übergangslos in das gesellschaftliche Leben hinein in dem Maße, wie sein Kontaktkreis sich vergrößert. Der erzwungene Eintritt in die Schule konfrontiert ihn erstmalig und unversehens mit der nicht mehr durch die Familie vermittelten Gesellschaft. Die Schule ist aber als Sondereinrichtung kein repräsentativer Mikrokosmos des gesellschaftlichen Lebens. Dass der erste Kontakt mit der außerfamilialen Gesellschaft gerade diese Form erhält - man denke nur an die Zusammenfassung Gleichaltriger in relativ großen Interaktionssystemen - muss tief greifende Rückwirkungen auf das gesellschaftliche Leben haben. Vor diesem Hintergrund analysieren wir in diesem Aufsatz die historische Genese der spezifischen Charakteristika der modernen Schulerziehung, des modernen Interaktionssystems Unterricht. (DIPF/Orig.)The \u27great transition\u27 to functional differentiation has far-reaching implications for processes of socialization and education in our society. One important implication of the expansion of schooling is that education now takes place within one specialized system, and that a young person is now prepared for other systems within this specialized educational system. By being forced to attend school, one is suddenly confronted for the first time with societal contexts which are no longer negotiated by one\u27s family. However, the school is not just a representative microcosm of society. The fact that the first contact with society takes on precisely this form - one may think of the concentration of people of the same age in a relatively big interaction system - must have far-reaching repercussions on societal life. In this article, we examine the historical genesis of the specific characteristics of schooling, the interaction system in the classroom. (DIPF/Orig.

    Critical Thinking Ability of German Literature Departement’s Students of Universitas Negeri Malang in Writing Thesis

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    This article is a research result which aims to uncover the critical thinking skills of students of German Literature Department, Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) in writing thesis. The method used is qualitative content analysis with a coding sheet as an instrument. The data is taken from some chapters in German thesis, to be particular the background, the discussion, and the conclusion sections. The collected data is reduced, grouped, then the emerging patterns are analyzed and conclusions are drawn. Students' critical thinking skills in writing thesis were analyzed from four cognitive abilities (analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and argumentation) and nine cognitive standards (clarity, clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance, and fairness). The results showed that students' critical thinking skills were good in the aspects of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. However, from the argumentation aspect, students’ critical ability is still considered weak, because they produced errors in ethos, logos and pathos arguments, still made incomplete structures, and did not meet the criteria for critical thinking/cognitive standards of breadth and depth

    Die "schwere Aufgabe, zugleich bedeutend und deutungslos" sowie "an nichts und alles erinnert" zu sein : Bild- und Rätselstrukturen in Goethes "Das Märchen"

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    Das Folgende ist in vier Abschnitte gegliedert: 1. Rekurs auf Kants Ornamentästhetik - Gradationen der „Zierde“ 2. Erinnern und Löschen - Wechselreiten von Scherzen und Verrätseln 3. Märchen und Rätsel - geselliges Spiel und klassizistische Lektüreübung 4. Unterhaltung und Gespräch - drei Geselligkeitskonzepte und ihre Auflösung in philostratischer Choreographi

    Literarische Idealtypen des Aussenseiters

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