5 research outputs found

    Verwaltung von Testinformationen in der Moduldokumentation

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    Softwaresysteme werden typischerweise in Module unterteilt. Alle relevanten Daten eines Moduls werden in dessen Moduldokumentation, welche ein Teil der Softwarearchitekturdokumentation darstellt, festgehalten. Zu den Daten zählen unter anderem die Testinformationen des Moduls. Softwarearchitekturdokumentationen werden ihrerseits üblicherweise über Textverarbeitungswerkzeuge oder Wikis erstellt. Beide Werkzeugklassen sind für diese Aufgabe jedoch nicht uneingeschränkt geeignet. Daher wird in dieser Diplomarbeit ein Werkzeug entwickelt, das auf die Softwarearchitekturdokumentation – insbesondere der Moduldokumentation – zugeschnitten ist. Im Werkzeug können Dokumente und Dokumentteile über Vorlagen erstellt werden. Für die Dokumentteile, in denen die Testinformationen eines Moduls verwaltet werden sollen, wird in dieser Arbeit eine spezielle Vorlage vorgeschlagen und für das Werkzeug umgesetzt. Die Vorlage enthält Abschnitte, in denen alle relevanten Testinformationen entweder direkt angegeben oder referenziert werden können. Des Weiteren wird ein Konzept entworfen und durch das Werkzeug umgesetzt, mit welchem die Beziehungen, die in der Softwarearchitekturdokumentationen existieren, explizit definiert und visualisiert werden können. Ein Beispiel für solche Beziehungen sind die zwischen den referenzierten Testinformationen: Z. B. Testfallprotokoll P protokolliert einen Testlauf von Testfall F. Das Werkzeug wird abschließend evaluiert.Software systems are typically divided into modules. All relevant data of a module are documented in its module documentation. Among other things, these data include the test information of the module. The module documentation itself is part of the overall software architecture documentation. Software architectures are usually documented with word processors or wikis. However, both kinds of those tools are not fully sufficient for this task. Therefore, this diploma thesis develops a tool, which is specialized for documenting software architectures and modules. The tool provides functionality to create documents and their parts based on templates. This thesis provides a special template for those parts of the document, which concern the test of modules. The template contains sections for all relevant test information. The test information may be named directly or may be reffered to. Furthermore, the thesis provides a concept to explicitly define and visualize the relations, which exist in the software architecture documentation. An example for such relations are those between the test information which were reffered to, e.g., test protocol P protocols a test run of test case C. The concept is realized within the tool. Finally, the tool is evaluated

    the web development platform comparison ; evaluation and results

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    “Plat_Forms” is a competition in which top-class teams of three professional programmers competed to implement the same requirements for a web-based system within 30 hours, each team using a different technology platform (Java EE, PHP, or Perl). Plat_Forms intends to provide new insights into the real (rather than purported) pros, cons, and emergent properties of each platform. This report describes the evaluation of the solutions delivered by the participants and of the development process and presents the evaluation methodology as well as the results in great detail. It analyzes many aspects of each solution, both external (usability, functionality, reliability, robustness, etc.) and internal (size, structure, flexibility, modifiability, etc.). The many results we obtained cover a wide spectrum: First, there are results that many people would have called “obvious” or “well known”, say, that Perl solutions tend to be more compact than Java solutions. Second, there are results that contradict conventional wisdom, say, that our PHP solutions appear in some (but not all) respects to be actually at least as secure as the others. Finally, one result makes a statement we have not seen discussed previously: The amount of variation between the teams tends to be smaller for PHP than for the other platforms in a whole variety of different respects. See Section 1.8 for the best ways to get an overview of this long document

    Web Engineering for Workflow-based Applications: Models, Systems and Methodologies

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    This dissertation presents novel solutions for the construction of Workflow-based Web applications: The Web Engineering DSL Framework, a stakeholder-oriented Web Engineering methodology based on Domain-Specific Languages; the Workflow DSL for the efficient engineering of Web-based Workflows with strong stakeholder involvement; the Dialog DSL for the usability-oriented development of advanced Web-based dialogs; the Web Engineering Reuse Sphere enabling holistic, stakeholder-oriented reuse

    Web engineering for workflow-based applications: models, systems and methodologies

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    Workflow-based Web applications present a central pillar of companies\u27 endeavors towards increased business process efficiency and flexibility. Considering their particular characteristics, this book presents innovative approaches for their efficient, completely model-driven construction with particular emphasis on effective stakeholder involvement, usability-oriented dialog design and cross-methodological reuse