83,597 research outputs found

    Clustering documents with active learning using Wikipedia

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    Wikipedia has been applied as a background knowledge base to various text mining problems, but very few attempts have been made to utilize it for document clustering. In this paper we propose to exploit the semantic knowledge in Wikipedia for clustering, enabling the automatic grouping of documents with similar themes. Although clustering is intrinsically unsupervised, recent research has shown that incorporating supervision improves clustering performance, even when limited supervision is provided. The approach presented in this paper applies supervision using active learning. We first utilize Wikipedia to create a concept-based representation of a text document, with each concept associated to a Wikipedia article. We then exploit the semantic relatedness between Wikipedia concepts to find pair-wise instance-level constraints for supervised clustering, guiding clustering towards the direction indicated by the constraints. We test our approach on three standard text document datasets. Empirical results show that our basic document representation strategy yields comparable performance to previous attempts; and adding constraints improves clustering performance further by up to 20%

    Switcher-random-walks: a cognitive-inspired mechanism for network exploration

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    Semantic memory is the subsystem of human memory that stores knowledge of concepts or meanings, as opposed to life specific experiences. The organization of concepts within semantic memory can be understood as a semantic network, where the concepts (nodes) are associated (linked) to others depending on perceptions, similarities, etc. Lexical access is the complementary part of this system and allows the retrieval of such organized knowledge. While conceptual information is stored under certain underlying organization (and thus gives rise to a specific topology), it is crucial to have an accurate access to any of the information units, e.g. the concepts, for efficiently retrieving semantic information for real-time needings. An example of an information retrieval process occurs in verbal fluency tasks, and it is known to involve two different mechanisms: -clustering-, or generating words within a subcategory, and, when a subcategory is exhausted, -switching- to a new subcategory. We extended this approach to random-walking on a network (clustering) in combination to jumping (switching) to any node with certain probability and derived its analytical expression based on Markov chains. Results show that this dual mechanism contributes to optimize the exploration of different network models in terms of the mean first passage time. Additionally, this cognitive inspired dual mechanism opens a new framework to better understand and evaluate exploration, propagation and transport phenomena in other complex systems where switching-like phenomena are feasible.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Accepted in "International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos": Special issue on "Modelling and Computation on Complex Networks

    Easy Semantification of Bioassays

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    Biological data and knowledge bases increasingly rely on Semantic Web technologies and the use of knowledge graphs for data integration, retrieval and federated queries. We propose a solution for automatically semantifying biological assays. Our solution contrasts the problem of automated semantification as labeling versus clustering where the two methods are on opposite ends of the method complexity spectrum. Characteristically modeling our problem, we find the clustering solution significantly outperforms a deep neural network state-of-the-art labeling approach. This novel contribution is based on two factors: 1) a learning objective closely modeled after the data outperforms an alternative approach with sophisticated semantic modeling; 2) automatically semantifying biological assays achieves a high performance F1 of nearly 83%, which to our knowledge is the first reported standardized evaluation of the task offering a strong benchmark model

    Multi-lingual Common Semantic Space Construction via Cluster-consistent Word Embedding

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    We construct a multilingual common semantic space based on distributional semantics, where words from multiple languages are projected into a shared space to enable knowledge and resource transfer across languages. Beyond word alignment, we introduce multiple cluster-level alignments and enforce the word clusters to be consistently distributed across multiple languages. We exploit three signals for clustering: (1) neighbor words in the monolingual word embedding space; (2) character-level information; and (3) linguistic properties (e.g., apposition, locative suffix) derived from linguistic structure knowledge bases available for thousands of languages. We introduce a new cluster-consistent correlational neural network to construct the common semantic space by aligning words as well as clusters. Intrinsic evaluation on monolingual and multilingual QVEC tasks shows our approach achieves significantly higher correlation with linguistic features than state-of-the-art multi-lingual embedding learning methods do. Using low-resource language name tagging as a case study for extrinsic evaluation, our approach achieves up to 24.5\% absolute F-score gain over the state of the art.Comment: 10 page

    NASARI: a novel approach to a Semantically-Aware Representation of items

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    The semantic representation of individual word senses and concepts is of fundamental importance to several applications in Natural Language Processing. To date, concept modeling techniques have in the main based their representation either on lexicographic resources, such as WordNet, or on encyclopedic resources, such as Wikipedia. We propose a vector representation technique that combines the complementary knowledge of both these types of resource. Thanks to its use of explicit semantics combined with a novel cluster-based dimensionality reduction and an effective weighting scheme, our representation attains state-of-the-art performance on multiple datasets in two standard benchmarks: word similarity and sense clustering. We are releasing our vector representations at http://lcl.uniroma1.it/nasari/

    A combined weighting for the feature-based method on topological parameters in semantic taxonomy using social media

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    The textual analysis has become most important task due to the rapid increase of the number of texts that have been continuously generated in several forms such as posts and chats in social media, emails, articles, and news. The management of these texts requires efficient and effective methods, which can handle the linguistic issues that come from the complexity of natural languages. In recent years, the exploitation of semantic features from the lexical sources has been widely investigated by researchers to deal with the issues of “synonymy and ambiguity” in the tasks involved in the Social Media like document clustering. The main challenges of exploiting the lexical knowledge sources such as 1WordNet 3.1 in these tasks are how to integrate the various types of semantic relations for capturing additional semantic evidence, and how to settle the high dimensionality of current semantic representing approaches. In this paper, the proposed weighting of features for a new semantic feature-based method as which combined four things as which is “Synonymy, Hypernym, non-taxonomy, and Glosses”. Therefore, this research proposes a new knowledge-based semantic representation approach for text mining, which can handle the linguistic issues as well as the high dimensionality issue. Thus, the proposed approach consists of two main components: a feature-based method for incorporating the relations in the lexical sources, and a topic-based reduction method to overcome the high dimensionality issue. The proposed method approach will evaluated using WordNet 3.1 in the text clustering and text classification

    Image Clustering with External Guidance

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    The core of clustering is incorporating prior knowledge to construct supervision signals. From classic k-means based on data compactness to recent contrastive clustering guided by self-supervision, the evolution of clustering methods intrinsically corresponds to the progression of supervision signals. At present, substantial efforts have been devoted to mining internal supervision signals from data. Nevertheless, the abundant external knowledge such as semantic descriptions, which naturally conduces to clustering, is regrettably overlooked. In this work, we propose leveraging external knowledge as a new supervision signal to guide clustering, even though it seems irrelevant to the given data. To implement and validate our idea, we design an externally guided clustering method (Text-Aided Clustering, TAC), which leverages the textual semantics of WordNet to facilitate image clustering. Specifically, TAC first selects and retrieves WordNet nouns that best distinguish images to enhance the feature discriminability. Then, to improve image clustering performance, TAC collaborates text and image modalities by mutually distilling cross-modal neighborhood information. Experiments demonstrate that TAC achieves state-of-the-art performance on five widely used and three more challenging image clustering benchmarks, including the full ImageNet-1K dataset

    Multi-Mode Clustering for Graph-Based Lifelog Retrieval

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    As part of the 6th Lifelog Search Challenge, this paper presents an approach to arrange Lifelog data in a multi-modal knowledge graph based on cluster hierarchies. We use multiple sequence clustering approaches to address the multi-modal nature of Lifelogs in relation to temporal, spatial, and visual factors. The resulting clusters, along with semantic metadata captions and augmentations based on OpenCLIP, provide for the semantic structure of a graph including all Lifelogs as entries. Textual queries on this hierarchical graph can be expressed to retrieve individual Lifelogs, as well as clusters of Lifelogs

    Combining Clustering techniques and Formal Concept Analysis to characterize Interestingness Measures

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    Formal Concept Analysis "FCA" is a data analysis method which enables to discover hidden knowledge existing in data. A kind of hidden knowledge extracted from data is association rules. Different quality measures were reported in the literature to extract only relevant association rules. Given a dataset, the choice of a good quality measure remains a challenging task for a user. Given a quality measures evaluation matrix according to semantic properties, this paper describes how FCA can highlight quality measures with similar behavior in order to help the user during his choice. The aim of this article is the discovery of Interestingness Measures "IM" clusters, able to validate those found due to the hierarchical and partitioning clustering methods "AHC" and "k-means". Then, based on the theoretical study of sixty one interestingness measures according to nineteen properties, proposed in a recent study, "FCA" describes several groups of measures.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure
