19 research outputs found

    The Prediction Of Flexibility And Its Relationship With Work Variables

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    The adaption of flexible practices is a necessity for businesses to be able to survive in a global competitive environment in support of entrepreneurial and market intelligence. This study explores the prediction of formal flexible practices compared with inflexible authoritarian business practices in a South African sample of 333 managers and supervisors. A Pearson Product-Moment Correlation between flexible and inflexible practices with corporate entrepreneurship, market orientation and job satisfaction revealed almost direct opposites of the coin. Extrinsic job satisfaction, management support and risk acceptance explained most of the variance in the prediction of both formal flexibility and inflexible authoritarianism by means of Hierarchical Multiple Regression. Management should be vigilant of the opposing relationships of flexible and inflexible work practices in business. Organizations should explore methods to adapt formal flexible practices supported by entrepreneurial and marketing orientations, as well as extrinsic job satisfaction. Management must particularly guard against inflexible authoritarianism and its adverse effects

    Knowledge Conversion on Naracerita: The Students’ Inheritance of Digital Folklore Based on Media

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    Educational efforts to maintain national culture can provide learning resources in readings obtained from certain regional cultures. With intangible cultural wealth, such as folklore or fairy tales, Indonesian culture will experience extinction or cannot be found again if the story is not collected. The narrator\u27s folklore writing platform is a digital platform as a local cultural heritage, in this case, folklore, by converting implicit knowledge into explicit knowledge to be passed down to students as a source of learning and reference. This study uses an ex-post-facto descriptive survey approach to 95 respondents during the socialization of the storytelling platform by exploring how knowledge conversion on the storytelling platform uses the SECI model as a source of knowledge conversion, how storytellers help provide open-source learning materials digitally, storytellers help students learn, help motivate to read & write stories and how are the characteristics of storytelling content to provide Indonesian cultural treasures. This study shows the inheritance of local culture from folklore that students can read and as an alternative source of student learning. There is a systematic knowledge conversion process on the storytelling platform. This research also covers the benefits and effects of local cultural heritage on student

    Trust and knowledge creation: The moderating effects of legal inadequacy

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    Purpose: This study aims to empirically investigate the effects of competence and goodwill trust on knowledge creation and the moderating effects of legal inadequacy on those relationships. Design/methodology/approach: A questionnaire survey was used to collect data from 196 research and development alliances in China. Hierarchical moderated regression was used to test the research hypotheses. Findings: We find that competence trust has a positive and linear relationship with knowledge creation while goodwill trust has an inverted U-shaped relationship with it. The results also reveal that the inverted U-shaped relationship between goodwill trust and knowledge creation is stronger when legal inadequacy is high, while the impact of competence trust on knowledge creation is not influenced by legal inadequacy. Originality/value: The findings provide insights into the distinctive effects of competence and goodwill trust on knowledge creation in partnerships, deepening current understandings of the bright and dark sides of inter-firm trust. This study also clarifies the influences of legal inadequacy on the effectiveness of competence and goodwill trust, which enhances existing knowledge about the impact of legal systems on the relationships between inter-firm trust and knoweldge management

    Drivers of Supply Chain Performance Enhancing Organizational Output: An Exploratory Study for Manufacturing Sector

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    Purpose - The Purpose of this study is to explore the drivers of supply chain performance and give a framework that how organizations can manage these drivers for their survival. This paper is written especially for the students of business management to enhance their knowledge about supply chain practices. Methodology - The paper contains qualitative approach. In first phase the authors reviewed literature about the drivers of supply chain performance. In second phase the data from internationally published articles were collected and suggest a framework to manage the drivers of supply chain performance. Findings - The whole study concluded that there are six drivers of supply chain performance in literature that need to be managed to enhance organizational performance. These drivers are; Facilities, Inventory, Transportation, Information, Sourcing and pricing. These drivers are closely related with each other and have a greater impact on organizational performance. Organizations need to find a situation where both efficiency and responsiveness in supply chain practices are at average level to enhance their performance. This average level can only be achieved through better management of drivers of supply chain performance. Paper Limitation - The paper is limited by the fact that it focuses only manufacturing sector. Originality/value - This paper provides a collective framework for managing all drivers of supply chain performance. Keywords - Drivers of supply chain performance, Efficiency, Responsiveness, Supply chain management, Supply chain performance Paper Type - Research pape

    The impact of CEO characteristics on the international entrepreneurship of small island- based firms

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    This paper examines the impact of CEO characteristics on the International Entrepreneurship (IE) of listed island-based firms (IBFs) during the period 2009-2018. The research considers 164 companies from a sample of eight small islands with securities exchanges including more than one firm headquartered on the island. The selected islands are: Barbados, Cyprus, Fiji, Iceland, Jamaica, Malta, Mauritius, and Trinidad & Tobago. Framed on the upper echelons theory and social network theory, the influence on IE of CEO's tenure, academic background and achievement, family allegiance, and international exposure is studied, taking into account the small island particularities. Through a binary probit model, it is concluded that CEOs' family allegiance, tenure, and academic background (if the CEO majored in Business Administration, Finance, Accounting, or Economics) are negatively related with IE, while CEOs' academic achievement and international exposure are positively associated with IE. Some of these results are atypical in the existing literature; nevertheless, islandness can explain these results. The conclusions attained suggest new theoretical and empirical lines of IE research for IBFs

    Addressing food production planning and control issues through information visualisation: an agile development.

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    Food manufacturers have a compelling requirement to address their information management needs in relation to the management of variation in their supply chain and subsequent production processes. However, many organisational information systems are not explicitly designed to address variation and uncertainty. The action research project outlined in this paper addresses a gap in the information management literature by showing how visualisation of information aided the efficacy of perishable goods production in a small food manufacturer. A user-centred, agile approach enabled the design and implementation of an integrated, dynamic visual production management system. Underpinned by a new manufacturing strategy, this system provided an information bridge between members of the organisation and in so doing facilitated improved communication and decision making across the company. The outcome of this action research project significantly enhanced the business performance. It is argued that the increased awareness of the actions and needs of others in the factory supported the enhanced efficacy in the production


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    O presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar a relação que há entre os conceitos de empregabilidade, competências e formação profissional. A metodologia empregada foi o método qualitativo, porque permitiu analisar, compreender e classificar dados literários que foram relacionados e se transformaram em conhecimentos. A ferramenta utilizada foi a pesquisa de literatura através da análise de conteúdo. O nível de pesquisa utilizado foi o descritivo porque se objetivou descrever os conceitos já registrados sobre os temas estudados. E o tipo de pesquisa utilizado foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, pois diz respeito à busca de referências publicadas sobre o tema escolhido de pesquisa, para analisar e discutir as contribuições culturais e cientificas do mesmo. Como resultado foi constatado que empregabilidade é capacidade o indivíduo conquistar, manter e crescer em sua ocupação laborativa, enquanto que competências tratam de características de perfil, tanto do cargo como do colaborador nas empresas, e a formação profissional diz respeito à capacitação do jovem/adulto para o mercado de trabalho. A relação, portanto, que há entre os conceitos de empregabilidade, competências e formação profissional diz respeito a dependência que um conceito proporciona ao outro. E que estes três conceitos relacionados entre si corroboram para possibilitar a diminuição de GAP’s apresentados pelo jovem/adulto trabalhador

    The effect of trust, communication, supplier's willingness to customize and switching costs towards customer retention in supplier relationship

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    Customer retention and its antecedents are significant concerns to managers and suppliers in electronic industries. A lot of research have been extensively conducted on this issue in numerous contexts but research in the Malaysian electrical and electronic (E&E) industry is still scarce. The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of trust, effective communication, supplier’s willingness to customize and switching costs towards customer retention in supplier relationship. A total of 230 purchasing managers and supervisors of electronic manufacturing companies in the E&E industry in Malaysia participated in the study. Results of the partial least squares path analysis supported the hypotheses of this study regarding direct and indirect effects of supplier’s willingness to customize, effective communication, trust and switching costs on customer retention. Trust was found to have the mediating effects for the relationship between supplier’s willingness to customize, effective communication and customer retention. Switching cost has a moderating effect on the relationship between trust and customer retention. All dimensions of switching costs have different effects on retention, and financial switching costs has the highest moderating effect on the relationship between trust and customer retention. The findings of this research contribute to the empirical studies on the relationship marketing concept and social exchange theory in general and supplier’s willingness to customize, effective communication, trust, switching costs and customer retention particularly in the E&E sector in Malaysia. This study suggests the importance of knowledge of customer retention to assist managers of supplier companies to manage their customers effectively. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed and a conclusion is drawn

    La relación entre los factores de soporte de la gestión de conocimiento y la creación de conocimiento en el Think Tank “Arena Pública”

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    La presente investigación estudia la relación entre los factores de soporte de la gestión de conocimiento y el proceso de creación del conocimiento un Think Tank peruano, el cual denominaremos Arena Pública para mantener la confidencialidad de la organización. El estudio de la gestión del conocimiento toma relevancia en este tipo de organización, debido a que su actividad principal es la generación de conocimiento mediante la investigación aplicada en políticas públicas con ejes temáticos económicos, educativos, ambientales y sociales. Asimismo, su estudio está relacionado al problema de la organización el cual es que la creación de conocimiento en ella se da de manera independiente, y que la trasmisión de conocimientos es limitada y de difícil acceso para los miembros de la organización. Para iniciar y desarrollar este estudio, se propusieron cinco objetivos específicos: i) describir el proceso de la creación del conocimiento y los factores de soporte de gestión de conocimiento; ii) explicar qué son los Think Tanks y cuál es su relación con la creación del conocimiento; iii) describir el contexto de los Think Tanks en el continente latinoamericano y en Perú, así como al sujeto de estudio; iv) aplicar a los colaboradores del Think Tank Arena Pública la herramienta cuantitativa propuesta por Koloniari, Vraimaki y Fassoulis sobre los factores de soporte de la gestión del conocimiento y el modelo SECI de creación de conocimiento; y, v) describir la relación entre los factores de soporte de la gestión del conocimiento y el proceso de creación de conocimiento del Think Tank Arena Pública. Para alcanzar los objetivos se realizó un análisis mixto CUAN-cual. A través del análisis mixto se pudo confirmar lo siguiente: (1) las tecnologías de la información (ITs) brindan un soporte adecuado a la gestión del conocimiento; (2) se detecta que no existe una estrategia institucional orientada al conocimiento; y, (3) existen ciertas características de la cultura, como el autoaprendizaje, que sí fomenta la creación de conocimiento. A partir de estos resultados, se brindan algunas recomendaciones tales como (1) mapear las necesidades actuales de TI y el fortalecimiento de las TI; (2) insertar como un aspecto relevante al conocimiento en su plan estratégico para obtener lineamientos generales entorno a las competencias y la evaluación de esta; y, (3) reforzar la cultura del autoaprendizaje y fomentar el intercambio de conocimiento a través de seminarios, capacitación y trabajos en equipo de mayor tamaño