6 research outputs found

    Destination management systems : towards a holistic effectiveness evaluation

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    This study aims to enhance the understanding of destination management system (DMS) effectiveness and its evaluation. Upon review of the literature, it was established that DMS effectiveness and its evaluation has not yet been researched adequately. Informed by an interpretive approach, this study contributes to research particularly by investigating what constitutes effectiveness and explores the aspects (factors and relationships) that need to be considered in a holistic DMS effectiveness evaluation. Based on a qualitative case study strategy, this study adopts a comprehensive approach that considers multiple stakeholder groups’ perspectives. The research evidence is collected through a case-study of the Egyptian DMS experience (the Touregypt project). The Touregypt project gives insights to the understanding of three DMS cases that have not been researched before in DMS literature: first, an actual DMS application in a developing country; second, a public and private sector partnership experience; and third, a failed DMS experience (the system has failed in the course of this research).Prompted by the interpretive approach, this study tried to explore DMS effectiveness based on the perspectives, attitudes and experiences of the multiple stakeholder groups (Hesse-Biber and Leavy 2010). Accordingly, the empirical data was collected through a multi-method approach that includes interviews, observation, archival document analysis (including Touregypt forum analysis), and website analysis. Data has been analyzed guided by discourse analysis, complemented with the general inductive approach of Miles and Huberman (1994). Following an interpretive theory-building strategy, the analyzed data has been further interpreted in the light of prior theories of DMS and information systems research, particularly the Delone and MacLean IS effectiveness theory (1992, 2003, and 2004).The main contribution of this study to knowledge is a theory based model that enhances the understanding of DMS effectiveness evaluation. The suggested model identifies the aspects (factors and relationships) that need to be considered when evaluating the effectiveness of DMS. Also, the results of this study give insights to the understanding of DMS effectiveness by shedding light on what constitutes effectiveness and the possible relationship between such constructs

    Using Knowledge Management Practices in Small Business Organizations

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    Small businesses struggle to attain, retain, and transfer knowledge using knowledge management (KM). Small business enterprise (SBE) leaders who do not leverage core competencies of KM are at high risk of failure. Grounded in Nonaka’s dynamic theory of knowledge creation, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the KM strategies small retail business leaders in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area use for sustainability. The participants comprised 4 small business enterprise leaders in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area who effectively used KM strategies to sustain business beyond 5 years. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and internal and external company documents. Yin’s 5-step process was used to analyze the data, and 4 themes emerged: communication, training and development, knowledge transfer, and innovation. A key recommendation is for SBE leaders to pay close attention to the transfer of information and business innovation to remain relevant. The implications for positive social change include the potential for SBE leaders to create jobs and economic wealth within their communities

    Projeto de Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Gestão de Destinos (SGD): O Caso das Entidades Regionais de Turismo em Portugal

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    Enquadramento: O presente projeto de investigação surge num contexto onde as tecnologias estão cada vez mais enraizadas nas sociedades e onde a web se tornou no canal preferido de distribuição para uma boa parte das Organizações de Gestão de Destinos (OGDs) e dos consumidores finais (Butler, 2002; Gretzel, Yuan, & Fesenmaier, 2000; Kramer, Modsching, ten Hagen, & Gretzel, 2007). As novas Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) afiguram-se, assim, como uma das áreas mais críticas para o sucesso do turismo, no presente e no futuro, sendo vitais para a forma como se promovem os destinos turísticos (Machado & Almeida, 2010). Descrição: Pretende-se apresentar uma proposta extensiva de desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Gestão de Destinos (SGD), de âmbito regional, devidamente orçada e economicamente viável, para ajudar as OGDs na gestão, promoção e distribuição holística do destino turístico Portugal. Objetivos: Desenvolvimento sustentável e integrado dos destinos turísticos portugueses, a nível regional; aposta nos canais digitais como forma de adaptação às novas tendências de mercado no setor do turismo; envolvimento de todos os stakeholders no projeto (entidades públicas e privadas), por forma a aumentar os índices de coesão nos destinos turísticos; satisfação das necessidades de planeamento e de reserva dos potenciais turistas/visitantes; e incremento da qualidade geral da experiência turística no destino Portugal. Investigação Empírica: Parte 1 – Realização de um estudo Delphi, com a participação de um painel de 12 especialistas nas áreas do turismo e das TICs, para aferição e hierarquização das principais barreiras à adoção de SGDs; Parte 2 – Estudo avaliativo da eficácia dos websites oficiais das 5 Entidades Regionais de Turismo (ERTs) portuguesas, por intermédio do modelo adaptado de ICTRT (na versão de Charoula et al., 2014), aplicado por um avaliador externo recrutado para o efeito. Resultados e Conclusões: Identificaram-se e hierarquizaram-se 55 barreiras à adoção de SGDs, para a realidade portuguesa; apresentaram-se e escrutinaram-se os índices de eficácia dos websites oficiais das 5 ERTs em Portugal; e apresentou-se uma proposta de desenvolvimento de um SGD devidamente orçada e economicamente viável. No final, discutiram-se os principais resultados, teceram-se considerações gerais sobre o projeto e enunciaram-se as principais limitações e possíveis futuras linhas de investigação

    An Investigation into Information and Communication Technologies-Based Applications for Sustainable Tourism Development of Destinations

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    Sustainable tourism is a heavily researched concept but in reality there has been limited implementation of the principles and practices of sustainable tourism for destinations. Adopting a destination focused perspective, this thesis presents research which expounded Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a practical, new and innovative approach to sustainable tourism development i.e. computer-supported sustainability. A literature review revealed that there was no specific study focusing on the uses and applications of ICT for sustainable tourism development despite the mention and benefits of doing so. However it did identify that several opportunities existed in destination management for using ICT as well as a collection of ICT-based tools/applications which can be used for managing different aspects of sustainable tourism. Therefore an investigative analysis was necessary in building a solid body of work on the uses and applications of ICT for sustainable tourism as a practical approach for destination managers. These findings formed the input for the primary research which was conducted in two phases: surveys administered to destination managers and eTourism experts followed by semi-structured interviews with experts in this domain identified from the surveys. The primary research alongside the literature findings led to the development of a descriptive framework which identified, categorised and described the uses of these ICT-based tools/applications for managing tourism's impacts. Assessment procedures based on the sustainability goals of the destination were then developed in order assist destination managers selecting the ICT-based tools/applications that were best suited for managing the sustainable tourism development of their destinations. The conclusion of this research clearly identifies that destination managers' sophisticated application of ICT to sustainable tourism is the next logical and practical step they can take in making sustainable tourism a workable reality for their destinations. This research is the building block for prospective research in the ICT-sustainable tourism domain. Future research avenues would be to use the results presented to determine the suitability, applicability and feasibility of the ICT-based tools/applications presented for destination managers. This existing research can be used to develop a more co-ordinated approach to theory development and engage in more empirical research to address tourism challenges with regards to using ICT for sustainable tourism development.sub_behunpub150_ethesesunpu

    Free Access to Public Information - More Transparency, Less Corruption: The Case of Republic of Macedonia

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    The traditional model of not transparent administration today disappears step by step. Citizens are increasingly becoming an equal entity with state institutions which have responsibility to ensure protection of their rights, accountability, openness and transparency in its operations - as the basic principles upon which rests the principle of good governance. Therefore, adoption of a law of free access to public information in many countries in the world which seek to enhance democracy in their societies today is a trend (process) that can not stop. Nowadays, countries that don’t have such a law can not claim that they have full democracy. One of the reasons for passing this law is reducing corruption. Corruption is based on secrecy. Citizens and institutions become corrupted when the public has no insight into their work. If the work of public institutions is transparent and offered for public inspection, then the chance for them to be corrupt is smaller. Republic of Macedonia has adopted the Law of free access to public information in 2006. This paper analyzes the law and its application; the situation in Macedonia after the adoption of the law; concluding that despite some inconsistencies, the law has contributed to increasing transparency and reducing corruption. Keywords: Free access, information, transparency, corruption