4 research outputs found

    Interactive Planning Tool For Global Software Projects

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    When planning global software development (GSD) projects, project managers often face decision-making problems such as how to choose the most suitable teams among the available teams, or how to assign work optimally to the selected teams considering both the duration and cost of the project. There are many alternative solutions, and each of them affects the duration and cost of the project differently. Hence, the idea of developing an automated planning tool that guides the project manager is helpful. This thesis documents a research focusing on planning GSD projects by an automated tool proposed by Sri Vathsavayi at Tampere University of Technology. Vathsavayi in his research proposes a GSD model and some preliminary ideas for developing an automated planning tool. He utilizes multi-objective genetic algorithms to apply search-based software engineering in planning GSD projects. In the thesis, the GSD model and the planning tool proposed by Vathsavayi are evaluated in few specific aspects. Firstly, the GSD model besides the planning tool is referenced to some of the typical issues of a GSD project. Moreover, some recommendations for the assessment of communication distances between teams participating in a GSD project are proposed. The thesis, as a constructive research, focuses mostly on designing and implementing a concrete user interface (UI) for the proposed planning tool. The developed UI is a simple, clear, and user-friendly web application used by the project manager to gather data about GSD projects and participating teams. The data is stored into a database and con-sidered as the input data to the proposed tool by Vathsavayi. Finally, the developed UI is evaluated, and some further work is proposed to provide a better user experience for the project manager

    Modelo metodol贸gico de implementaci贸n del proceso de Codificaci贸n de la Gesti贸n del Conocimiento en Organizaciones Desarrolladoras de Software en Colombia

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    El prop贸sito de este documento es presentar el dise帽o de un modelo metodol贸gico de implementaci贸n del Proceso de Codificaci贸n del Conocimiento para organizaciones desarrolladoras de software. La construcci贸n de este dise帽o se realiz贸 en tres fases. La primera fase consisti贸 en una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de literatura de art铆culos cient铆ficos publicados entre los a帽os 2004 y 2013. En la segunda fase se hizo una primera selecci贸n de los componentes candidatos del modelo tomando como base el resultado de la revisi贸n sistem谩tica de literatura, las definiciones de Codificaci贸n de Conocimiento y la experiencia profesional de los autores en la industria de software. En la tercera fase se seleccionaron los componentes finales del modelo, para lo cual, se tuvieron en cuenta sus dimensiones y la relaci贸n del proceso de Codificaci贸n con los otros procesos de gesti贸n de conocimiento. Como resultado se obtuvo un dise帽o de un modelo metodol贸gico de implementaci贸n del proceso con sus respectivas dimensiones, las dos primeras fueron sugeridas por la literatura y la tercera fue propuesta por los autores de esta tesis: Conocimiento Codificado Nuevo CCN, Conocimiento Codificado Existente CCE y Conocimiento Codificado Susceptible a Cambios CCSC. Para cada una de ellas se especificaron actividades, tareas, roles, productos de trabajo y herramientas de apoyo.Abstract. The purpose of this document is to present the design of an implementation methodological model of Knowledge Codification Process inside software development companies. The structure of this design was done in three phases. The first one consisted in a sytematic literature review of scientific articles published between 2004 and 2013. The second phase contained a first selection of the candidate components of the methodological model starting with of the outcome literature systematic review, Knowledge Codification definitions and the profesional experience of the authors in the software industry. In the last one, the final components of the methodological model were selected, for which, their dimensions and the relation of the Codification with the others knowledge management processes were considered. As a result, we obtained an implementation methodological model of the Knowledge Codification Process with their respective dimensions, the first two were suggested by the literature and the authors proposed the third one: Codification of New Knowledge CNK, Codification of Existing Knowledge CEK, and Codification of Existing Knowledge Susceptible to Change CEKSC. For each of them, activities, tasks, roles, work products and tools.Maestr铆