163 research outputs found

    Fostering knowledge management in small and medium-sized enterprises

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    The submitted paper covers two topics which are essential for SMEs and their competitiveness: management control and knowledge management. On the basis of an empirical survey among producing SMEs in Central-Germany the authors investigated knowledge deficits concerning the domain of management control. German SMEs show numerous weaknesses especially when it comes to prediction-oriented instruments of management control, e.g. SWOT-, Scenario-Analysis or dynamic investment procedures. The authors developed a suitable computer-aided learning tool to overcome these knowledge deficits and designed a knowledge management concept to collectivize individually learned knowledge

    Knowledge management in small and medium-sized enterprises

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    Purpose: The main purpose of the research presented in the article was to diagnose the „knowledge management” process in small and medium-sized enterprises in the Lower Silesia Province. In order to achieve this goal, the first part of the article explains the meaning of the term „knowledge management" in the scientific literature on management, and then, on the basis of research, an attempt was made to answer the following questions: which factors determining the „knowledge management” process and the tasks fulfilled by the management systems „knowledge management”. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study presented was based on the analysis of literature on the subject of knowledge management and competence. The study also included secondary sources, which were communications from research of similar scope. Triangulation of research methods has enabled to obtain a broader context of the studied phenomenon and ensured a higher quality of the conducted studies. The diversity of methods was aimed at achieving a consistency of the empirical basis for the inference. A diagnostic survey has been adopted as the leading method. Findings: The „knowledge management” in the global economy is a resource of strategic importance that affects the organisation's market value and provides a competitive advantage. The formation of a significant intellectual capital for an organisation requires the use of appropriate methods and tools supporting management, regular measurements, continuous comparison with competitors, elimination of barriers to knowledge sharing. Practical Implications: The research results are very interesting and encourage research on a larger scale. They are a valuable source of information for managers responsible for creating the intellectual capital of the organization in terms of acquiring and sharing knowledge. On the other hand, for people responsible for recruiting employees, the results may be useful in terms of developing a candidate's profile, in particular in identifying the key competences of knowledge workers. The results also show the demand of the Polish market (in particular medium-sized companies) for IT infrastructure. Originality/value: On the basis of empirical research, the article proposes an original set of system solutions in the field of „knowledge management” to improve the functioning of the organizations.peer-reviewe

    Successful Strategies for Using Knowledge Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    Knowledge management (KM) is vital for an organization to succeed in a highly dynamic and competitive world. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies that managers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) use to effectively integrate KM into business practices. The study population comprised 5 managers from 2 SMEs operating in Uganda. The eligibility criteria for this study were that participants had to be from Ugandan SMEs with a knowledge-intensive environment, managers with some responsibility of KM in the organization, and experienced with at least 1 year of successful KM practices. The conceptual framework for this study was theory z. Data were collected through face-to-face, semistructured interviews and reviews of company documents. Member checking was completed to strengthen credibility and trustworthiness. After methodological triangulation of the data sources collected and completion of Yin\u27s 5-step process of data analysis, 5 themes emerged: having supportive leadership, ensuring sustainability, embedding KM practices in the organization culture, socialization, and embracing modern technology. The findings of this study might promote social change by supporting SME managers\u27 use of KM to expand opportunities for employees to learn new skills and knowledge leading to the expansion of employment opportunities

    The Features of Knowledge Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    The article considers features of knowledge management (KM) in the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). Knowledge management is a processes management that allows to create, transfer, accumulate and use the organization’s knowledge. The use of knowledge management leads to important benefits for SMEs in business development. Four groups of characteristics of SMEs that distinguish them from large companies and define the features of use of KM in the SME sector have been identified as follows: organizational, economic, social and specificity of the company’s business. The introduction and use of KM depends on the specifics of the company’s business. Comparison of SMEs in traditional industries and the high-tech SMEs showed that the specificity of business determines the needs of companies in KM, awareness of the importance of knowledge resources for business, availability of information and communication technologies, preparedness of employees for use of the KM systems, intensity of use of IT-instruments and specific practices of knowledge management

    Application of the knowledge management system as a way to improve processes in the quality management system of small and medium-sized enterprises

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    The application of the knowledge management system allows the organization to ensure compliance with ISO 9001 in relation to knowledge. An approach is proposed for the implementation of knowledge management in small and medium-sized enterprises based on the development of a quality management system procedure. After the introduction of the procedure, the organization's knowledge management activities get an ordered look and a formalized document flow.Применение системы менеджмента знаний позволяет организации обеспечить выполнение ИСО 9001 применительно к знаниям. Предлагается подход для внедрения менеджмента знаний на малых и средних предприятиях на основе разработки процедуры системы менеджмента качества. После введения процедуры деятельность по управлению знаниями организации получает упорядоченный вид и формализованный документооборот

    Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Pemasaran Pada Usaha Kecil Menengah Di Kabupaten Bogor

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    Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang cepat dan persaingan usaha yang semakin ketat telah mendorong banyak organisasi untuk mendalami dan menerapkan Sistem Management Pemasaran (SMP) dan berkembangnya studi tentang hal tersebut. Namun, kebanyakan studi cenderung biasa dilakukan pada organisasi atau perusahaan besar. Studi ini difokuskan pada hal-hal yang terkait dengan persepsi usaha kecil dan menengah terhadap SMP, pengaplikasian dan pengembangan SMP, serta penerapan manajemen pada pengusaha UKM. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview) dan obeservasi langsung. Dari studi kasus usaha kecil menengah (ukm) yang berlokasi di kabupaten Bogor, studi ini menemukan bahwa pelaksanaan SMP pada usaha kecil menengah (ukm) yang diteliti masih dilakukan secara informal dan tradisional. Walaupun setiap usaha kecil menengah (ukm) telah memiliki keinginan dan kesadaran akan pentingnya penerapan SMP dan mampu mengidentifikasi pengetahuan yang dapat membantu mereka mewujudkan perencanaan strategis, masih terdapat beberapa hambatan yang menyulitkan mereka untuk menerapkan SMP tersebut. Studi ini juga mengidentifikasikan beberapa factor penting yang dapat membantu menerapan SMP pada usaha kecil menengah (ukm): (1) Dukungan dan kepemimpinan manajemen, (2) Budaya Sharing Ilmu, (3) Tekhnologi informasi, (4) Strategi dan tujuan Perusahaan, (5) Fasilitas, (6) Proses dan aktivitas, dan (7) pendidikan dan pelatihan. Kata kunci: Sistem Management Pemasaran (SMP); Usaha kecil Menengah (UKM); Pendekatan Kualitati

    Knowledge management driven leadership, culture and innovation success – an integrative model

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    Purpose - This article examines the relation between knowledge management (KM) driven leadership, culture and innovation success of knowledge-intensive small and medium sized companies. By building on the previously reported research on leadership, culture, innovation , and knowledge management, we synergistically integrate d KM-driven leadership and innovation success while exploring the meditational role of culture in that. Design/methodology/approach - A conceptual model comprising three constructs was developed, namely KM-driven leadership, culture and innovation-based success of the company. To examine the conceptual model , quantitative research was conducted among selected companies from the SMEs offering knowledge-intensive business services. The companies were contacted by telephone and interviews were carried out with 111 key informants. The data was later analysed with exploratory and confirmatory statistical methods. We applied structural equation modelling techniques (SEM) with M plus 7.2 software package to investigate the effects of KM-driven leadership on culture, and consequently its effect on innovation-based success of the company. To investigate the meditational role of culture between KM-driven leadership and innovation-based success of the company a post-hoc analysis was undertaken. Originality/value - On the basis of the previous studies analysis, the following research gap has been identified. How does leadership based on knowledge management influences the innovation success of companies and what is the role of culture in this relation? By answering this question, the study contributes to the building of literature on the above topic twofold. First, it analyses the influence of KM-driven leadership in the creation of organizational culture, which in turn contributes to the innovation success of the company. Second, this research pioneers in that it explores the meditational role of culture among KM-driven leadership and innovation success. The results of the mediation analysis confirm that culture fully mediates the relationship of KM-driven leadership with innovation success . Practical implications - The paper proves the relation between KM-oriented leadership, culture and innovation-based success of the company. The analysis of the conceptual model confirms that culture mediates the relationship of leadership with innovation success. It highly contributes to the understanding of these phenomena in the context of small and medium-sized companies offering knowledge-intensive business services - still a topic at its early stage of research. The study also shows that KM-oriented leadership is a very important factor helping in the achievement of innovation success by companies. The relationships examined indicate the potential areas on which SME managers and executives should concentrate to achieve better innovation results