63 research outputs found

    Relevance of Agency Theory in Software Development

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    In the Information technology field there has been lots of development. The development of software is increasing every day. IT professional are developing software for different business needs. Software is developed with internal IT professional as well as out sourcing. In many cases the outsourcing has been unsuccessful. In some cases the internal software development has also created some conflict. The relationship between the software developers and the project mangers is undesirable. This paper address these failed relationships and suggest a solution to a problem. The solution would be to diagnose the relationship from both sides. Secondly Agency theory can be implemented to resolve the conflict between the two

    Special Issue Editorial: Enterprise Systems Frontiers

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    Knowledge Management Competence and ISD Vendor Innovativeness in Turbulent Markets

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    Continuous changes in the technology and the business landscape place high strain on managing knowledge in organisations. Prior researchers highlight a positive connotation with knowledge management competence and organisational innovativeness in a turbulent environment. However, the rapid changes in the market and technology landscape may exert an additional pressure on the employees and such pressures may ultimately hinder organisational innovativeness. Drawing on knowledge management and innovation literature, this research conceptualises a model that investigates this tenacious relationship between knowledge management competence and innovativeness specifically in turbulent dynamic markets, considering information systems development (ISD)-outsourcing as the context. Following a mixed method approach, this research expects to provide guidance for ISD-outsourcing vendors to manage innovation expectations, knowledge management process and performance of the employees in dynamic market conditions

    Evaluasi Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Performa Implementasi SAP ERP Di Industri Retail

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    This study aims to examine the factors that affect the performance of the ERP implementation. These factors are: the data migration, system documentation, knowledge transfer, system testing, and integration interfaces. These factors can increase the performance of the implementation of ERP software applications that are on retail industry. The case study method in this research is using interviews and direct observation, the object of the interview in this study is Functional modules of SAP ERP. Sources of data derived from primary data and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that factors influence on the performance of retail industry. Therefore, the factors to be considered in order to improve the success of SAP ERP project in the future. The theoretical implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed in the final part of this study. (SB

    A mediating effect on erp km model for the performance of oil and gas sector in klang valley: A preliminary study

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    The development of information technology and the internet has created a borderless business environment and increased market competition. Driving globalization trends, information technology facilitates the organization in the aspect of the decision-making process, increasing productivity with cost-effective and fast delivery to meet customer needs. This article presents a conceptual study of ERP KM model and proposes a direction for further investigation. In this study, a literature review on Incentive as mediating effects in ERP KM model against operational and financial performance was analyzed. In order to achieve this target, to maintain the competitive advantage, oil and gas industry players implement Knowledge Management (KM) on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. However, most studies focus only on the implementation and improvement of the ERP process flows as compared to KM concepts. This paper covers literary studies related to KM and ERP as well as merging these two concepts to form the appropriate ERP KM model for the oil and gas sector in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The new model of ERP KM Rizam 2019 introduced in this study will be tested for its effectiveness in the oil and gas sector especially in the Klang Valley. It was found that the mediating effect ‘Incentives’ in addition to KM is expected to have a positive relationship on operational and financial performance compared to the direct influences of ERP usage on performance. © 2019, World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering. All rights reserved

    Evaluasi Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Performa Implementasi SAP ERP Di Industri Retail

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    This study aims to examine the factors that affect the performance of the ERP implementation. These factors are: the data migration, system documentation, knowledge transfer, system testing, and integration interfaces. These factors can increase the performance of the implementation of ERP software applications that are on retail industry. The case study method in this research is using interviews and direct observation, the object of the interview in this study is Functional modules of SAP ERP. Sources of data derived from primary data and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that factors influence on the performance of retail industry. Therefore, the factors to be considered in order to improve the success of SAP ERP project in the future. The theoretical implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed in the final part of this study. (SB

    Strategic Impact of Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning on the Percieved Performance of Selected Banks in Oyo State of Nigeria.

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    This study investigated the impact of  knowledge management and organizational learning on the perceived performance of selected banks in Oyo State of Nigeria. The study aimed at determining the main and interactive effect of knowledge acquisition, knowledge distribution, knowledge interpretation, organizational memory, system orientation strategy and human orientation strategy on organizational performance. It also looked at the nexus between knowledge management variables as well as organizational learning variables and organizational performance.  Four hypotheses were formulated and tested using Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), Canonical Correlation and Multiple Regression. The findings showed that the independent variables (knowledge acquisition, knowledge distribution, knowledge interpretation, organizational memory, system orientation strategy and human orientation strategy) were predictors of organizational performance. The study also established a significant positive relationship between knowledge management variables as well as organizational learning variables and organizational performance. Based on the findings, it was recommended that  there  is a  need  for organizations  especially  banks  to efficiently and effectively manage knowledge and embrace individual and group learning in order to improve organizational performance and gain sustainable  competitive  advantage. Keywords: Knowledge management, organizational learning, strategic management , resource based view , organizational performance

    Early-Stage Construct Development Practices in IS Research: A 2000-2020 Review

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    New constructs are routinely introduced and validated along with their measures to capture emerging IS phenomena. Although statistical validation procedures abound in the literature, there remains confusion on how to best engage with the first few steps of the construct development process. Consequently, authors may have difficulties navigating these crucial steps, and reviewers may be unsure what standards they should enforce. This short paper seeks to clarify the standards that are espoused and enacted by the IS community as part of its construct development activities. We selected 96 construct development focused papers published in IS journals between 2000 and 2020, and we systematically coded how their authors engaged with the conceptualization, item generation, and content validation steps. Our preliminary findings indicate that despite some apparent homogeneity, construct development papers employ widely divergent practices, some of which may not be adequate to address the most pressing methodological challenges of our time

    Knowledge Management For Enterprise Systems: A Review Of The Literature

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, also called Enterprise Systems (ES), have received much attention from researchers and practitioners. Along with that many researches have underlined the pivotal role of knowledge management for enterprise system success. This research in progress paper explores articles published in 8 journals during recent 11 years for knowledge management instances across ES lifecycle and categorizes these processes according to each phase of ES and knowledge management lifecycle. Subsequently presents the further analysis about gaps in the research area and under-studied fields which warrant future research

    Enterprise System Lifecycle-wide Innovation

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    Enterprise Systems purport to bring innovation to organizations. Yet, no past studies, neither from innovation nor from ES disciplines have merged their knowledge to understand how ES could facilitate lifecycle-wide innovation. Therefore, this study forms conceptual bridge between the two disciplines. In this research, we seek to understand how ES could facilitate innovation across its lifecycle phases. We associate classifications of innovation such as radical vs. incremental, administrative vs. technical innovation with the three phases of ES lifecycle. We introduce Continuous Restrained Innovation (CRI) as a new type of innovation specific to ES, considering restraints of technology, business processes and organization. Our empirical data collection at the implementation phase, using data from both the client and implementation partner, shows preliminary evidence of CRI. In addition, we state that both parties consider the implementation of ES as a radical innovation yet, are less interest in seeking further innovations through the system