451 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management Application in the Service Industry

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    Knowledge management is now considered as one of the pressing challenges in economic development related to the world of industry, studies in services and information. The adoption and implementation of knowledge management may be considered as a breakthrough factor for companies willing to integrate it in the knowledge-based economy. In service industry, knowledge management enables organizations to make in more intelligent decisions as they render services to the public. Nowadays, the foundation of new economics has shifted from natural resources to intellectual assets and top manager in service industry might be forced to focus on knowledge management which have been acknowledged as the most important resources and capability of modern firms’ achievement. Companies within this industry perform tasks that are useful to their customers. The purpose of this paper is to examine the application of information and knowledge management in the service industry. The paper discusses the concept of knowledge management as regards to service industry as well as service industry, which involves the provision of services to businesses as well as final consumers. There are three (3) main areas of knowledge management which are discussed in this paper, and they are – accumulating knowledge, storing knowledge and sharing knowledge. Importance, advantages and disadvantages of knowledge management in service industry is equally discussed, including knowledge management best practices in service industry. The paper concludes that in applying knowledge management in service industry, the key is making sure that people, particularly in top management, understand the advantages of knowledge management and what makes it usefu

    Estimating the Impact of Leadership Styles on Knowledge Management Application Strategies

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    This study analysed the influences of leadership styles on knowledge management application strategies from the perspective of managers and employees working at five stars hotels located in the capital of Jordan- Amman, the results of the study indicate that the majority of managers heavily adopted a combination of telling and selling as leadership styles and they rarely used the delegating leadership style in their attempt to apply knowledge management strategies. From the employees perspective knowledge management application strategies implies that managers should be capable for allowing to employees to determine their own organizational objectives because they are know more about their jobs than mangers, so it should allow to employees to carry out the decisions to do their jobs. Key words: leadership styles, Strategy, knowledge management application


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    Knowledge management as a process of accumulation of knowledge to improve organizational competitiveness is not only determined by the behavior of individuals and groups within the organization, strong desires and organizing also absolutely require organizational intervention to shape their desires and management. This study aims to determine and analyze the application of Knowledge Management in PT. Bank Mandiri, Tbk. This research uses a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques are done through online interviews with Bank Mandiri employees. The results of the study revealed that the Bank Mandiri in the application of knowledge management (KM) is done by integrating into the corporate culture. Bank Mandiri awards MEA to employees who have a high learning culture, so many employees are competing to learn to obtain the MEA degree, with the high level of learning the employees will increase productivity, progress for the company and have the potential to create new knowledge. In addition, Bank Mandiri has also established a learning center for training for its employees. The company provides training to its employees in accordance with the work of each employee, then at the same place employees can share their knowledge with other employees, so that knowledge distribution is spread across all units. The culture of knowledge sharing at Bank Mandiri has become a culture for each of its employees, so that knowledge can be spread quickly and directed, which in turn can lead companies to become companies that can compete in the era of globalization

    Perancangan Prototype Aplikasi Knowledge Management Pada Divisi Management Automation Information Untuk Mendukung Oracle Financial Pada Orang Tua Group

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    The purpose of this project is to design a knowledge management application as a media to document knowledge and facility that supported a knowledge sharing culture in Oracle Financial subdivision in Orang Tua Group. The researcher uses 7 first steps method which defined by Tiwana in doing knowledge management application prototype. The knowledge management prototype application modules consist of Wiki page, document library, discussion board, blog, picture library, knowledge base, help desk, frequently asked questions, and surveys. In using knowledge in knowledge base, user will get knowledge through business process, how to use the application, or how to finish some cases. Knowledge management prototype application design as a whole could fulfill user\u27s needs in sharing knowledge, but still needs continuous improvement for maximal USAge

    Analysis for the Knowledge Management application in maintenance engineering: Perception from maintenance technicians

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    [EN] Knowledge based on personal experience (tacit knowledge) acquired in problem solving actions and in maintenance actions is the fundamental basis for maintenance technicians in companies with great physical assets. Generally, there is no proper policy for managing strategic knowledge and its capture. In this article, through qualitative studies (grounded theory) and surveys conducted with technicians, the aim was to obtain the perception of the maintenance technicians' part of the companies, in order to establish the characteristics of the relation between the strategic aspects and the engineering aspects of industrial maintenance, regarding knowledge management, as well as the enablers and barriers to its application. The results show how a high level of tacit knowledge is used in this activity, which requires more time for new staff. The values obtained from this survey show that the knowledge recorded by the companies (explicit) is 51.25%, compared to the personal knowledge (tacit) of maintenance technicians regarding reliability and breakdowns. In operational/exploitational actions it is 43.90%, for energy efficiency actions it is 49.61%, and in maintenance actions (preventive, predictive, and corrective) the value is 68.78%. This shows the significant gap between the perception of recorded knowledge (explicit), and the knowledge that maintenance technicians have (tacit knowledge). All this can affect the companies, as part of the strategic knowledge is lost when a maintenance technician leaves the company.This work has been conducted within the framework of "Sistemas de mantenimiento industrial" project (Ref. 20140432) and the CONDAP project "Digital skills for workplace mentors in construction sector apprenticeships" funded by the European Commission within the Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, reference number 2018-1-UK01KA202-048122CĂĄrcel-Carrasco, J.; CĂĄrcel-Carrasco, J. (2021). Analysis for the Knowledge Management application in maintenance engineering: Perception from maintenance technicians. Applied Sciences. 11 (2)(2):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11020703S11611 (2)

    Adapting a Process Model of Initial Representation Formation to a Knowledge Management Application

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    In this paper, we posit that the process model of initial representation formation can also be used in a learning context, specifically, to determine when new decision making situations exist and how those new situations relate to prior instances when similar decisions were made. This type of learning is important in the context of knowledge management because it allows the use of information about decisions that were made in the past while working on a current decision. The literature describes how data in information systems can be used to support organizational learning (Stein and Zwass, 1995). This paper describes a model that be used to learn from the decision making process

    The Effect of Informal Training on Performance Support System Utilization

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    The problem of this study was to determine if a Performance Support System is as effective as a Performance Support System in conjunction with informal training in increasing the use of the number of features found in Microsoft Outlook \u2797, an e-mail and knowledge management application

    Organizational knowledge transfer through creation, mobilization and diffusion: A case analysis of InTouch within Schlumberger

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    There is a paucity of theory for the effective management of knowledge transfer within large organisations. Practitioners continue to rely upon ‘experimental’ approaches to address the problem. This research attempts to reduce the gap between theory and application, thereby improving conceptual clarity for the transfer of knowledge. The paper, through an in-depth case analysis conducted within Schlumberger, studies the adoption of an intranet-based knowledge management (KM) system (called InTouch) to support, strategically align and transfer knowledge resources. The investigation was undertaken through the adoption of a robust methodological approach (abductive strategy) incorporating the role of technology as an enabler of knowledge management application. Consequently, the study addressed the important question of translating theoretical benefits of KM into practical reality. The research formulates a set of theoretical propositions which are seen as key to the development of an effective knowledge based infrastructure. The findings identify 30 generic attributes that are essential to the creation, mobilisation and diffusion of organisational knowledge. The research makes a significant contribution to identifying a theoretical and empirically based agenda for successful intranet-based KM which will be of benefit to both the academic and practitioner communities. The paper also highlights and proposes important areas for further research

    Penerapan Knowledge management System Pada Perusahaan Bisnis Konsultasi PT. Piramedia Sejahtera Abadi (Red Piramid)

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    The article clarified the implementation of Knowledge Management System (KMS), analysis the benefit of implementation, and cultures the sharing knowledge on the company. The used research methods were Focus Group Discussion (FGD), information system strategy analysis, and Knowledge Management process. It can be concluded that the implementation of KMS is in high potential for the company. The selection on the implementation of Knowledge Management application on Red Piramid was based on the implication that will be happened to service and the possibility on the movement of KMS into strategic field. From the review result, it is also recommended that the use of Content Management System using intranet facility that is available on Red Piramid. Artikel menjelaskan penerapan sistem Knowledge Management System (KMS, menganalisis manfaat penerapan, dan membudayakan sharing knowledge pada perusahaan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Focus Group Discussion (FGD), analisis strategi sistem informasi, dan proses Knowledge Management. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan aplikasi KMS terdapat dalam ranah high potential. Pemilihan penerapan aplikasi pada Red Piramid didasarkan pada implikasi yang akan terjadi terhadap jasa yang akan diterapkan serta kemungkinan bergeraknya penerapan KMS ke ranah stratejik. Dari hasil penilaian tersebut direkomendasikan pula penggunaan Content Management System menggunakan fasilitas intranet yang telah tersedia di Red Piramid

    Reality of Knowledge Management Application from Faculty Members’ Perspective in Economics and Administrative Science Colleges in Sudanese Universities

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    The study aimed at investigating the level of applying knowledge management processes from faculty members’ perspective in Economics and Administrative Science colleges in Sudanese universities. The study sample consisted of (136) faculty member from (10) public and private universities in Sudan. Results showed that the application of knowledge management processes in Sudanese universities was low. Knowledge management processes domains include knowledge generation, in the first rank, followed by knowledge storage and organization, knowledge sharing and distribution and knowledge application, respectively. There are no statistically significant differences among participants due to gender, academic position and years of experience. The study recommended developing the infrastructure of Sudanese universities, affording knowledge management requirements and addressing deficits in the domains of knowledge management processes. Keywords: Knowledge Management; Sudanese Universities; Faculty Member
