6 research outputs found

    PETRA: Process Evolution using a TRAce-based system on a maintenance platform

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    To meet increasing needs in the field of maintenance, we studied the dynamic aspect of process and services on a maintenance platform, a major challenge in process mining and knowledge engineering. Hence, we propose a dynamic experience feedback approach to exploit maintenance process behaviors in real execution of the maintenance platform. An active learning process exploiting event log is introduced by taking into account the dynamic aspect of knowledge using trace engineering. Our proposal makes explicit the underlying knowledge of platform users by means of a trace-based system called “PETRA”. The goal of this system is to extract new knowledge rules about transitions and activities in maintenance processes from previous platform executions as well as its user (i.e. maintenance operators) interactions. While following a Knowledge Traces Discovery process and handling the maintenance ontology IMAMO, “PETRA” is composed of three main subsystems: tracking, learning and knowledge capitalization. The capitalized rules are shared in the platform knowledge base in order to be reused in future process executions. The feasibility of this method is proven through concrete use cases involving four maintenance processes and their simulation

    Pervasive business intelligence: a marketing intelligence framework proposal

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    Doctoral Thesis in Information Systems and Technologies Area of Information Systems and TechnologyNos últimos anos, o crescimento mundial desacelarou, os mercados têm amadurecido e tornaram-se mais competitivos. O impacto da computação nas organizações fez das tecnologias da informação um elemento estratégico para a aquisição e manutenção da vantagem competitiva, dependendo estas dos sistemas e ferramentas de Business Intelligence (BI). Hoje, a importância estratégica da informação é fundamental para as organizações. Com a intensificação da concorrência entre as empresas em mercados abertos e muitas vezes saturados, as empresas devem aprender a conhecerem-se a si mesmas e ao mercado, através da recolha e análise de informação de qualidade. A informação estratégica é vista como um recurso fundamental para o sucesso do negócio, a qual é fornecida pelos sistemas de Marketing Intelligence (MKTI). O MKTI é um processo complexo que vai desde a recolha de dados do ambiente competitivo das organizações, ás informações criadas para auxiliar a tomada de decisões de gestão e a estratégia de marketing. Uma estratégia de negócio bem-sucedida requer uma tomada de consciência do ambiente interno e externo das organizações, incluindo clientes, concorrentes, a estrutura da indústria e as forças competitivas. A gestão do futuro não significa apenas ser capaz de antecipar o que vai acontecer fora da organização, mas também ser capaz de representar os eventos através das suas próprias ações. Com base na revisão de literatura realizada no âmbito do Business Intelligence e áreas relacionadas, os objetivos e motivação para esta tese foram identificados, permitindo a escolha do tema desta. Apercebemo-nos da inexistência de literatura e estudos suficientes, sobre questões relacionadas com o Pervasive Business Intelligence (PBI) e Marketing Intelligence, e assim o problema de investigação foi identificado, considerando as necessidades dos gestores de marketing na obtenção de informações de apoio à decisão em tempo útil, permitindolhes ser proactivos e enfrentar a concorrência, alavancados pelas capacidades dos sistemas e ferramentas de PBI, que permitem que os sistemas de BI cheguem a todos os níveis da organização, no momento certo e com as informações necessárias. O objetivo deste estudo é desenvolver um framework conceptual para auxiliar os marketers no processo de tomada de decisão, alavancado por várias tecnologias, estratégias e recursos para uma inovação sustentável. Pretende-se integrar os processos de MKTI em sistemas Pervasive Business Intelligence através do desenvolvimento de um framework com o objetivo de auxiliar na recolha e pré-processamento de dados e sua divulgação de forma sistemática, a fim de auxiliar os marketers na tomada de decisões. O framework proposto foi avaliado por um painel de especialistas, tendo sido aplicada a metodologia Delphi na aferição deste. Esperamos que esta pesquisa possa ser considerado como um contributo para uma melhor compreensão da aplicação da MKTI em sistemas PBI, possibilitando ás organizações alcançar e manter uma vantagem competitiva sustentável.In recent years world growth slowed, markets have matured and become more competitive. The impact of computing in organizations made information technology a strategic element for the acquisition and maintenance of competitive advantage, as those dependent on Business Intelligence systems (BI) and tools. Today the strategic significance of information is fundamental to organizations. With the intensification of competition between companies in open markets and often saturated, companies must learn to know themselves and to the market through the collection and analysis of quality information. The strategic information is seen as a key resource for success in the business, which is provided by Marketing Intelligence (MKTI). MKTI is a complex process that goes from the collection of data from the organizations competitive environment, to the information generated to assist management decision making and strategic marketing. A successful business strategy requires an awareness of the internal and external environment of organizations, including customers, competitors, industry structure and competitive forces. Managing the future means not only be able to anticipate what will happen outside the organization, but also be able to represent the events through their own actions. Based on the a literature review, carried under the Business Intelligence and related areas, objectives and motivation have been identified, allowing the thesis theme choice. We realize the lack of sufficient literature and studies on issues related to Pervasive Business Intelligence (PBI) and Marketing Intelligence, and thus the research problem was identified considering the needs of marketers to have information to support timely decision, allowing them to be proactive and face competition, leveraged by the capabilities of PBI systems and tools, that enable BI systems reach all levels of the organization, at the right time and with the necessary information. The objective of this research is to develop a conceptual framework to assist marketers in decision making process, leveraging various technologies, strategies, and resources for sustainable innovation. We intended integrate the processes of MKTI in PBI system through the development of a framework with the objective of assisting in the collection and pre-processing of information and its dissemination systematically, in order to assist marketers in decision making.. The proposed framework was evaluated by a expert panel, for that, it was applied the Delphi methodology to assess the framework. We hope that this research will be considered as a contribution to a better understanding of the application of MKTI in PBI systems, which will enable organizations can achieve and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage

    Ανάλυση καινοτομικής συμπεριφοράς ελληνικών επιχειρήσεων περιόδου 1994-1998

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    Παρατηρήσεις έκδοσης: παρουσιάζεται μερική απώλεια περιεχομένου λόγου βιβλιοδεσίας.Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται ζητήματα τα οποία σχετίζονται με την καινοτομική συμπεριφορά των ελληνικών επιχειρήσεων. Στην σύγχρονη οικονομία της γνώσης, η έννοια της καινοτομίας βρίσκεται στην καρδιά της επιχειρηματικής λειτουργίας. Μια σειρά ζητημάτων, όπως η οικονομική μεγέθυνση και η αύξηση της απασχόλησης συνδέονται με την καινοτόμα λειτουργία των επιχειρήσεων. Εύλογα λοιπόν, η καινοτομία ενδιαφέρει τις επιχειρήσεις και τους φορείς που χαράζουν στρατηγική και σχεδιάζουν και υλοποιούν πολιτικές για την οικονομία. Η προσέγγιση αυτών των ζητημάτων έγινε από δύο δρόμους, συμπληρωματικούς μεταξύ τους. Αρχικά διερευνήσαμε την διεθνή βιβλιογραφία και σκιαγραφήσαμε την σχέση ανάμεσα στις επιχειρήσεις και σε μια σειρά ζητημάτων που σχετίζονται με την καινοτομία. Η έμφαση δόθηκε στις μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις, καθώς αυτές αποτελούν τον κύριο κορμό των ελληνικών επιχειρήσεων. Ακολούθως, χρησιμοποιήσαμε τα αποτελέσματα μιας έρευνας που έγινε για λογαριασμό της Γενικής Γραμματείας Έρευνας & Τεχνολογίας, στα πλαίσια της 1ης και 2ης Κοινοτικής Απογραφής για την Καινοτομία, μέσω της οποίας μετρήθηκαν στοιχεία καινοτομικότητας των ελληνικών επιχειρήσεων για την περίοδο 1994 έως 1998. Επεξεργαστήκαμε στατιστικά τα αποτελέσματα αυτά και αποτυπώσαμε μια καθαρότερη εικόνα της σχέσης ανάμεσα στην καινοτομία και τις ελληνικές επιχειρήσεις όπως αυτή διαγράφεται μέσα από την συμπεριφορά τους. Τα συμπεράσματα που προκύπτουν κινούνται στην κατεύθυνση του προσδιορισμού των αλλαγών που πρέπει να γίνουν, τόσο από τις επιχειρήσεις όσο και από την πολιτεία, ώστε να μεταβληθεί και η νοοτροπία των επιχειρήσεων και ο τρόπος με τον οποίο το κράτος χαράζει πολιτική για τις επιχειρήσεις. Ως επακόλουθο των προηγουμένων προτείνονται διάφορα πεδία έρευνας ώστε να προσδιορισθούν οι πραγματικές ανάγκες και απαιτήσεις των ελληνικών επιχειρήσεων και να σχεδιασθούν τα κατάλληλα εργαλεία χάραξης και υλοποίησης πολιτικής

    Statistical modelling applied to perceptions of fraud

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    This study aims to investigate and identify attitudes, behaviours and perceptions harboured by bank cardholders and merchants, which are associated with a higher susceptibility towards experiencing bank card fraud. Primary data was obtained from bank cardholders and merchants, from various business categories, in both the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality and the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality. Following the use of parametric Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR) and nonparametric conditional density estimation to analyse the data, the results are compared and relevant covariates/perceptions are determined from the more accurate of the two techniques. The results of the analysed survey data serve as a tool, highlighting areas which require further education and awareness on the part of merchants and bank clients

    A requirements elicitation framework for agent-oriented software engineering.

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    The hypothesis of this research is as follows: "Conceptual modelling is a useful activity for the early part of gathering requirements for agent-based systems." This thesis examines the difficulties of gathering and expressing requirements for agent based systems, and describes the development of a requirements elicitation framework. Conceptual modelling in the form of Conceptual Graphs is offered as a means of representing the constituent parts of an agent-based system. In particular, use of a specific graph, the Transaction Model, illustrates how complex agent concepts can be modelled and tested prior to detailed design specification, by utilising a design metaphor for an organisational activity.Using an exemplar in the healthcare domain, a preliminary design framework is developed showing how the Transaction Agent Modelling (TrAM) approach assisted the design of complex community healthcare payment models. Insight gained during the design process is used to enrich and refine the framework in order that detailed ontological specifications can be constructed, before validating with a mobile learning scenario. The ensuing discussion evaluates how useful the approach is, and demonstrates the following contributions: Use of the Transaction Model to impose a rigour upon the requirements elicitation process for agent-based systems; Use of Conceptual Graph type hierarchies for ontology construction; A means to check the transaction models using graphical inferencing with Peirce Logic; Provision of a method for the elicitation and decomposition of soft goals; The TrAM process for agent system requirements elicitation