2,899 research outputs found

    On the Structure and Complexity of Rational Sets of Regular Languages

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    In a recent thread of papers, we have introduced FQL, a precise specification language for test coverage, and developed the test case generation engine FShell for ANSI C. In essence, an FQL test specification amounts to a set of regular languages, each of which has to be matched by at least one test execution. To describe such sets of regular languages, the FQL semantics uses an automata-theoretic concept known as rational sets of regular languages (RSRLs). RSRLs are automata whose alphabet consists of regular expressions. Thus, the language accepted by the automaton is a set of regular expressions. In this paper, we study RSRLs from a theoretic point of view. More specifically, we analyze RSRL closure properties under common set theoretic operations, and the complexity of membership checking, i.e., whether a regular language is an element of a RSRL. For all questions we investigate both the general case and the case of finite sets of regular languages. Although a few properties are left as open problems, the paper provides a systematic semantic foundation for the test specification language FQL

    Symbolic Algorithms for Language Equivalence and Kleene Algebra with Tests

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    We first propose algorithms for checking language equivalence of finite automata over a large alphabet. We use symbolic automata, where the transition function is compactly represented using a (multi-terminal) binary decision diagrams (BDD). The key idea consists in computing a bisimulation by exploring reachable pairs symbolically, so as to avoid redundancies. This idea can be combined with already existing optimisations, and we show in particular a nice integration with the disjoint sets forest data-structure from Hopcroft and Karp's standard algorithm. Then we consider Kleene algebra with tests (KAT), an algebraic theory that can be used for verification in various domains ranging from compiler optimisation to network programming analysis. This theory is decidable by reduction to language equivalence of automata on guarded strings, a particular kind of automata that have exponentially large alphabets. We propose several methods allowing to construct symbolic automata out of KAT expressions, based either on Brzozowski's derivatives or standard automata constructions. All in all, this results in efficient algorithms for deciding equivalence of KAT expressions

    Time-Bounded Controlled Bidirectional Grammars

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    We study regularly controlled bidirectional (RCB) grammars from the viewpoint of time-bounded grammars. RCB-grammars are context-free grammars of which the rules can be used in a productive and in a reductive fashion, while the application of these rules is controlled by a regular language. Several modes of derivation can be distinguished for this kind of grammar. A time-bound on such a grammar is a measure of its derivational complexity. For some families of time bounds and for some modes of derivation we establish closure properties and a normal form theorem. In addition parsing algorithms are given for some modes of derivation. We conclude with considering generalizations with respect to the family of control languages and the family of bounding functions

    Controlled Bidirectional Grammars

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    We investigate context-free grammars the rules of which can be used in a productive and in a reductive fashion, while the application of these rules is controlled by a regular language. We distinguish several modes of derivation for this kind of grammar. The resulting language families (properly) extend the family of context-free languages. We establish some closure properties of these language families and some grammatical transformations which yield a few normal forms for this type of grammar. Finally, we consider some special cases (viz. the context-free grammar is linear or left-linear), and generalizations, in particular, the use of arbitrary rather than regular control languages

    History-Register Automata

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    Programs with dynamic allocation are able to create and use an unbounded number of fresh resources, such as references, objects, files, etc. We propose History-Register Automata (HRA), a new automata-theoretic formalism for modelling such programs. HRAs extend the expressiveness of previous approaches and bring us to the limits of decidability for reachability checks. The distinctive feature of our machines is their use of unbounded memory sets (histories) where input symbols can be selectively stored and compared with symbols to follow. In addition, stored symbols can be consumed or deleted by reset. We show that the combination of consumption and reset capabilities renders the automata powerful enough to imitate counter machines, and yields closure under all regular operations apart from complementation. We moreover examine weaker notions of HRAs which strike different balances between expressiveness and effectiveness.Comment: LMCS (improved version of FoSSaCS

    Analyzing Catastrophic Backtracking Behavior in Practical Regular Expression Matching

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    We develop a formal perspective on how regular expression matching works in Java, a popular representative of the category of regex-directed matching engines. In particular, we define an automata model which captures all the aspects needed to study such matching engines in a formal way. Based on this, we propose two types of static analysis, which take a regular expression and tell whether there exists a family of strings which makes Java-style matching run in exponential time.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2014, arXiv:1405.527

    Infinitary Tableau for Semantic Truth

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    Acknowledgements I would like to thank Philip Welch for his assistance and acknowledge the late Greg Hjorth for the time he spent in helping me learn how to use the tools used in the paper. I would also like to thank Hannes Leitgeb for giving me the opportunity to present this material and for providing me with valuable feedback. And I would like to thank Benedict Eastaugh and Marcus Holland for helping make the final sections of this paper more accessible in the way it was intended.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Modularizing the Elimination of r=0 in Kleene Algebra

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    Given a universal Horn formula of Kleene algebra with hypotheses of the form r = 0, it is already known that we can efficiently construct an equation which is valid if and only if the Horn formula is valid. This is an example of elimination of hypotheses, which is useful because the equational theory of Kleene algebra is decidable while the universal Horn theory is not. We show that hypotheses of the form r = 0 can still be eliminated in the presence of other hypotheses. This lets us extend any technique for eliminating hypotheses to include hypotheses of the form r = 0

    Controlled Rewriting Using Productions and Reductions

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    We investigate context-free grammars the rules of which can be used in a productive and in a reductive fashion, while the application of these rules is controlled by a regular language. We distinguish several modes of derivation for this kind of grammar. The resulting language families (properly) extend the family of context-free languages. We establish some closure properties of these language families and some grammatical transformations which yield a few normal forms for this type of grammar. Finally, we consider some special cases (viz. the context-free grammar is linear or left-linear), and generalizations, in particular, the use of arbitrary rather than regular control languages