594 research outputs found

    Heme pathway evolution in kinetoplastid protists

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    Обнаружение свободноживущих кинетопластид (Protista, Euglenozoa, Kinetoplastea) в малом водоеме г. Житомира

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    Приведены сведения о нахождении на территории г. Житомира 4 видов свободноживущих кинетопластид, а также даные о морфологических особенностях находок и оригинальные рисунки

    Inventory and Evolution of Mitochondrion-localized Family A DNA Polymerases in Euglenozoa

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    The order Trypanosomatida has been well studied due to its pathogenicity and the unique biology of the mitochondrion. In Trypanosoma brucei, four DNA polymerases, namely PolIA, PolIB, PolIC, and PolID, related to bacterial DNA polymerase I (PolI), were shown to be localized in mitochondria experimentally. These mitochondrion-localized DNA polymerases are phylogenetically distinct from other family A DNA polymerases, such as bacterial PolI, DNA polymerase gamma (Polγ) in human and yeasts, “plant and protist organellar DNA polymerase (POP)” in diverse eukaryotes. However, the diversity of mitochondrion-localized DNA polymerases in Euglenozoa other than Trypanosomatida is poorly understood. In this study, we discovered putative mitochondrion-localized DNA polymerases in broad members of three major classes of Euglenozoa—Kinetoplastea, Diplonemea, and Euglenida—to explore the origin and evolution of trypanosomatid PolIA-D. We unveiled distinct inventories of mitochondrion-localized DNA polymerases in the three classes: (1) PolIA is ubiquitous across the three euglenozoan classes, (2) PolIB, C, and D are restricted in kinetoplastids, (3) new types of mitochondrion-localized DNA polymerases were identified in a prokinetoplastid and diplonemids, and (4) evolutionarily distinct types of POP were found in euglenids. We finally propose scenarios to explain the inventories of mitochondrion-localized DNA polymerases in Kinetoplastea, Diplonemea, and Euglenida

    Swimming eukaryotic microorganisms exhibit a universal speed distribution.

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    One approach to quantifying biological diversity consists of characterizing the statistical distribution of specific properties of a taxonomic group or habitat. Microorganisms living in fluid environments, and for whom motility is key, exploit propulsion resulting from a rich variety of shapes, forms, and swimming strategies. Here, we explore the variability of swimming speed for unicellular eukaryotes based on published data. The data naturally partitions into that from flagellates (with a small number of flagella) and from ciliates (with tens or more). Despite the morphological and size differences between these groups, each of the two probability distributions of swimming speed are accurately represented by log-normal distributions, with good agreement holding even to fourth moments. Scaling of the distributions by a characteristic speed for each data set leads to a collapse onto an apparently universal distribution. These results suggest a universal way for ecological niches to be populated by abundant microorganisms.This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement 682754 to EL), and from Established Career Fellowship EP/M017982/1 from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and Grant 7523 from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (REG)

    Mitochondrial genome maintenance - the kinetoplast story.

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    Mitochondrial DNA replication is an essential process in most eukaryotes. Similar to the diversity in mitochondrial genome size and organization in the different eukaryotic supergroups, there is considerable diversity in the replication process of the mitochondrial DNA. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of mitochondrial DNA replication and the associated factors in trypanosomes with a focus on Trypanosoma brucei, and provide a new model of minicircle replication for this protozoan parasite. The model assumes the mitochondrial DNA (kinetoplast DNA, kDNA) of T. brucei to be loosely diploid in nature and the replication of the genome to occur at two replication centers at the opposing ends of the kDNA disc (also known as antipodal sites, APS). The new model is consistent with the localization of most replication factors and in contrast to the current model, it does not require the assumption of an unknown sorting and transport complex moving freshly replicated DNA to the antipodal sites. In combination with the previously proposed sexual stages of the parasite in the insect vector, the new model provides a mechanism for maintenance of the mitochondrial genetic diversity

    Kinetoplastid Phylogenomics and Evolution

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    This Special Issue, Kinetoplastid Phylogenomics and Evolution, unites a series of research and review papers related to kinetoplastid parasites. The diverse topics represented in this collection display a variety of scientific questions and methodological approaches currently used to study these fascinating organisms

    Eukaryote-to-eukaryote gene transfer gives rise to genome mosaicism in euglenids

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Euglenophytes are a group of photosynthetic flagellates possessing a plastid derived from a green algal endosymbiont, which was incorporated into an ancestral host cell via secondary endosymbiosis. However, the impact of endosymbiosis on the euglenophyte nuclear genome is not fully understood due to its complex nature as a 'hybrid' of a non-photosynthetic host cell and a secondary endosymbiont.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed an EST dataset of the model euglenophyte <it>Euglena gracilis </it>using a gene mining program designed to detect laterally transferred genes. We found <it>E. gracilis </it>genes showing affinity not only with green algae, from which the secondary plastid in euglenophytes evolved, but also red algae and/or secondary algae containing red algal-derived plastids. Phylogenetic analyses of these 'red lineage' genes suggest that <it>E. gracilis </it>acquired at least 14 genes via eukaryote-to-eukaryote lateral gene transfer from algal sources other than the green algal endosymbiont that gave rise to its current plastid. We constructed an EST library of the aplastidic euglenid <it>Peranema trichophorum</it>, which is a eukaryovorous relative of euglenophytes, and also identified 'red lineage' genes in its genome.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data show genome mosaicism in <it>E. gracilis </it>and <it>P. trichophorum</it>. One possible explanation for the presence of these genes in these organisms is that some or all of them were independently acquired by lateral gene transfer and contributed to the successful integration and functioning of the green algal endosymbiont as a secondary plastid. Alternative hypotheses include the presence of a phagocytosed alga as the single source of those genes, or a cryptic tertiary endosymbiont harboring secondary plastid of red algal origin, which the eukaryovorous ancestor of euglenophytes had acquired prior to the secondary endosymbiosis of a green alga.</p

    New phagotrophic euglenoid species (new genus Decastava; Scytomonas saepesedens; Entosiphon oblongum), Hsp90 introns, and putative euglenoid Hsp90 pre-mRNA insertional editing

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    We describe three new phagotrophic euglenoid species by light microscopy and 18S rDNA and Hsp90 sequencing: Scytomonas saepesedens; Decastava edaphica; Entosiphon oblongum. We studied Scytomonas and Decastava ultrastructure. Scytomonas saepesedens feeds when sessile with actively beating cilium, and has five pellicular strips with flush joints and Calycimonas-like microtubule-supported cytopharynx. Decastava, sister to Keelungia forming new clade Decastavida on 18S rDNA trees, has 10 broad strips with cusp-like joints, not bifurcate ridges like Ploeotia and Serpenomonas (phylogenetically and cytologically distinct genera), and Serpenomonas-like feeding apparatus (8–9 unreinforced microtubule pairs loop from dorsal jaw support to cytostome). Hsp90 and 18S rDNA trees group Scytomonas with Petalomonas and show Entosiphon as the earliest euglenoid branch. Basal euglenoids have rigid longitudinal strips; derived clade Spirocuta has spiral often slideable strips. Decastava Hsp90 genes have introns. Decastava/Entosiphon Hsp90 frameshifts imply insertional RNA editing. Petalomonas is too heterogeneous in pellicle structure for one genus; we retain Scytomonas (sometimes lumped with it) and segregate four former Petalomonas as new genus Biundula with pellicle cross section showing 2–8 smooth undulations and typified by Biundula (=Petalomonas) sphagnophila comb. n. Our taxon-rich site-heterogeneous rDNA trees confirm that Heteronema is excessively heterogeneous; therefore we establish new genus Teloprocta for Heteronema scaphurum