929 research outputs found

    Emerging Techniques in Breast MRI

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    As indicated throughout this chapter, there is a constant effort to move to more sensitive, specific, and quantitative methods for characterizing breast tissue via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the present chapter, we focus on six emerging techniques that seek to quantitatively interrogate the physiological and biochemical properties of the breast. At the physiological scale, we present an overview of ultrafast dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and magnetic resonance elastography which provide remarkable insights into the vascular and mechanical properties of tissue, respectively. Moving to the biochemical scale, magnetization transfer, chemical exchange saturation transfer, and spectroscopy (both “conventional” and hyperpolarized) methods all provide unique, noninvasive, insights into tumor metabolism. Given the breadth and depth of information that can be obtained in a single MRI session, methods of data synthesis and interpretation must also be developed. Thus, we conclude the chapter with an introduction to two very different, though complementary, methods of data analysis: (1) radiomics and habitat imaging, and (2) mechanism-based mathematical modeling

    Oncology and mechanics: landmark studies and promising clinical applications

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    Clinical management of cancer has continuously evolved for several decades. Biochemical, molecular and genomics approaches have brought and still bring numerous insights into cancerous diseases. It is now accepted that some phenomena, allowed by favorable biological conditions, emerge via mechanical signaling at the cellular scale and via mechanical forces at the macroscale. Mechanical phenomena in cancer have been studied in-depth over the last decades, and their clinical applications are starting to be understood. If numerous models and experimental setups have been proposed, only a few have led to clinical applications. The objective of this contribution is to propose to review a large scope of mechanical findings which have consequences on the clinical management of cancer. This review is mainly addressed to doctoral candidates in mechanics and applied mathematics who are faced with the challenge of the mechanics-based modeling of cancer with the aim of clinical applications. We show that the collaboration of the biological and mechanical approaches has led to promising advances in terms of modeling, experimental design and therapeutic targets. Additionally, a specific focus is brought on imaging-informed mechanics-based models, which we believe can further the development of new therapeutic targets and the advent of personalized medicine. We study in detail several successful workflows on patient-specific targeted therapies based on mechanistic modeling

    A Multidisciplinary Hyper-Modeling Scheme in Personalized In Silico Oncology: Coupling Cell Kinetics with Metabolism, Signaling Networks, and Biomechanics as Plug-In Component Models of a Cancer Digital Twin

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    The massive amount of human biological, imaging, and clinical data produced by multiple and diverse sources necessitates integrative modeling approaches able to summarize all this information into answers to specific clinical questions. In this paper, we present a hypermodeling scheme able to combine models of diverse cancer aspects regardless of their underlying method or scale. Describing tissue-scale cancer cell proliferation, biomechanical tumor growth, nutrient transport, genomic-scale aberrant cancer cell metabolism, and cell-signaling pathways that regulate the cellular response to therapy, the hypermodel integrates mutation, miRNA expression, imaging, and clinical data. The constituting hypomodels, as well as their orchestration and links, are described. Two specific cancer types, Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma) and non-small cell lung cancer, are addressed as proof-of-concept study cases. Personalized simulations of the actual anatomy of a patient have been conducted. The hypermodel has also been applied to predict tumor control after radiotherapy and the relationship between tumor proliferative activity and response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Our innovative hypermodel holds promise as a digital twin-based clinical decision support system and as the core of future in silico trial platforms, although additional retrospective adaptation and validation are necessary

    A Multidisciplinary Hyper-Modeling Scheme in Personalized In Silico Oncology: Coupling Cell Kinetics with Metabolism, Signaling Networks, and Biomechanics as Plug-In Component Models of a Cancer Digital Twin.

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    The massive amount of human biological, imaging, and clinical data produced by multiple and diverse sources necessitates integrative modeling approaches able to summarize all this information into answers to specific clinical questions. In this paper, we present a hypermodeling scheme able to combine models of diverse cancer aspects regardless of their underlying method or scale. Describing tissue-scale cancer cell proliferation, biomechanical tumor growth, nutrient transport, genomic-scale aberrant cancer cell metabolism, and cell-signaling pathways that regulate the cellular response to therapy, the hypermodel integrates mutation, miRNA expression, imaging, and clinical data. The constituting hypomodels, as well as their orchestration and links, are described. Two specific cancer types, Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma) and non-small cell lung cancer, are addressed as proof-of-concept study cases. Personalized simulations of the actual anatomy of a patient have been conducted. The hypermodel has also been applied to predict tumor control after radiotherapy and the relationship between tumor proliferative activity and response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Our innovative hypermodel holds promise as a digital twin-based clinical decision support system and as the core of future in silico trial platforms, although additional retrospective adaptation and validation are necessary