6 research outputs found

    Physically Interactive Robogames: Definition and Design Guidelines

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    There is evidence that people expects to be able to play games with autonomous robots, so that robogames could be one of the next killer ap- plications for Robotics. Physically Interactive RoboGames (PIRG) is a new application field where autonomous robots are involved in games requiring physical interaction with people. Since research in this field is moving its first steps, definitions and design guidelines are still largely missing. n this paper, a definition for PIRG is proposed, together with guidelines for their design. Physically Interactive, Competitive RoboGames (PICoRG) are also introduced. They are a particular kind of PIRG where human players are involved in a challenging, highly interactive and competitive game activity with autonomous robots. The development process of a PICoRG, Jedi Trainer , is presented to show a practical application of the proposed guidelines. The game has been successfully played in different unstructured environments, by general public; feedback is reported and analysed

    Robotic Table Football

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je návrh robotického fotbalu s realizací konstrukce a řízení jedné osy stolního fotbalu. V úvodu jsou popsána dosud vyvinutá řešení. Další kapitoly popisují výběr hracího stolu a specifikaci lineárního, rotačního motoru. Jsou zde uvedeny konstrukční vize s umístěním zvolených komponent spolu s návrhem umístění senzorického systému pro detekci míčku. V závěru konstrukční části je specifikace a řešení umístění bezpečnostních prvků. Programovací část práce zahrnuje implementaci komunikačního rozhraní pro použití dat z řídícího algoritmu robotického fotbalu.The aim of this diploma thesis is the design of robotic table football with the realization of the construction and control a single axis of table football. In introduction are described previously developed solutions. Next chapters contain a selection of specific gaming table and specification of linear, rotary motor. There are presented design visions with the placement of selected component together with proposal location of sensor system for ball detection. In the end of design section is specification and solution of placement safety features. The programming part of the thesis involves the implementation of a communication interface for data processing from the control algorithm of robotic table football.

    Automated Foosball Table

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    This project is the second iteration of an automated foosball table for Yaskawa America as a trade show display. The table is meant to provide an interactive experience which highlights the speed and precision of the Yaskawa hardware. The first iteration of the project was mainly focused on creating the physical hardware for the system and to begin the basic programming for the system. This phase of the project was focused on finalizing the physical hardware of the system, implementing the vision system and to continue the basic programing of the system AI. A third team will be assigned to bring the project to completion by fully implementing the AI system and making any required changes to the physical hardware which are required. The automated Foosball system is comprised of two major system elements. The first element is the motor cabinet, which houses the PLC, motors and amplifiers used to actuate the system. It also acts as a display case for the motors system. The other major element is the foosball table itself, which is comprised of several subsystem components. The foosball table system contains a vision arch which houses the vision system, a playfield cover which prevents users from injury, and a roof which blocks direct lighting on the table. Several hardware components were created or modified during this phase of the project. The roof structure was designed and built complete this quarter, as were brackets which connected the motor cabinet and foosball table. A gap cover was also designed and built to cover an exposed portion of the motor cabinet. While not fully completed, the hardware used in the safety system has been begun and should be completed by the future team. The scoring system for the table was also approached during this phase of the project, and it was concluded that the current scoreboard should be redesigned. The original vision system started by the first team was found to be insufficient to meet the requirements of the foosball system. To simplify the process of creating the vision system, a Cognex Insight 7400 camera system was donate d to the project by Cognex. This camera system was found to be sufficient to meet the minimum requirements of the project with relatively little work. Future teams should focus on improving the frame rate of the vision system. The AI program developed during this phase is working and playable, though it is relatively crude. Future iterations of the AI program should use sequential function charts to organize the program and predictive play should be implemented. More sophisticated play strategies can also be implemented to improve the playability of the system

    World Models for Robust Robotic Systems

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    Centralized learning and planning : for cognitive robots operating in human domains

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