33 research outputs found

    Factors influencing the adoption of m-commerce: a literature review

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    Mobile Commerce also known as M-commerce is thought to be the next big phase in technologically dependent society after following E-commerce era. Mobile commerce has been a huge success in terms of individuals’ adoption in some markets like Japan, while, surprisingly, not as flourishing in others. Many studies have been conducted using traditional adoption models and theories (such as TAM) that mainly focus on technology aspects. A more complete understanding of the issue requires the need to integrate. This study aims to identify some factors from the current literature that impact the adoption of M-commerce. Based on the literature this study develops Mcommerce adoption framework. The contribution of this research is a framework for representing the factors that influence mobile commerce adoption

    Електронна комерція у теоретичному полі соціології

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    У статті розглянуто окремі проблеми соціологічної концептуалізації електронної комерції як соціального феномену, що набуває ваги в сучасному глобалізованому суспільстві. Звернено увагу на низку підходів, які пропонуються до розгляду новітніх соціальних феноменів у межах економічної соціології. Серед задекларованих підходів особливе місце в аналізі електронної комерції посідає ринковий, що включає в себе низку дискурсів: неоінституціональний, соціокультурний, феноменологічний. Доповненням до цих теоретичних концептів при аналізі електронної комерції є концептуальні положення, опрацьовані в межах теорії інформаційного суспільства: концепції мережевого суспільства М. Кастельса, суперіндустріального суспільства Е. Тоффлера. Продуктивними з точки зору соціологічного аналізу електронної комерції авторами статті розглядаються положення теорій, що пов’язані з розвитком цифрового суспільства: концепції четвертої промислової революції К. Шваба і нової економіки (концепція повної або часткової електронної комерції Turban, Outland, King et al.)

    Exploring Mobile Peer-to-Peer Payment Adoption: The Effects of SNS and Native Mobile Banking Apps Usage

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    Mobile payments have been adopted as an essential payment channel due to the proliferation of mobile phones and mobile e-commerce. Mobile peer-to-peer (P2P) payment applications, on the other hand, is still in its infancy and have yet to see mass adoption. This study aims to explore the factors that influence the adoption of such mobile P2P payment applications by using a large scale data set based on users’ mobile application usage behaviors. The main initial findings reveal that the length of the session of traditional bank application usage significantly influences the adoption of mobile P2P payment applications. In addition, the amount of social network service applications used positively impacted one’s adoption of mobile P2P payment applications. These findings have important theoretical and practical implications for stakeholders of mobile P2P payment solution providers as well as intermediaries/banks who provide their own payment applications to their customers

    Eficiencia en la venta electrónica del turismo: una aproximación al “mobile” como nuevo canal de ventas

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    La realidad que vivimos día a día no puede pasar desapercibida ante la presencia de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs); tanto es así que en algunos casos están llevando al cambio del paradigma de negocio tradicional, o en su caso, directamente está teniendo lugar la creación de empresas con base tecnológica. En este sentido, el turismo se encuadra como sector puntero, no sólo en nuestro país, sino en el resto del mundo, tal cual nos indica la Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT). Esta situación nos lleva a analizar el espectro en el que nos movemos, qué herramientas son empleadas en la comercialización electrónica del turismo y como deben ser utilizadas éstas para su máximo rendimiento. Son muchas las empresas turísticas españolas que se engancharon al carro del comercio electrónico (e-commerce), y no habiendo consumado esta fase de adaptación, el mobilecommerce (m-commerce) comienza a invadir nuestro país, con importantes niveles de éxito contrastado en países como Reino Unido y Japón. Es por ello, que nos vemos inducidos no sólo a estudiar lo que ha ocurrido y está ocurriendo en el e-commerce, sino también a trabajar a fondo sobre la realidad del mobile como un potente instrumento de venta en el sector turístico.The reality we live day to day cannot go unnoticed in the presence of the Technologies of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), so much so that in some cases those ones are leading the traditional business paradigm, or in any case, it has taken place the directly creation of technology-based businesses. In this sense, tourism is considered as a leading sector, not only in our country, but throughout the world, as it is indicatedbythe World Tourism Organization (WTO). This situation moves us to analyze the spectrum in which we move, what tools are used in the tourism electronic marketing and how these should be used for maximum performance. Many Spanish tourism companies adopted the electronic commerce (e-commerce) model, but without have finished this adaptation phase the mobile commerce (m-commerce) began to invade our country, with significant levels of success in countries as United Kingdom and Japan. This reason we are studying what has happened and is happening in e-commerce, and work very hard about mobile as a powerful sales tool in the tourism sector

    The Success of B2C Mobile Commerce: Adoption factors and Value propositions for Companies

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    La literatura ha analizado ampliamente los factores que afectan a la adopción del comercio móvil (CM) por parte de los consumidores. Sin embargo, no ha abordado de la misma manera las propuestas de valor que el empresario puede incorporar a su oferta comercial, derivadas de las características propias del canal. Para ello, este trabajo resulta original al desarrollar una visión integradora que aborda la relación B2C en el comercio móvil. En esta línea, el objetivo de este trabajo es definir propuestas de valor basadas en la tecnología móvil incluyendo los factores involucrados en el éxito del comercio móvil desde el punto de vista del consumidor. Para conseguir este objetivo, se utiliza información secundaria y se hace una extensa revisión de la literatura que permite hacer una clasificación de las diferentes propuestas de valor sugeridas en la literatura. El estudio muestra una recopilación de los factores que favorecen la adopción del comercio móvil desde el punto de vista del consumidor, y los relaciona con seis tipos de proposiciones de valor sobre las que las empresas interesadas en la venta por móvil pueden articular su negocio para lograr que el consumidor adopte este tipo de compra.The literature has extensively analysed the factors affecting the adoption of this shopping channel by consumers. However, literature has not deepened in the same way on the value propositions that the firm can incorporate into its offerings including mobile phone characteristics as a channel. In order to contribute to marketing literature, we have developed a comprehensive view that addresses the B2C relationship in mobile commerce. In this line, the aim of this study is to determine the value propositions based on mobile technology including the factors involved in the success of mobile commerce from the consumer ‘s point of view. To achieve this purpose, we used secondary information and did an extensive review of the literature to classify different proposition of value in the mobile commerce literature. As a result, this study includes several factors that favour the adoption of mobile commerce from the point of view of consumers and put a special emphasis on the offering of six types of value propositions on which companies interested in mobile selling can articulate their business to make consumers adopt this type of purchase finally.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) [número de referencia ECO2014-53060-R

    The College Students’ Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile Reading Apps in Sichuan, China

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the college students’ behavioral intention to use mobile reading applications in Sichuan, China. The key variables include perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived value, perceived enjoyment, attitude, social influence, and behavioral intention. Research design, data, and methodology: The target population is 500 students from three universities in Sichuan. The quantitative research method used in this study was based on a questionnaire. The sampling technique contains judgmental, stratified random and convenience sampling. The content validity was confirmed by the index of item-objective congruence (IOC). The pilot test involves 50 participants to ensure reliability by Cronbach’s alpha. The data were analyzed by Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Structural equation modeling (SEM). Results: The social influence presented the strongest effect on behavioral intention and proved that attitude directly influenced behavioral intention. The significant influences that support attitude are perceived ease of use, usefulness, value, and enjoyment. Conclusions: The research can help developers to develop effective mobile reading apps related to excellent traditional Chinese cultural knowledge. Educators can promote the dissemination of excellent traditional Chinese cultural knowledge can consider improving the influence of mobile phone reading content and software in society to help college students improve their learning efficiency

    Towards a Theoretical Framework of Acceptance of Virtual Reality Technology: Evidence from 360-Video Concert

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    We examine the use of 360-degree video technology in a live music event with the aim to explore the factors leading to acceptance of the VR use case and technology, to reduce the knowledge gap about this topic. We collected self-reported, quantitative data from 23 participants and investigated the user experience during the VR mediated 360-video concert and the acceptance of the 360-video for concert participation and VR technology use. We found that acceptance of the novel VR-based communication approach was correlated mainly with perceived usefulness. Furthermore, the perceived usefulness was only correlated with fun, but not flow and immersion. We outline the results in a new theoretical framework for studying and predicting the relationships between individual characteristics, user experience, VR evaluation, content and device, and the acceptance of 360-video mediated musical events and VR technology. Implications for VR acceptance theory and design practice are discussed

    The Determinants of Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile Reading Apps of Collage Students in Chongqing, China

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    Purpose: This research examined the determinants of behavioral intention of college students in Chongqing who have mobile reading experience of excellent Chinese traditional culture. The conceptual framework proposed causal relationships among perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived value, perceived enjoyment, attitude, social influence, and behavioral intention. Research design, data, and methodology: 500 students from three universities in Chongqing were selected. The researcher used the questionnaire as a tool. The sampling technique contains judgmental, stratified random and convenience sampling. The content validity was confirmed by the index of item-objective congruence (IOC). The pilot test involves 50 participants to ensure reliability by Cronbach’s alpha. Results: The social influence presented the strongest effect on behavioral intention and proved that attitude directly influenced behavioral intention. The significant influences that support attitude were perceived value and perceived enjoyment. Nevertheless, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness had no significant influence on attitude. The factors of perceived value and perceived enjoyment indirectly impacted behavioral intention. Conclusions: The research can help developers to consider these factors that affect users more when developing mobile reading apps related to excellent traditional Chinese cultural knowledge

    On-line Commerce and Town Centre Retailers’ Experience

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    This paper is an attempt to develop a new way to sell products or services for retailers within town centres. An analysis of the literature revealed that the use of the Internet and digital commerce strategies are rarely used as tools to revitalize urban retail and develop a multidimensional experience of place. Thus, this paper aims to highlight which new modes of online commerce—e-commerce, s-commerce and m-commerce—are more suitable than others to help town centre retailers revitalize the place where they work. The research questions are as follows: 1) What are the origins of the growth and development of new forms of selling? and 2) How might town centre retailers integrate new forms of selling with traditional retailing? In answering the previously stated questions, this paper provides a proposed model that, by combining physical and virtual means to sell products and services, can provide specific strengths in revitalizing town centres

    A Comparative Study of Consumers’ Intention to Use Mobile Internet in USA, Russia and China

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    As the mobile Internet has been used explosively worldwide, the effects of cultural factors on mobile Internet usage have been an interesting issue. Cross-cultural studies on the mobile phone internet may improve our understanding of individuals\u27 attitude toward mobile phone internet in different countries and provide advantages for marketing of mobile internet services in different cultural contexts. This paper uses an extension model of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to provide the theoretical foundation for this study. The data was collected through a survey study of over 3000 consumer in 3 countries of USA, Russia and China. The findings present several insights into the position of mobile phone internet usage in the different market. Such insights allow mobile service providers and mobile markers to create more customized strategies to launch new internet based services or mobile marketing campaigns. This paper ends with both theoretical and practical implications and limitations of the study results