49 research outputs found

    Towards Constant-Factor Approximation for Chordal / Distance-Hereditary Vertex Deletion

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    For a family of graphs ?, Weighted ?-Deletion is the problem for which the input is a vertex weighted graph G = (V, E) and the goal is to delete S ? V with minimum weight such that G?S ? ?. Designing a constant-factor approximation algorithm for large subclasses of perfect graphs has been an interesting research direction. Block graphs, 3-leaf power graphs, and interval graphs are known to admit constant-factor approximation algorithms, but the question is open for chordal graphs and distance-hereditary graphs. In this paper, we add one more class to this list by presenting a constant-factor approximation algorithm when ? is the intersection of chordal graphs and distance-hereditary graphs. They are known as ptolemaic graphs and form a superset of both block graphs and 3-leaf power graphs above. Our proof presents new properties and algorithmic results on inter-clique digraphs as well as an approximation algorithm for a variant of Feedback Vertex Set that exploits this relationship (named Feedback Vertex Set with Precedence Constraints), each of which may be of independent interest

    Kernelization for Graph Packing Problems via Rainbow Matching

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    We introduce a new kernelization tool, called rainbow matching technique, that is appropriate for the design of polynomial kernels for packing problems. Our technique capitalizes on the powerful combinatorial results of [Graf, Harris, Haxell, SODA 2021]. We apply the rainbow matching technique on two (di)graph packing problems, namely the Triangle-Packing in Tournament problem (\TPT), where we ask for a directed triangle packing in a tournament, and the Induced 2-Path-Packing (\IPP) where we ask for a packing of kk induced paths of length two in a graph. The existence of a sub-quadratic kernels for these problems was proven for the first time in [Fomin, Le, Lokshtanov, Saurabh, Thomass\'e, Zehavi. ACM Trans. Algorithms, 2019], where they gave a kernel of O(k3/2)\mathcal{O}(k^{3/2}) vertices and O(k5/3)\mathcal{O}(k^{5/3}) vertices respectively. In the same paper it was questioned whether these bounds can be (optimally) improved to linear ones. Motivated by this question, we apply the rainbow matching technique and prove that \TPT admits an (almost linear) kernel of k1+O(1)log⁥kk^{1+\frac{\mathcal{O}(1)}{\sqrt{\log{k}}}} vertices and that \IPP admits kernel of O(k)\mathcal{O}(k) vertices

    Lossy Kernelization for (Implicit) Hitting Set Problems

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    We re-visit the complexity of polynomial time pre-processing (kernelization) for the d-Hitting Set problem. This is one of the most classic problems in Parameterized Complexity by itself, and, furthermore, it encompasses several other of the most well-studied problems in this field, such as Vertex Cover, Feedback Vertex Set in Tournaments (FVST) and Cluster Vertex Deletion (CVD). In fact, d-Hitting Set encompasses any deletion problem to a hereditary property that can be characterized by a finite set of forbidden induced subgraphs. With respect to bit size, the kernelization complexity of d-Hitting Set is essentially settled: there exists a kernel with ?(k^d) bits (?(k^d) sets and ?(k^{d-1}) elements) and this it tight by the result of Dell and van Melkebeek [STOC 2010, JACM 2014]. Still, the question of whether there exists a kernel for d-Hitting Set with fewer elements has remained one of the most major open problems in Kernelization. In this paper, we first show that if we allow the kernelization to be lossy with a qualitatively better loss than the best possible approximation ratio of polynomial time approximation algorithms, then one can obtain kernels where the number of elements is linear for every fixed d. Further, based on this, we present our main result: we show that there exist approximate Turing kernelizations for d-Hitting Set that even beat the established bit-size lower bounds for exact kernelizations - in fact, we use a constant number of oracle calls, each with "near linear" (?(k^{1+?})) bit size, that is, almost the best one could hope for. Lastly, for two special cases of implicit 3-Hitting set, namely, FVST and CVD, we obtain the "best of both worlds" type of results - (1+?)-approximate kernelizations with a linear number of vertices. In terms of size, this substantially improves the exact kernels of Fomin et al. [SODA 2018, TALG 2019], with simpler arguments

    r-Simple k-Path and Related Problems Parameterized by k/r

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    Parameterized Enumeration of Neighbour Strings and Kemeny Aggregations

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    In this thesis, we consider approaches to enumeration problems in the parameterized complexity setting. We obtain competitive parameterized algorithms to enumerate all, as well as several of, the solutions for two related problems Neighbour String and Kemeny Rank Aggregation. In both problems, the goal is to find a solution that is as close as possible to a set of inputs (strings and total orders, respectively) according to some distance measure. We also introduce a notion of enumerative kernels for which there is a bijection between solutions to the original instance and solutions to the kernel, and provide such a kernel for Kemeny Rank Aggregation, improving a previous kernel for the problem. We demonstrate how several of the algorithms and notions discussed in this thesis are extensible to a group of parameterized problems, improving published results for some other problems