381 research outputs found

    Censored Data Regression in High-Dimension and Low-Sample Size Settings For Genomic Applications

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    New high-throughput technologies are generating various types of high-dimensional genomic and proteomic data and meta-data (e.g., networks and pathways) in order to obtain a systems-level understanding of various complex diseases such as human cancers and cardiovascular diseases. As the amount and complexity of the data increase and as the questions being addressed become more sophisticated, we face the great challenge of how to model such data in order to draw valid statistical and biological conclusions. One important problem in genomic research is to relate these high-throughput genomic data to various clinical outcomes, including possibly censored survival outcomes such as age at disease onset or time to cancer recurrence. We review some recently developed methods for censored data regression in the high-dimension and low-sample size setting, with emphasis on applications to genomic data. These methods include dimension reduction-based methods, regularized estimation methods such as Lasso and threshold gradient descent method, gradient descent boosting methods and nonparametric pathways-based regression models. These methods are demonstrated and compared by analysis of a data set of microarray gene expression profiles of 240 patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma together with follow-up survival information. Areas of further research are also presented

    Boosting the concordance index for survival data - a unified framework to derive and evaluate biomarker combinations

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    The development of molecular signatures for the prediction of time-to-event outcomes is a methodologically challenging task in bioinformatics and biostatistics. Although there are numerous approaches for the derivation of marker combinations and their evaluation, the underlying methodology often suffers from the problem that different optimization criteria are mixed during the feature selection, estimation and evaluation steps. This might result in marker combinations that are only suboptimal regarding the evaluation criterion of interest. To address this issue, we propose a unified framework to derive and evaluate biomarker combinations. Our approach is based on the concordance index for time-to-event data, which is a non-parametric measure to quantify the discrimatory power of a prediction rule. Specifically, we propose a component-wise boosting algorithm that results in linear biomarker combinations that are optimal with respect to a smoothed version of the concordance index. We investigate the performance of our algorithm in a large-scale simulation study and in two molecular data sets for the prediction of survival in breast cancer patients. Our numerical results show that the new approach is not only methodologically sound but can also lead to a higher discriminatory power than traditional approaches for the derivation of gene signatures.Comment: revised manuscript - added simulation study, additional result

    Supervised Dimension Reduction for Large-scale Omics Data with Censored Survival Outcomes Under Possible Non-proportional Hazards

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    The past two decades have witnessed significant advances in high-throughput ``omics technologies such as genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics and radiomics. These technologies have enabled simultaneous measurement of the expression levels of tens of thousands of features from individual patient samples and have generated enormous amounts of data that require analysis and interpretation. One specific area of interest has been in studying the relationship between these features and patient outcomes, such as overall and recurrence-free survival, with the goal of developing a predictive ``omics profile. Large-scale studies often suffer from the presence of a large fraction of censored observations and potential time-varying effects of features, and methods for handling them have been lacking. In this paper, we propose supervised methods for feature selection and survival prediction that simultaneously deal with both issues. Our approach utilizes continuum power regression (CPR) - a framework that includes a variety of regression methods - in conjunction with the parametric or semi-parametric accelerated failure time (AFT) model. Both CPR and AFT fall within the linear models framework and, unlike black-box models, the proposed prognostic index has a simple yet useful interpretation. We demonstrate the utility of our methods using simulated and publicly available cancer genomics data

    Supervised wavelet method to predict patient survival from gene expression data.

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    In microarray studies, the number of samples is relatively small compared to the number of genes per sample. An important aspect of microarray studies is the prediction of patient survival based on their gene expression profile. This naturally calls for the use of a dimension reduction procedure together with the survival prediction model. In this study, a new method based on combining wavelet approximation coefficients and Cox regression was presented. The proposed method was compared with supervised principal component and supervised partial least squares methods. The different fitted Cox models based on supervised wavelet approximation coefficients, the top number of supervised principal components, and partial least squares components were applied to the data. The results showed that the prediction performance of the Cox model based on supervised wavelet feature extraction was superior to the supervised principal components and partial least squares components. The results suggested the possibility of developing new tools based on wavelets for the dimensionally reduction of microarray data sets in the context of survival analysis
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