50 research outputs found

    Metastability, Criticality and Phase Transitions in brain and its Models

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    This essay extends the previously deposited paper "Oscillations, Metastability and Phase Transitions" to incorporate the theory of Self-organizing Criticality. The twin concepts of Scaling and Universality of the theory of nonequilibrium phase transitions is applied to the role of reentrant activity in neural circuits of cerebral cortex and subcortical neural structures

    The abelian sandpile and related models

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    The Abelian sandpile model is the simplest analytically tractable model of self-organized criticality. This paper presents a brief review of known results about the model. The abelian group structure allows an exact calculation of many of its properties. In particular, one can calculate all the critical exponents for the directed model in all dimensions. For the undirected case, the model is related to q= 0 Potts model. This enables exact calculation of some exponents in two dimensions, and there are some conjectures about others. We also discuss a generalization of the model to a network of communicating reactive processors. This includes sandpile models with stochastic toppling rules as a special case. We also consider a non-abelian stochastic variant, which lies in a different universality class, related to directed percolation.Comment: Typos and minor errors fixed and some references adde

    Avalanches in the Weakly Driven Frenkel-Kontorova Model

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    A damped chain of particles with harmonic nearest-neighbor interactions in a spatially periodic, piecewise harmonic potential (Frenkel-Kontorova model) is studied numerically. One end of the chain is pulled slowly which acts as a weak driving mechanism. The numerical study was performed in the limit of infinitely weak driving. The model exhibits avalanches starting at the pulled end of the chain. The dynamics of the avalanches and their size and strength distributions are studied in detail. The behavior depends on the value of the damping constant. For moderate values a erratic sequence of avalanches of all sizes occurs. The avalanche distributions are power-laws which is a key feature of self-organized criticality (SOC). It will be shown that the system selects a state where perturbations are just able to propagate through the whole system. For strong damping a regular behavior occurs where a sequence of states reappears periodically but shifted by an integer multiple of the period of the external potential. There is a broad transition regime between regular and irregular behavior, which is characterized by multistability between regular and irregular behavior. The avalanches are build up by sound waves and shock waves. Shock waves can turn their direction of propagation, or they can split into two pulses propagating in opposite directions leading to transient spatio-temporal chaos. PACS numbers: 05.70.Ln,05.50.+q,46.10.+zComment: 33 pages (RevTex), 15 Figures (available on request), appears in Phys. Rev.

    25 Years of Self-Organized Criticality: Numerical Detection Methods

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    The detection and characterization of self-organized criticality (SOC), in both real and simulated data, has undergone many significant revisions over the past 25 years. The explosive advances in the many numerical methods available for detecting, discriminating, and ultimately testing, SOC have played a critical role in developing our understanding of how systems experience and exhibit SOC. In this article, methods of detecting SOC are reviewed; from correlations to complexity to critical quantities. A description of the basic autocorrelation method leads into a detailed analysis of application-oriented methods developed in the last 25 years. In the second half of this manuscript space-based, time-based and spatial-temporal methods are reviewed and the prevalence of power laws in nature is described, with an emphasis on event detection and characterization. The search for numerical methods to clearly and unambiguously detect SOC in data often leads us outside the comfort zone of our own disciplines - the answers to these questions are often obtained by studying the advances made in other fields of study. In addition, numerical detection methods often provide the optimum link between simulations and experiments in scientific research. We seek to explore this boundary where the rubber meets the road, to review this expanding field of research of numerical detection of SOC systems over the past 25 years, and to iterate forwards so as to provide some foresight and guidance into developing breakthroughs in this subject over the next quarter of a century.Comment: Space Science Review series on SO

    Introduction to the Sandpile Model

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    This article is based on a talk given by one of us (EVI) at the conference ``StatPhys-Taipei-1997''. It overviews the exact results in the theory of the sandpile model and discusses shortly yet unsolved problem of calculation of avalanche distribution exponents. The key ingredients include the analogy with the critical reaction-diffusion system, the spanning tree representation of height configurations and the decomposition of the avalanche process into waves of topplings

    Experiments in vortex avalanches

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    Avalanche dynamics is found in many phenomena spanning from earthquakes to the evolution of species. It can be also found in vortex matter when a type II superconductor is externally driven, for example, by increasing the magnetic field. Vortex avalanches associated with thermal instabilities can be an undesirable effect for applications, but "dynamically driven" avalanches emerging from the competition between intervortex interactions and quenched disorder constitute an interesting scenario to test theoretical ideas related with non-equilibrium dynamics. However, differently from the equilibrium phases of vortex matter in type II superconductors, the study of the corresponding dynamical phases - in which avalanches can play a role - is still in its infancy. In this paper we critically review relevant experiments performed in the last decade or so, emphasizing the ability of different experimental techniques to establish the nature and statistical properties of the observed avalanche behavior.Comment: To be published in Reviews of Modern Physics April 2004. 17 page