6 research outputs found

    A Bibliometric Analysis and Review on Performance Modeling Literature

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    In management practice, performance indicators are considered as a prerequisite to make informed decisions in line with the organization's goals. On the other hand, indicators summarizes compound phenomena in a few digits, which can induce to inadequate decisions, biased by information loss and conflicting values. Model driven approaches in enterprise engineering can be very effective to avoid these pitfalls, or to take it under control. For that reason, "performance modeling" has the numbers to play a primary role in the "model driven enterprise" scenario, together with process, information and other enterprise-related aspects. In this perspective, we propose a systematic review of the literature on performance modeling in order to retrieve, classify, and summarize existing research, identify the core authors and define areas and opportunities for future research

    Business process performance measurement : a structured literature review of indicators, measures and metrics

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    Measuring the performance of business processes has become a central issue in both academia and business, since organizations are challenged to achieve effective and efficient results. Applying performance measurement models to this purpose ensures alignment with a business strategy, which implies that the choice of performance indicators is organization-dependent. Nonetheless, such measurement models generally suffer from a lack of guidance regarding the performance indicators that exist and how they can be concretized in practice. To fill this gap, we conducted a structured literature review to find patterns or trends in the research on business process performance measurement. The study also documents an extended list of 140 process-related performance indicators in a systematic manner by further categorizing them into 11 performance perspectives in order to gain a holistic view. Managers and scholars can consult the provided list to choose the indicators that are of interest to them, considering each perspective. The structured literature review concludes with avenues for further research

    Estudo comparativo de métodos de modelagem de processos de negócio: ARIS vs BPMN

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    O presente trabalho trata da modelagem de processos de negócio, na tentativa de resumir seus conceitos principais e comparar dois métodos de modelagem, ARIS e BPMN. Comparação em 3 dimensões: funcional, de indicadores de desempenho e de automação. Tomando-se como unidade de análise, da qual extrair a informação necessária para a criação dos modelos, a Coordenação de Relações Internacionais do Centro de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Primeiro é realizada uma revisão bibliográfica preliminar do estado do arte do BPM a partir da qual se consegue definir a problemática, e os objetivos do presente trabalho. Feito isso, se prossegue com uma segunda revisão bibliográfica exaustiva da modelagem de processos de negócio. Depois segue a revisão dos principais conceitos dos dois métodos, ARIS e BPMN, com o intuito de conhecer suas características e criar a base necessária para a comparação de ambos na segunda etapa do estudo. Além disso, segue a revisão dos critérios de comparação, desta forma se consegue captar um grande abanico de fatores que permitem desenhar uma comparação posterior completa e integral. Finalmente se procede a realizar a comparação. Nesta fase se faz uso de uma unidade de análise da qual extrair a informação necessária para a criação dos modelos. Com isso, conclui-se o trabalho podendo identificar as limitações de cada método em cada uma das 3 dimensões estudadas, além de oferecer futuras linhas de pesquisa. O estudo aplica a ferramenta ARIS Business Architect 7.2 para a modelagem de processos de negócio da unidade de análise.Outgoin

    KPI modeling in MDA perspective

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    Enhancing competitiveness, shortening the response time to environmental changes, increasing profits and so forth are all goals that refer to the same concept: \u2018improvement\u2019. Yet, these elements are bounded to the same necessity: \u2018measurement\u2019. On such bases, this work intends to provide an operative framework which, using many heterogeneous typologies of tools and technologies, would enable enterprises to define, formalize and model key performance indicators (KPIs) according to Model Driven Architecture (MDA) vision. The tools required for achieving this goal belong to different categories, according to the particular step of the framework: the theories for identification of KPIs are the balanced scorecard (BSc) and the goal question metric (GQM); process modeling is realized trough BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation); KPIs were modeled using semantics of business vocabulary and business rules (SBVR), so as to enable automatic parsing, according to MDA vision. Finally, the mathematical formulas were represented in machine readable format through MathML