471 research outputs found

    Case-based Reasoning for Knowledge Capitalization in Inventive Design Using Latent Semantic Analysis

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    International audienceNowadays, innovation represents one of the most crucial factors driving the success of companies. The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (also known as TRIZ) is a well-established method to facilitate systematic inventive design. Although, TRIZ allows solving inventive problems through a panoply of knowledge sources, it may make inventive problem solving a time-consuming, experience demanding process and lead to waste of resources of the companies. To avoid the use of these tools and to help new users in solving their inventive problems without completely mastering TRIZ, we propose in this paper an approach based on the use of the Case-based reasoning (CBR) in order to capitalize experience. CBR is a knowledge paradigm that solves a new problem by finding the old similar cases and reusing them. The retrieval is conducted in order to find the old similar cases, and the old solutions of the retrieved cases are adapted to solve the new problem. In this paper, a systematic three-level adaptation is proposed to reduce the effort required of the users in choosing the suitable solution to solve their problem. An example is used to illustrate in detail the proposed approach

    The transitivity analysis of the news headlines of The Jakarta Post

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    This study is conducted to describe and explain the process types of transitivity analysis that are characterized in news headline of The Jakarta Post articles. This study reveals the dominant process type in the news headline articles of The Jakarta Post and also aims to explain the pedagogical implications of the transitivity analysis. The object of this study is news taken from The Jakarta Post published on May 1st 2017 to May 31st 2017. This study concerns on functional grammar, mainly on transitivity analysis. Some theories related to the literature, discourse, grammar, news and ideational meaning itself are used in order to get the objective of this study. The technique of data analysis in this study is a qualitative one. The procedure of collecting data included seeking, selecting, reading and identifying the data. In analyzing, the data are collected by reading and segmenting them into clauses. The transitivity analysis are conducted to figure out the type of process in all of the clauses, and then explained each type of process found in the news. The argumentation is also given to support the comparison between the theories and the analysis. The study finds that there are six types of processes found in the news. Behavioral process is found 36%, verbal process is found 24%, relational process is used 18%, material process occurs 13%, mental process is found 7% and existential process is found 2%. From the result, it can be concluded that in composing a headline text uses more behavioral processes. The behavioral process dominates a news text which reports events and accidents

    Intraretinal Fluid Detection by Means of a Densely Connected Convolutional Neural Network Using Optical Coherence Tomography Images

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    [Abstract] Hereby we present a methodology with the objective of detecting retinal fluid accumulations in between the retinal layers. The methodology uses a robust Densely Connected Neural Network to classify thousands of subsamples, extracted from a given Optical Coherence Tomography image. Posteriorly, using the detected regions, it satisfactorily generates a coherent and intuitive confidence map by means of a voting strategy.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-047Xunta de Galicia;ED481A-2019/196This research was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III grant number DTS18/00136, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad grant number DPI 2015-69948-R, Xunta de Galicia through the accreditation of Centro Singular de Investigación 2016–2019, Ref. ED431G/01, Xunta de Galicia through Grupos de Referencia Competitiva, Ref. ED431C 2016-047 and Xunta de Galicia predoctoral grant contract ref. ED481A-2019/19

    Automatic Tool for the Detection, Characterization and Intuitive Visualization of Macular Edema Regions in OCT Images

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    [Abstract] The methodology presented in this paper aims to detect pathological regions affected by one or more of the three clinically defined types of Diabetic Macular Edema (DME). Using representative samples extracted from Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images, three representative classifiers are trained to analyze new input images and create an intuitive visualization of the detection results. The trained models provided a satisfactory performance for all three defined types of DME, and the visual feedback can effectively assists clinical experts in the diagnosis of this representative and extended disease.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-047Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional; 18CO1/006199.This research was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III grant number DTS18/00136, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades grant numbers DPI 2015-69948-R and RTI2018-095894-B-I00, Xunta de Galicia through the accreditation of Centro Singular de Investigación 2016–2019, Ref. ED431G/01, Xunta de Galicia through Grupos de Referencia Competitiva, Ref. ED431C 2016-047 and Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional grant number 18CO1/006199

    BNO : An ontology for describing the behaviour of complex biomolecular networks

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    International audienceThe use of semantic technologies, such as ontologies, to describe and analyse biological systems is at the heart of systems biology. Indeed, understanding the behaviour of cells requires a large amount of context information. In this paper, we propose an ontology entitled ”Biomolecular Network ontology” using the OWL language. The BNO ontology standardises the terminology used by biologists experts to address issues including semantic behaviour representation, reasoning and knowledge sharing. The main benefit of this proposed ontology is the ability to reason about dynamical behaviour of complex biomolecular networks over time. We demonstrate our proposed ontology with a detailed example, the bacteriophage T4 gene 32 use case

    Fostering Computational Thinking in Primary School through a LEGO®-based Music Notation

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    This paper presents a teaching methodology mixing elements from the domains of music and informatics as a key enabling to expose primary school pupils to basic aspects of computational thinking. This methodology is organized in two phases exploiting LEGO\uae bricks respectively as a physical tool and as a metaphor in order to let participants discover a simple notation encoding several basic concepts of the classical musical notation. The related activities, grounded on active learning theory, challenge groups of students to solve musical encoding problems of increasing difficulty

    Association between ethnicity and thalassemia carrier status among secondary school students involved in thalassemia school screening programme in Pahang in 2016

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    Background: Thalassemia remains a public health concern in Malaysia despite screening programme has been conducted since 2004. Voluntary uptake towards screening test still unsatisfactory as there was lack of public awareness about the importance of screening activities. The public will not come forward for testing if they did not perceive they are susceptible to be a carrier. Multi-ethnicity population as in Pahang poses further challenges to overcome this situation. To our knowledge, there is yet no analytical study done looking at the association between carrier status with ethnicity in Malaysia. Objective: This study aimed to describe the different types of thalassemia carrier and to determine the association between ethnicity and thalassemia carrier status among secondary school students in Pahang. Methodology: A case control study was conducted from March 2018 till May 2018 involving ten districts in Pahang. The study used secondary data derived from ‘Rekod Saringan Talassemia Sekolah’ (KSK/ST/101/2016) form as the source of data. Cases were students who were diagnosed thalassemia carrier and controls were students who were not thalassemia carrier as documented in the database. Simpl

    Modelling of full electric and hybrid electric fuel cells buses

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    Future road transports will increasingly move towards zero emissions. Although electric bus technology is available today, low energy density of lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries is a major drawback, leading to higher vehicle mass and range limitations. Hybrid buses, with more energy dense storage, appear as an easier transition from fossil fuels towards zero local emissions. Main objective of the research is drive systems' modelling and calculating energy consumption for public buses. Simulations were conducted in MATLAB/Simulink by modelling fuel cells and li-ion batteries where power consumption is driven by the instantaneous power demand of a bus on a given route. The simulation output includes the output power, energy consumption, efficiency, energy storage system requirements and refuelling times. The model can iterate energy storage options, to determine effects on system efficiency. Simulation results show that hybrid fuel cells buses offer up to 75% mass reduction, up to 43% volume reduction, with faster refuelling time, over battery only systems. This study provides a tool that allows comparison of multiple bus configuration for any route, on the path of viable, efficient and environmentally friendly transport system