22 research outputs found

    Концептуальная модель базы знаний интеллектуальной медицинской системы

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    У статті розглядаються питання побудови концептуальної моделі бази знань інтелектуальної медичної системи. Кінцева мета проекту полягає у створенні інтелектуальної системи "Віртуальний лікар" яка може використовуватися в медичної практиці та учбовому процесі .In the paper the conceptual model of knowledge base of intellectual medical system is considered. The ultimate goal of the project consists in creation of system "the Virtual doctor"

    Hybrid model of post-processing techniques for Arabic optical character recognition

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    Optical character recognition (OCR) is used to extract text contained in an image. One of the stages in OCR is the post-processing and it corrects the errors of OCR output text. The OCR multiple outputs approach consists of three processes: differentiation, alignment, and voting. Existing differentiation techniques suffer from the loss of important features as it uses N-versions of input images. On the other hand, alignment techniques in the literatures are based on approximation while the voting process is not context-aware. These drawbacks lead to a high error rate in OCR. This research proposed three improved techniques of differentiation, alignment, and voting to overcome the identified drawbacks. These techniques were later combined into a hybrid model that can recognize the optical characters in the Arabic language. Each of the proposed technique was separately evaluated against three other relevant existing techniques. The performance measurements used in this study were Word Error Rate (WER), Character Error Rate (CER), and Non-word Error Rate (NWER). Experimental results showed a relative decrease in error rate on all measurements for the evaluated techniques. Similarly, the hybrid model also obtained lower WER, CER, and NWER by 30.35%, 52.42%, and 47.86% respectively when compared to the three relevant existing models. This study contributes to the OCR domain as the proposed hybrid model of post-processing techniques could facilitate the automatic recognition of Arabic text. Hence, it will lead to a better information retrieval

    Teaching with an intelligent electronic chalkboard

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    Stability analysis for delayed quaternion-valued neural networks via nonlinear measure approach

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    In this paper, the existence and stability analysis of the quaternion-valued neural networks (QVNNs) with time delay are considered. Firstly, the QVNNs are equivalently transformed into four real-valued systems. Then, based on the Lyapunov theory, nonlinear measure approach, and inequality technique, some sufficient criteria are derived to ensure the existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium point as well as global stability of delayed QVNNs. In addition, the provided criteria are presented in the form of linear matrix inequality (LMI), which can be easily checked by LMI toolbox in MATLAB. Finally, two simulation examples are demonstrated to verify the effectiveness of obtained results. Moreover, the less conservatism of the obtained results is also showed by two comparison examples


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    The objective of this research study were (1) to develop web service to support instructional design according to Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, (2) to validate the efficiency of the web service. All teachers must consisted of design teaching and learning and assessment activities for creating Course Specifications or TQF. 3 before the beginning of the semester. Course Specifications were seven categories including General Information, Goals and Objectives, Course Management, Development of Student’s Learning Outcome, Teaching and Evaluation Plans, Teaching Materials and Resources, and Evaluation and Improvement of Course Management. The system employs vector space model of information retrieval. Related to teaching and evaluation strategy of education experts. Web was developed by PHP programming and MySQL database. The findings efficiency from five experts were that the 4.60, the Functional Test was mean score 4.71, the Usability Test was mean score 4.63 and the Security Test was mean score 3.80 All parts this system were mean score 4.43 meaning higher efficiencies. Teachers can design teaching and learning (TQF. 3 document) according with learning outcome in curriculum mapping of TQF. 2. Students access information online anywhere and anytime

    Thresholding approach to radiography image processing acceleration

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    Basic Elements of Machine Learning

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    In this work we reviewed six scientific articles on school dropout that used Machine Learning as a methodology to point out the possible causes. The methodology used by this research is bibliographical, because it was investigated what are the themes and technical elements of each of the articles, especially in relation to machine learning. The results obtained are about the main elements that structure the machine learning algorithms from the six scientific articles studied. The theme is very comprehensive and involves several areas and subareas of scientific knowledge, such as Linear Algebra, Matrices, Theory of Computation, Computability, Models of Computation, Formal Language and Automata, Analysis of Algorithms and Computational Complexity. Data Mining Techniques (EDM) are the actions used to find patterns in a large volume of data. These patterns can be explanatory, so as to describe the relationships between data segments, or predictive, which can predict future values based on previous data. At the end, the reader will have a broad view of how the entire methodological process of production and construction of machine learning occurs.Neste trabalho realizamos a revisão de seis artigos científicos sobre a evasão escolar que utilizaram Aprendizagem de Máquina como metodologia para detectar as possíveis causas. A metodologia utilizada por esta pesquisa é a bibliográfica, pois investigou-se quais são os temas e elementos técnicos de cada um dos artigos, principalmente em relação a aprendizagem de máquina. Os resultados obtidos são sobre os principais elementos que estruturam os algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquina a partir dos seis artigos científicos estudados. O tema é muito abrangente e envolve diversas áreas e subáreas do conhecimento científico, como por exemplo Álgebra Linear, Matrizes, Teoria da Computação, Computabilidade, Modelos de Computação, Linguagem Formais e Autômatos, Análise de Algoritmos e Complexidade Computacional. As Técnicas de Mineração de Dados (EDM) são as ações utilizadas para encontrar padrões em um grande volume de dados. Estes padrões podem ser explicativos, de modo a descrever as relações entre segmentos de dados, ou preditivos, os quais podem prever valores futuros baseados em dados anteriores. Ao final, o leitor terá uma visão ampla de como ocorre todo o processo metodológico de produção e construção de aprendizagem de máquina