10 research outputs found

    GigaHertz Symposium 2010

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    Infrared Detectors and technologies are very important for a wide range of applications, not only for Military but also for various civilian applications. Comparatively fast bolometers can provide large quantities of low cost devices opening up a new era in infrared technologies. This book deals with various aspects of bolometer developments. It covers bolometer material aspects, different types of bolometers, performance limitations, applications and future trends. The chapters in this book will be useful for senior researchers as well as beginning graduate students

    Terahertz Technology and Its Applications

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    The Terahertz frequency range (0.1 – 10)THz has demonstrated to provide many opportunities in prominent research fields such as high-speed communications, biomedicine, sensing, and imaging. This spectral range, lying between electronics and photonics, has been historically known as “terahertz gap” because of the lack of experimental as well as fabrication technologies. However, many efforts are now being carried out worldwide in order improve technology working at this frequency range. This book represents a mechanism to highlight some of the work being done within this range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The topics covered include non-destructive testing, teraherz imaging and sensing, among others

    Advanced Photonic Sciences

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    The new emerging field of photonics has significantly attracted the interest of many societies, professionals and researchers around the world. The great importance of this field is due to its applicability and possible utilization in almost all scientific and industrial areas. This book presents some advanced research topics in photonics. It consists of 16 chapters organized into three sections: Integrated Photonics, Photonic Materials and Photonic Applications. It can be said that this book is a good contribution for paving the way for further innovations in photonic technology. The chapters have been written and reviewed by well-experienced researchers in their fields. In their contributions they demonstrated the most profound knowledge and expertise for interested individuals in this expanding field. The book will be a good reference for experienced professionals, academics and researchers as well as young researchers only starting their carrier in this field

    Electronics for Sensors

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    The aim of this Special Issue is to explore new advanced solutions in electronic systems and interfaces to be employed in sensors, describing best practices, implementations, and applications. The selected papers in particular concern photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) interfaces and applications, techniques for monitoring radiation levels, electronics for biomedical applications, design and applications of time-to-digital converters, interfaces for image sensors, and general-purpose theory and topologies for electronic interfaces

    Contributions to land, sea, and sea ice remote sensing using GNSS-reflectometry

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    This PhD thesis researches the use of passive remote sensing techniques using signals transmitted from the navigation satellites (GNSS) in order to retrieve different geophysical parameters. The thesis consists of two different parts without taking into account the introduction, the state of the art and the conclusions. The first part analyzes the Interference Pattern Technique (IPT), which was previously used in another PhD thesis, and proposes some key improvements. First, the addition of horizontal polarization to the existing vertical polarization is proposed. Then, the retrieval of soil moisture is studied using the horizontal polarization only and combining both polarizations to correct for the surface roughness effects. It is also demonstrated that the phase difference between the two interference patterns is directly related to soil moisture content. A field campaign was conducted in Australia to test empirically all the theoretical developments and algorithms. Secondly, the possibility of measuring Significant Wave Height (SWH) and Mean Sea Surface Level (MSSL) using the IPT is studied. A three month field campaign over coastal sea is devoted to that study. The SWH retrieval is a new estimation algorithm based on measuring the point where the interference pattern loses coherence. The MSSL retrieval is based on the estimation of the IPT oscillation frequency, testing different spectral estimators to improve the accuracy. Since the IPT is limited in coverage due to its static requirements, the research conducted in this thesis migrated to scatterometric GNSS-R techniques. The main goal that migration was to increase coverage of the different GNSS-R instruments. Therefore, the second part of this thesis analyzes the applicability of a scatterometric technique from different platforms: ground-based (mobile and fixed), airborne, and spaceborne. The ground-based still platforms have allowed to develop a soil moisture retrieval algorithm. The ground-based moving platforms have extended the validity of that algorithm. Airborne platforms have been used to study the reflected electric field statistics when the surface reflecting surface is varying (smooth or rough land, and sea). They have also been used to develop different algorithms to measure the coherent and incoherent scattered components depending on the data structure (real-data or complex data). Coherent reflectivity measured from airborne platforms has been compared to other techniques such microwave radiometry, which is highly used in the soil moisture retrieval from spaceborne sensors, and other sensors using optical, multispectral and thermal frequency bands. These relationships between microwave radiometry and GNSS-R measurements suggests the potential synergy of both techniques. A sea ice detection algorithm is also developed using scatterometric GNSS-R data from the UK TDS-1 mission. This algorithm is based on measuring the degree of coherence of the reflected waveform. Finally, a field campaign was conducted to study the effect of vegetation on the GNSS signals that pass through it in order to take into account and correct the effect of vegetation in the GNSS-R data and in the soil moisture retrieval algorithms.Aquesta tesi doctoral aprofundeix en el coneixement de les tècniques de teledetecció passives utilitzant senyals emesos pels satèl·lits de navegació (GNSS) amb l'objectiu de recuperar diferents paràmetres geofísics del terreny. La tesi conté dues parts ben diferenciades a banda de la introducció, estat de l'art i conclusions. La primera part analitza la tècnica coneguda com a patró d'interferències, utilitzada prèviament en una altra tesi doctoral, i proposa certes millores per la seva aplicabilitat. En primer lloc es decideix afegir polarització horitzontal a la ja existent polarització vertical, i s'estudia la recuperació d'humitat del sòl utilitzant només polarització horitzontal i combinant les dues polaritzacions per corregir els efectes de la rugositat del terreny. A continuació es demostra que la mesura de desfasament entre els dos patrons d'interferència està directament relacionada amb la humitat del terreny. Es va realitzar una campanya de mesures a Austràlia per provar empíricament tots els desenvolupaments teòrics i algorismes proposats. En segon lloc s'analitza l'aplicabilitat del patró d'interferències en la mesura de l'altura de les onades (SWH) i del nivell del mar (MSSL), tots dos de forma precisa. L'estimació de l'alçada de les onades és un procés totalment nou basat en mesurar el punt on el patró d'interferències perd la coherència. L'estimació del nivell del mar es basa en l'anàlisi espectral del patró d'interferències provant diferents estimadors espectrals. Atès que la tècnica del patró d'interferència està limitada en cobertura per les seves característiques estàtiques, la investigació duta a terme en aquesta tesi doctoral va migrar cap a tècniques GNSS-R escateromètriques. El principal objectiu a assolir va ser el d'augmentar la cobertura dels diferents instruments GNSS-R de mesura. En conseqüència, la segona part d'aquesta tesi analitza l'aplicabilitat d'aquestes tècniques des de diferents plataformes terrestres (mòbils i fixes), aerotransportades i satèl·lit. Les plataformes terrestres fixes han permès derivar algoritmes de recuperació d'humitat i les mòbils estendre la validació d'aquests. Les plataformes aerotransportades s'han utilitzat per mirar l'estadística del camp elèctric reflectit quan la superfície on es reflecteixen els senyals GNSS va variant (terra plana o terra rugosa, i mar). També han servit per desenvolupar diferents algorismes amb l'objectiu de determinar les components coherent i incoherent del senyal reflectit. De la mateixa manera, dades de reflectivitat coherent mesurades des d'aquestes plataformes han estat comparades amb altres tècniques de teledetecció passiva com la radiometria de microones, altament utilitzada en la mesura d'humitat de terreny, i altres sensors òptics, multi-espectrals, i tèrmics. Aquests resultats han permès suggerir la possible sinergia de dades d'ambdues tecnologies. Un algorisme per detectar la presència de gel sobre el mar també ha estat desenvolupat mitjançant l'ús de dades GNSS-R escateromètriques satel·litals de la missió UK TDS-1. Aquest algorisme es basa en mesurar el grau de coherència de la forma d'ona reflectida. Finalment, s'ha realitzat un estudi de l'efecte de la vegetació en els senyals GNSS que la travessen, per tal de poder corregir aquest efecte en els algoritmes de recuperació d'humitat del terreny

    Solid State Technology Branch of NASA Lewis Research Center

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    A collection of papers written by the members of the Solid State Technology Branch of NASA LeRC from Jun. 1991 - Jun. 1992 is presented. A range of topics relating to superconductivity, Monolithic Microwave Circuits (MMIC's), coplanar waveguides, and material characterization is covered

    Performance Analysis For Wireless G (IEEE 802.11 G) And Wireless N (IEEE 802.11 N) In Outdoor Environment

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    This paper described an analysis the different capabilities and limitation of both IEEE technologies that has been utilized for data transmission directed to mobile device. In this work, we have compared an IEEE 802.11/g/n outdoor environment to know what technology is better. the comparison consider on coverage area (mobility), through put and measuring the interferences. The work presented here is to help the researchers to select the best technology depending of their deploying case, and investigate the best variant for outdoor. The tool used is Iperf software which is to measure the data transmission performance of IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11g

    Performance analysis for wireless G (IEEE 802.11G) and wireless N (IEEE 802.11N) in outdoor environment

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    This paper described an analysis the different capabilities and limitation of both IEEE technologies that has been utilized for data transmission directed to mobile device. In this work, we have compared an IEEE 802.11/g/n outdoor environment to know what technology is better. The comparison consider on coverage area (mobility), throughput and measuring the interferences. The work presented here is to help the researchers to select the best technology depending of their deploying case, and investigate the best variant for outdoor. The tool used is Iperf software which is to measure the data transmission performance of IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11g