16 research outputs found

    Mining Fuzzy Coherent Rules from Quantitative Transactions Without Minimum Support Threshold

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    [[abstract]]Many fuzzy data mining approaches have been proposed for finding fuzzy association rules with the predefined minimum support from the give quantitative transactions. However, some comment problems of those approaches are that (1) a minimum support should be predefined, and it is hard to set the appropriate one, and (2) the derived rules usually expose common-sense knowledge which may not be interested in business point of view. In this paper, we thus proposed an algorithm for mining fuzzy coherent rules to overcome those problems with the properties of propositional logic. It first transforms quantitative transactions into fuzzy sets. Then, those generated fuzzy sets are collected to generate candidate fuzzy coherent rules. Finally, contingency tables are calculated and used for checking those candidate fuzzy coherent rules satisfy four criteria or not. Experiments on the foodmart dataset are also made to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.[[incitationindex]]EI[[conferencetype]]朋際[[conferencedate]]20120610~20120615[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Brisbane, Australi

    Rules for contrast sets

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    In this paper we present a technique to derive rules describing contrast sets. Contrast sets are a formalism to represent groups diferences. We propose a novel approach to describe directional contrasts using rules where the contrasting efect is partitioned into pairs of groups. Our approach makes use of a directional Fisher Exact Test to and significant diferences across groups. We used a Bonferroni within search adjustment to control type I errors and a pruning technique to prevent derivation of non significant contrast set specializations.Thanks to Prof. M. Pazzani for kindly providing the code for the STUCCO algorithm. This work was Supported by Fundacao Ciencia e Tecnologia, Project PFound, Project ProtUnf, FEDER and Programa de Financiamento Plurianual de Unidades de I & D

    Natural Language Processing in-and-for Design Research

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    We review the scholarly contributions that utilise Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods to support the design process. Using a heuristic approach, we collected 223 articles published in 32 journals and within the period 1991-present. We present state-of-the-art NLP in-and-for design research by reviewing these articles according to the type of natural language text sources: internal reports, design concepts, discourse transcripts, technical publications, consumer opinions, and others. Upon summarizing and identifying the gaps in these contributions, we utilise an existing design innovation framework to identify the applications that are currently being supported by NLP. We then propose a few methodological and theoretical directions for future NLP in-and-for design research

    Emotional Design: An Overview

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    Emotional design has been well recognized in the domain of human factors and ergonomics. In this chapter, we reviewed related models and methods of emotional design. We are motivated to encourage emotional designers to take multiple perspectives when examining these models and methods. Then we proposed a systematic process for emotional design, including affective-cognitive needs elicitation, affective-cognitive needs analysis, and affective-cognitive needs fulfillment to support emotional design. Within each step, we provided an updated review of the representative methods to support and offer further guidance on emotional design. We hope researchers and industrial practitioners can take a systematic approach to consider each step in the framework with care. Finally, the speculations on the challenges and future directions can potentially help researchers across different fields to further advance emotional design.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163319/1/Emotional_Design_Manuscript_Final.pdfSEL

    On Solving Selected Nonlinear Integer Programming Problems in Data Mining, Computational Biology, and Sustainability

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    This thesis consists of three essays concerning the use of optimization techniques to solve four problems in the fields of data mining, computational biology, and sustainable energy devices. To the best of our knowledge, the particular problems we discuss have not been previously addressed using optimization, which is a specific contribution of this dissertation. In particular, we analyze each of the problems to capture their underlying essence, subsequently demonstrating that each problem can be modeled as a nonlinear (mixed) integer program. We then discuss the design and implementation of solution techniques to locate optimal solutions to the aforementioned problems. Running throughout this dissertation is the theme of using mixed-integer programming techniques in conjunction with context-dependent algorithms to identify optimal and previously undiscovered underlying structure

    More than the sum of its parts – pattern mining, neural networks, and how they complement each other

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    In this thesis we explore pattern mining and deep learning. Often seen as orthogonal, we show that these fields complement each other and propose to combine them to gain from each other’s strengths. We, first, show how to efficiently discover succinct and non-redundant sets of patterns that provide insight into data beyond conjunctive statements. We leverage the interpretability of such patterns to unveil how and which information flows through neural networks, as well as what characterizes their decisions. Conversely, we show how to combine continuous optimization with pattern discovery, proposing a neural network that directly encodes discrete patterns, which allows us to apply pattern mining at a scale orders of magnitude larger than previously possible. Large neural networks are, however, exceedingly expensive to train for which ‘lottery tickets’ – small, well-trainable sub-networks in randomly initialized neural networks – offer a remedy. We identify theoretical limitations of strong tickets and overcome them by equipping these tickets with the property of universal approximation. To analyze whether limitations in ticket sparsity are algorithmic or fundamental, we propose a framework to plant and hide lottery tickets. With novel ticket benchmarks we then conclude that the limitation is likely algorithmic, encouraging further developments for which our framework offers means to measure progress.In dieser Arbeit befassen wir uns mit Mustersuche und Deep Learning. Oft als gegensĂ€tzlich betrachtet, verbinden wir diese Felder, um von den StĂ€rken beider zu profitieren. Wir zeigen erst, wie man effizient prĂ€gnante Mengen von Mustern entdeckt, die Einsichten ĂŒber konjunktive Aussagen hinaus geben. Wir nutzen dann die Interpretierbarkeit solcher Muster, um zu verstehen wie und welche Information durch neuronale Netze fließen und was ihre Entscheidungen charakterisiert. Umgekehrt verbinden wir kontinuierliche Optimierung mit Mustererkennung durch ein neuronales Netz welches diskrete Muster direkt abbildet, was Mustersuche in einigen GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnungen höher erlaubt als bisher möglich. Das Training großer neuronaler Netze ist jedoch extrem teuer, fĂŒr das ’Lotterietickets’ – kleine, gut trainierbare Subnetzwerke in zufĂ€llig initialisierten neuronalen Netzen – eine Lösung bieten. Wir zeigen theoretische EinschrĂ€nkungen von starken Tickets und wie man diese ĂŒberwindet, indem man die Tickets mit der Eigenschaft der universalen Approximierung ausstattet. Um zu beantworten, ob EinschrĂ€nkungen in TicketgrĂ¶ĂŸe algorithmischer oder fundamentaler Natur sind, entwickeln wir ein Rahmenwerk zum Einbetten und Verstecken von Tickets, die als ModellfĂ€lle dienen. Basierend auf unseren Ergebnissen schließen wir, dass die EinschrĂ€nkungen algorithmische Ursachen haben, was weitere Entwicklungen begĂŒnstigt, fĂŒr die unser Rahmenwerk Fortschrittsevaluierungen ermöglicht

    Efficient Determination of Distance Thresholds for Differential Dependencies

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    Understanding complex constructions: a quantitative corpus-linguistic approach to the processing of english relative clauses

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit prĂ€sentiert einen korpusbasierten Ansatz an die kognitive Verarbeitung komplexer linguistische Konstruktionen am Beispiel englischer Relativsatzkonstruktionen (RCC). Im theoretischen Teil wird fĂŒr eine konstruktionsgrammatische Perspektive auf sprachliches Wissen argumentiert, welche erlaubt, RCCs als schematische Konstruktionen zu charakterisieren. Diese Perspektive wird mit Konzeptionen exemplarbasierter Modelle menschlicher Sprachverarbeitung zusammengefĂŒhrt, welche die Verarbeitung einer linguistischen Struktur als Funktion von der HĂ€ufigkeit vergangener Verarbeitungen typidentischer Vorkommnisse begreift. HĂ€ufige Strukturen gelangen demnach zu einem priviligierten Status im kognitiven System eines Sprechers, welcher in konstruktionsgrammatischen Theorien als entrenchment bezeichnet wird. WĂ€hrend der jeweilge entrenchment-Wert einer gegebenen Konstruktion fĂŒr konkrete Zeichen vergleichsweise einfach zu bestimmen ist, wird die EinschĂ€tzung mit ansteigender KomplexitĂ€t und SchematizitĂ€t der Zielkonstruktion zunehmend schwieriger. FĂŒr höherstufige N-gramme, welche durch eine grosse Anzahl an variablen Positionen ausgezeichnet sind, ist das Feld noch vergleichweise unerforscht. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist bemĂŒht, diese LĂŒcke zu schließen entwickelt eine korpusbasierte mehrstufige Messprozedur, um den entrenchment-Wert komplexer schematischer Konstruktionen zu erfassen. Da linguistisches Wissen hochstrukturiert ist und menschliche Sprachverarbeitungsprozesse struktursensitiv sind, wird ein clusteranalytisches Verfahren angewendet, welches die salienten RCC hinsichtlich ihrer strukturellen Ähnlichlichkeit organisiert. Aus der Position einer RCC im konstruktionalen Netzwerk sowie dessen entrenchment-Wert kann nun der Grad der erwarteteten Verarbeitungsschwierigkeit abgeleitet werden. Der abschliessende Teil der Arbeit interpretiert die Ergebnisse vor dem Hintergrung psycholinguistischer Befunde zur Relativsatzverarbeitung