12 research outputs found


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    Kebutuhan perangkat lunak akan terus berkembang menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pengguna, stakeholder, dan berbagai pihak yang terlibat. Dokumentasi sistem juga dibutuhkan agar jika terdapat perubahan sewaktu-waktu pada sistem, developer dapat melihat dokumentasi tersebut sebagai acuan. Sipeg UNJ dibangun dan diperbarui berdasarkan permintaan dari pengguna. Sebagai acuan untuk memperbarui sistem agar lebih efektif, diperlukan dokumentasi sistem yang terstruktur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengimplementasikan requirement traceability matrixpada Sipeg UNJ yang berfungsi sebagai acuan developerpada saat akan mengembangkan sistem. Requirement yang saling berkaitan didapatkan dengan cara melakukan penelusuran menggunakan tabel requirement traceability matrix.Metode yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah Requirement Traceability Matrix.Penelitian ini berhasil mendapatkan 7 functional area,230 requirement, dan 37 requirement yang saling berkaitan

    An investigation of requirements traceability practices in software companies in Malaysia

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    Requirement traceability (RT) is one of the critical activity of good requirements management and an important part of development projects. At the same time, it improves the quality of software products. Nevertheless, industrial practitioners are challenged by this lack of guidance or results which serve as a rule or guide in establishing effective traceability in their projects. The outcome of this is that practitioners are ill-informed as to the best or most efficient means of accomplishing their tasks, such as found in software companies. Notwithstanding the lack of guidance, there are a number of commonly accepted practices which can guide industrial practitioners with respect to trace the requirements in their projects. This study aims to determine the practices of RT through conducting a systematic literature review. Also, this study conducted a survey for investigating the use of RT practices in the software companies at northern region of Malaysia. Finally, a series of interviews with practitioners were carried out to know the reasons that influence on the use of these practices in software development. The findings showed that majority software companies do not use traceability practices for tracing requirements due to financial issues and the lack of knowledge of these practices. This study presented empirical evidence about the use of RT practices among software companies. Thus, the findings of this study can assist practitioners to select RT practices, and also enables researchers to find gaps and pointers for future study in this study domain

    A preliminary study of software trace ability reference model using feature modeling

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    Traceability, a key aspect of any engineering discipline, enables engineers to understand the relations and dependencies among various artifacts in a system. It is a well-known fact that even in organizations and projects with mature software development processes, software artifacts created as part of these processes end up to be disconnected from each other. From a software engineer’s perspective, it therefore becomes essential to establish and maintain the semantic connections among these artifacts. The missing traceability among software artifacts becomes a major challenge for many software engineering activities. As a result, during the comprehension of existing software systems, software engineers have to spend a large amount of effort on synthesizing and integrating information from various sources to establish links among these artifacts. Existing research in software traceability focuses on reducing the cost associated with this manual effort by developing automatic assistance in establishing and maintaining traceability links among software artifacts. This research is based on the premise that a more effective and unified solution to manage traceability semantic link information can be achieved by considering a feature model as the traceability reference model. The aim of this research is to propose a software traceability reference model that can store traceability links information using the concept of feature modeling. It identifies the traces of software components of various software artifacts such as design and requirements and stores them in hierarchical form

    Lean requirements traceability automation enabled by model-driven engineering

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    Background: The benefits of requirements traceability, such as improvements in software product and process quality, early testing, and software maintenance, are widely described in the literature. Requirements traceability is a critical, widely accepted practice. However, very often it is not applied for fear of the additional costs associated with manual efforts or the use of additional tools. Methods: This article presents a “low-cost” mechanism for automating requirements traceability based on the model-driven paradigm and formalized by a metamodel for the creation and monitoring of traces and an integration process for traceability management. This approach can also be useful for information fusion in industry insofar that it facilitates data traceability. Results: This article extends an existing model-driven development methodology to incorporate traceability as part of its development tool. The tool has been used successfully by several companies in real software development projects, helping developers to manage ongoing changes in functional requirements. One of those projects is cited as an example in the paper. The authors’ current work leads them to conclude that a model-driven engineering approach, traditionally used only for the automatic generation of code in a software development process, can also be used to successfully automate and integrate traceability management without additional costs. The systematic evaluation of traceability management in industrial projects constitutes a promising area for future work.Junta de Andalucía AT17-5904-USEJunta de Andalucía US-1251532Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PID2019-105455GB-C3

    Implementation of traceability best practices within the medical device domain.

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    Requirements validation, compliance verification and impact analysis are important activities that are performed during the software development lifecycle. Traceability of requirements through the software development lifecycle (SDLC) is essential in the development of safety critical software. Organisations such as the Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Aviation Authority in the United States require traceability as part of their approval process. However, despite its criticality there is extensive digression in the practices and usefulness of traceability across development projects. Many projects’ traceability efforts are simply focused on satisfying regulations and do not leverage the many benefits of traceability. Traceability, if fully implemented is an important tool for managing system development and there are a number of published best practices to help companies with this implementation. By means of a literature review we record a list of the commonly accepted best practices for traceability implementation. Furthermore, through interviews with two medical device companies we report that a number of these practices are unfamiliar to these companies and why an even greater number of these practices are not applied

    Técnica indutiva para obtenção de rastros entre artefatos de software

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2010A tarefa de manter a qualidade e consistência de artefatos ao longo de um projeto de software pode ser mais efetiva com a utilização do conceito de rastreabilidade. Porém, a criação de rastros consistentes ao longo de um projeto é uma tarefa tão complexa que muitas vezes é deixada de lado. Técnicas como a recuperação automática e a matriz de rastreabilidade apresentam limitações. Este trabalho propõe e avalia uma abordagem que consiste em permitir a criação de rastros de forma indutiva ao longo do desenvolvimento dos artefatos do projeto. Estudos com uma ferramenta CASE mostraram resultados animadores indicando que a técnica pode melhorar significativamente a produtividade. A produtividade é avaliada através do número de rastros corretamente criados pelo desenvolvedor, dentro de um mesmo limite de tempo, quando comparada a técnicas tradicionais

    Traceability approach for conflict dissolution in handling requirements crosscutting

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    Requirements crosscutting in software development and maintenance has gradually become an important issue in software engineering. There are growing needs of traceability support to achieve some possible understanding in requirements crosscutting throughout phases in software lifecycle. It is aimed to manage practical process in addressing requirements crosscutting at various phases in order to comply with industrial standard. However, due to its distinct nature, many recent works are focusing on identification, modularization, composition and conflict dissolution of requirements crosscutting which are mostly saturated at requirements level. These works fail to practically specify crosscutting properties for functional and nonfunctional requirements at requirements, analysis and design phases. Therefore, this situation leads to inability to provide sufficient support for software engineers to manage requirements crosscutting across the remaining development phases. This thesis proposes a new approach called the Identification, Modularization, Design Composition Rules and Conflict Dissolutions (IM-DeCRuD) that provides a special traceability to facilitate better understanding and reasoning for engineering tasks towards requirements crosscutting during software development and evolution. This study also promotes a simple but significant way to support pragmatic changes of crosscutting properties at requirements, analysis and design phases for medium sizes of software development and maintenance projects. A tool was developed based on the proposed approach to support four main perspectives namely requirements specification definition, requirements specification modification, requirements prioritization setting and graphics visualizing representation. Software design components are generated using Generic Modeling Environment (GME) with Java language interpreter to incorporate all these features. The proposed IM-DeCRuD was applied to an industrial strength case study of medium-scaled system called myPolicy. The tool was evaluated and the results were verified by some experts for validation and opinion. The feedbacks were then gathered and analyzed using DESMET qualitative method. The outcomes show that the IM-DeCRuD is applicable to address some tedious job of engineering process in handling crosscutting properties at requirements, analysis and design phases for system development and evolution

    Why don’t we trace? A study on the barriers to software traceability in practice

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    Researchers have proposed numerous tools, methods, and techniques for establishing and maintaining software traceability. Despite its acknowledged importance, researchers argue that traceability is still “a sought-after, yet often elusive quality in software-intensive systems”. We have little evidence regarding how creating, managing, and using traceability links vary depending on factors such as organizational contexts, software development practices, and project types. We conduct an empirical study where software development practitioners express their perception regarding the value of software traceability. Via an online survey, 55 participants provided information related to their current traceability practices and needs. Furthermore, we interviewed 14 practitioners to gain a more in-depth understanding. Our study investigates the effect of two independent variables: the software development paradigm and the type of developed software system. Among the several identified findings, our analysis reveals that, although the traceability costs are an inhibitor for adopting more mature traceability practices, the respondents believe that the expected benefits still outweigh envisioned costs. Traceability is mainly performed manually: not only are automated trace retrieval tools scarce, but their offered automation is not expected to replace human involvement


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    Developing complex software systems often involves multiple stakeholder interactions, coupled with frequent requirements changes while operating under time constraints and budget pressures. Such conditions can lead to hidden problems, manifesting when software modifications lead to unexpected software component interactions that can cause catastrophic or fatal situations. A critical step in ensuring the success of software systems is to verify that all requirements can be traced to the design, source code, test cases, and any other software artifacts generated during the software development process. The focus of this research is to improve on the trace matrix generation process and study how human analysts create the final trace matrix using traceability information generated from automated methods. This dissertation presents new results in the automated generation of traceability matrices and in the analysis of analyst actions during a tracing task. The key contributions of this dissertation are as follows: (1) Development of a Proximity-based Vector Space Model for automated generation of TMs. (2) Use of Mean Average Precision (a ranked retrieval-based measure) and 21-point interpolated precision-recall graph (a set-based measure) for statistical evaluation of automated methods. (3) Logging and visualization of analyst actions during a tracing task. (4) Study of human analyst tracing behavior with consideration of decisions made during the tracing task and analyst tracing strategies. (5) Use of potential recall, sensitivity, and effort distribution as analyst performance measures. Results show that using both a ranked retrieval-based and a set-based measure with statistical rigor provides a framework for evaluating automated methods. Studying the human analyst provides insight into how analysts use traceability information to create the final trace matrix and identifies areas for improvement in the traceability process. Analyst performance measures can be used to identify analysts that perform the tracing task well and use effective tracing strategies to generate a high quality final trace matrix

    MV-TMM: Une approche multi vues pour la gestion de la traçabilité des exigences

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    The approach MV-TMM (Multi View Traceability Management Method) presented in this thesis aims to guide the companies in their design of requirements traceability models adapted to the context of their projects. This is achieved by allowing the construction of a model based on trace fragments adapted to each phase of the development process or to a specific situation. Furthermore, the approach guides the users to use the traceability model in a requirement management tool. They help them capture and mange the evolution of the traceability data.Après une étude de l‘état de l‘art dans le domaine de la traçabilité des exigences, nous avons constaté que la gestion de la traçabilité a fait l‘objet de plusieurs travaux de recherche. Malgré ces travaux, nous avons constaté que les entreprises rencontrent encore des difficultés à intégrer la traçabilité dans leurs processus de développement. Cela est dû au manque de mécanisme de représentation des différents types d‘informations de traçabilité ainsi qu‘à la méconnaissance du processus de traçabilité des exigences dans un projet.Le travail de cette thèse propose une solution dénommée MV-TMM (un démarche multi vues pour la gestion de la traçabilité) composée de deux éléments principaux : (i) un méta modèle multi vues permettant la représentation des différents types d‘informations de traçabilité et (ii) un processus intentionnel décrivant les étapes nécessaires pour la construction et l‘usage des informations de traçabilité