25 research outputs found

    Mandelbrot and Julia Sets via Jungck-CR Iteration with s-convexity

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    In today’s world, fractals play an important role in many fields, e.g., image compression or encryption, biology, physics, and so on. One of the earliest studied fractal types was the Mandelbrot and Julia sets. These fractals have been generalized in many different ways. One of such generalizations is the use of various iteration processes from the fixed point theory. In this paper, we study the use of Jungck-CR iteration process, extended further by the use of s-convex combination. The Jungck-CR iteration process with s-convexity is an implicit three-step feedback iteration process. We prove new escape criteria for the generation of Mandelbrot and Julia sets through the proposed iteration process. Moreover, we present some graphical examples obtained by the use of escape time algorithm and the derived criteria

    Fixed point results for the complex fractal generation in the S -iteration orbit with s -convexity

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    Since the introduction of complex fractals by Mandelbrot they gained much attention by the researchers. One of the most studied complex fractals are Mandelbrot and Julia sets. In the literature one can find many generalizations of those sets. One of such generalizations is the use of the results from fixed point theory. In this paper we introduce in the generation process of Mandelbrot and Julia sets a combination of the S-iteration, known from the fixed point theory, and the s-convex combination. We derive the escape criteria needed in the generation process of those fractals and present some graphical examples

    Generation of Julia and Mandelbrot Sets via Fixed Points

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    The aim of this paper is to present an application of a fixed point iterative process in generation of fractals namely Julia and Mandelbrot sets for the complex polynomials of the form T(x)=xn+mx+r where m,r is an element of C and n >= 2. Fractals represent the phenomena of expanding or unfolding symmetries which exhibit similar patterns displayed at every scale. We prove some escape time results for the generation of Julia and Madelbrot sets using a Picard Ishikawa type iterative process. A visualization of the Julia and Mandelbrot sets for certain complex polynomials is presented and their graphical behaviour is examined. We also discuss the effects of parameters on the color variation and shape of fractals.This research was funded by Basque Government through grant number IT 1207-19

    The Picard–Mann iteration with s-convexity in the generation of Mandelbrot and Julia sets

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    In recent years, researchers have studied the use of different iteration processes from fixed point theory in the generation of complex fractals. For instance, the Mann, Ishikawa, Noor, Jungck–Mann and Jungck–Ishikawa iterations have been used. In this paper, we study the use of the Picard–Mann iteration with s-convexity in the generation of Mandelbrot and Julia sets. We prove the escape criterion for the (k + 1)st degree complex polynomial. Moreover, we present some graphical and numerical examples regarding Mandelbrot and Julia sets generated using the proposed iteration

    Fractal generation via CR iteration scheme with s-convexity

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    The visual beauty, self-similarity, and complexity of Mandelbrot sets and Julia sets have made an attractive eld of research. One can nd many generalizations of these sets in the literature. One such generalization is the use of results from xed-point theory. The aim of this paper is to provide escape criterion and generate fractals (Julia sets and Mandelbrot sets) via CR iteration scheme with s-convexity. Many graphics of Mandelbrot sets and Julia sets of the proposed three-step iterative process with s-convexity are presented. We think that the results of this paper can inspire those who are interested in generating automatically aesthetic patterns.Dong-A University Funds, Busan, South Koreahttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=6287639am2020Mathematics and Applied Mathematic

    Polynomiography Based on the Non-standard Newton-like Root Finding Methods

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    In this paper a survey of some modifications based on the classic Newton's and the higher order Newton-like root finding methods for complex polynomials are presented. Instead of the standard Picard's iteration several different iteration processes, described in the literature, that we call as non-standard ones, are used. Kalantari's visualizations of root finding process are interesting from at least three points of view: scientific, educational, and artistic. By combining different kinds of iterations, different convergence tests, and different colouring we obtain a great variety of polynomiographs. We also check experimentally that using complex parameters instead of real ones in multi-parameter iterations do not destabilize the iteration process. Moreover, we obtain nicely looking polynomiographs that are interesting from the artistic point of view. Real parts of the parameters alter symmetry, whereas imaginary ones cause asymmetric twisting of polynomiographs

    Inversion Fractals and Iteration Processes in the Generation of Aesthetic Patterns

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    In this paper, we generalize the idea of star-shaped set inversion fractals using iterations known from fixed point theory. We also extend the iterations from real parameters to so-called q-system numbers and proposed the use of switching processes. All the proposed generalizations allowed us to obtain new and diverse fractal patterns that can be used, e.g., as textile and ceramics patterns. Moreover, we show that in the chaos game for iterated function systems - which is similar to the inversion fractals generation algorithm - the proposed generalizations do not give interesting results

    Fractal Patterns from the Dynamics of Combined Polynomial Root Finding Methods

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    Fractal patterns generated in the complex plane by root finding methods are well known in the literature. In the generation methods of these fractals only one root finding method is used. In this paper, we propose the use of a combination of root finding methods in the generation of fractal patterns. We use three approaches to combine the methods: (1) the use of different combinations, e.g. affine and s-convex combination, (2) the use of iteration processes from fixed point theory, (3) multistep polynomiography. All the proposed approaches allow us to obtain new and diverse fractal patterns that can be used, for instance, as textile or ceramics patterns. Moreover, we study the proposed methods using five different measures: average number of iterations, convergence area index, generation time, fractal dimension and Wada measure. The computational experiments show that the dependence of the measures on the parameters used in the methods is in most cases a non-trivial, complex and non-monotonic function

    Perturbation Mappings in Polynomiography

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    In the paper, a modification of rendering algorithm of polynomiograph is presented. Polynomiography is a method of visualization of complex polynomial root finding process and it has applications among other things in aesthetic pattern generation. The proposed modification is based on a perturbation mapping, which is added in the iteration process of the root finding method. The use of the perturbation mapping alters the shape of the polynomiograph, obtaining in this way new and diverse patterns. The results from the paper can further enrich the functionality of the existing polynomiography software

    Procedural Generation of Aesthetic Patterns from Dynamics and Iteration Processes

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    Aesthetic patterns are widely used nowadays, e.g., in jewellery design, carpet design, as textures and patterns on wallpapers, etc. Most of the work during the design stage is carried out by a designer manually. Therefore, it is highly useful to develop methods for aesthetic pattern generation. In this paper, we present methods for generating aesthetic patterns using the dynamics of a discrete dynamical system. The presented methods are based on the use of various iteration processes from fixed point theory (Mann, S, Noor, etc.) and the application of an affine combination of these iterations. Moreover, we propose new convergence tests that enrich the obtained patterns. The proposed methods generate patterns in a procedural way and can be easily implemented on the GPU. The presented examples show that using the proposed methods we are able to obtain a variety of interesting patterns. Moreover, the numerical examples show that the use of the GPU implementation with shaders allows the generation of patterns in real time and the speed-up (compared with a CPU implementation) ranges from about 1000 to 2500 times