3,335 research outputs found

    Drone Warfare and Just War Theory

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    This book chapter addresses two questions. First, can targeted killing by drones in non-battlefield zones be justified on basis of just war theory? Second, will the proliferation and expansion of combat drones in warfare, including the introduction of autonomous drones, be an obstacle to initiating or executing wars in a just manner in the future? The first question is answered by applying traditional jus ad bellum (justice in the resort to war) and jus in bello (justice in the execution of war) principles to the American targeted killing campaign in Pakistan; the second question is answered on basis of principles of “just military preparedness” or jus ante bellum (justice before war), a new category of just war thinking. It is concluded that an international ban on weaponized drones is morally imperative and, certainly, that an international treaty against autonomous lethal weapons should be adopted

    The Ethical Debate Of Drone Journalism: Flying Into The Future Of Reporting

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles – a.k.a. drones – have left the realm of science fiction and are making their way into use by businesses, the Department of Homeland Security, law enforcement officials and news organizations in the United States. Their potential as a newsgathering tool is only just now being explored – but can these machines maneuver around the ethical and legislative obstacles that threaten to block their use? This paper will look at the definition of what constitutes a drone, the legal arguments for and against their use and the status of drone legislation in the United States, the pros and cons of using these machines in news organizations, and the ethical considerations for and against their use in journalism

    DroneHack Journalism: Educating & Inspiring Journalists in the Capacities & Possibilities of Unmanned Aerial Systems

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    The use of drones for journalism or newsgathering has been growing steadily over the past few years. The recent rise of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (also known as drones) as consumer products, along with the increasing civilian applications being developed has sparked interest in people outside the aviation industry – including journalists. Drone journalism as a practice and discipline is still relatively new. However, they offer great journalistic potential. Current practice is based on visual media. Primarily this comprises photographs and video, but virtual reality and spherical (360) video is starting to be explored. However, other non-visual drone payloads offer great potential for sensor and data journalism. DroneHack has been developed as an event to bring those with technological skills and know-how together with those with real-world needs, in order to generate ideas and rapidly prototype the next generation of civilian drone applications. It also provides an opportunity to raise awareness of regulations around drones and their use. This paper describes the DroneHack Journalism event which took place in January 2017 in conjunction with journalism.co.uk and Trinity Mirror in Manchester, United Kingdom. The paper also explains what a DroneHack is, how it was developed as a format and the origins and influences as well as an overview of previous DroneHacks and concludes with some possible directions which future DroneHacks could take

    Book Review: Automating the Professions: Utopian Pipe Dream or Dystopian Nightmare?

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    Spartan Daily, November 6, 1980

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    Volume 75, Issue 48https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/6684/thumbnail.jp

    Special Issue on the Sixteenth International Symposium on Robotics Research, 2013

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively

    Drone Warfare and Just War Theory

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    This book chapter addresses two questions. First, can targeted killing by drones in non-battlefield zones be justified on basis of just war theory? Second, will the proliferation and expansion of combat drones in warfare, including the introduction of autonomous drones, be an obstacle to initiating or executing wars in a just manner in the future? The first question is answered by applying traditional jus ad bellum (justice in the resort to war) and jus in bello (justice in the execution of war) principles to the American targeted killing campaign in Pakistan; the second question is answered on basis of principles of “just military preparedness” or jus ante bellum (justice before war), a new category of just war thinking. It is concluded that an international ban on weaponized drones is morally imperative and, certainly, that an international treaty against autonomous lethal weapons should be adopted

    Spartan Daily, September 15, 1978

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    Volume 71, Issue 9https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/6368/thumbnail.jp

    UNLV Magazine

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