789,547 research outputs found

    Halal Haram Cryptocurrency

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    The invention of the computer which was originally a calculating machine (Difference Engine no. 1) which was discovered by Charles Babbage (1791-1871) is something very famous in the history of computer development and is the first automatic calculator. With the very rapid development of the digital world, in 1983 an American cryptography expert David Chaum used cryptographic electronic money called e-cash, and in 1995, he implemented it through Digichash, which became the initial form of collaboration between the digital world of computers and Money, which is a cryptographic electronic payment instrument that requires user software to pull notes from the bank and designate a specific encrypted key before it can be sent to the recipient. And in 1996, the NSA, namely the United States National Security Agency, which was founded by President Harry S. Truman on November 4, 1952, had the task and function of collecting and analyzing communications from other countries, as well as protecting information belonging to the United States. The agency published a paper entitled How to Make a Mint: The Cryptography of Anonymous Electronic Cash, describing the Crypto currency system that first published it on the MIT mailing list, later in 1997, in the journal The American Law Review (Vol. 46, Issue 4). It was these researches that eventually led the developers to start developing what is known today as blockchain which is basically a distributed open ledger to record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way. The discovery of Bit coin in 2009 which was declared as electronic money was developed by an institution or individual who has the initials Satoshi Nakamoto, the technology used is using a peer to peer network without centralized storage so that verification can be done anywhere in the world anywhere that dedicates a computer, to do this or it is called mining. Since 2009 other coins and tokens have started to appear, as we can see on CoinMarketcap which has more than 6000 coins and tokens. The utilization and use of this technology is still being debated from the point of view of Muslims in Indonesia, as stated by Yenny Wahid in the activities carried out by the Islamic Law Firm (ILF), this is due to the uncertainty of the asset value which can change at any time

    Conceptualisation of the three-dimensional matrix of collaborative knowledge barriers

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    [EN] Nowadays, collaborative knowledge management (CKM) is well accepted as a decisive asset in the field of networked enterprises and supply chains. However, few knowledge management initiatives have been performed successfully because, in most cases, the barriers that hinder the CKM process are unknown and misunderstood. Currently, the research reveals different uni- and bi-dimensional barriers' classifications, however multi-dimensional approaches provide a better view of the complexity in the area of CKM. Therefore, this paper proposes the three-dimensional matrix of collaborative knowledge barriers taking into account: (i) perspectives; (ii) levels and (iii) barriers blocks to provide a reference way to audit the CKM barriers, and thus, in further research, focus on the corrections and adjustments to guarantee the success while implementing a CKM project.Sanchis, R.; Sanchis Gisbert, MR.; Poler, R. (2020). Conceptualisation of the three-dimensional matrix of collaborative knowledge barriers. Sustainability. 12(3):1-25. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12031279S125123Rajabion, L., Sataei Mokhtari, A., Khordehbinan, M. W., Zare, M., & Hassani, A. (2019). The role of knowledge sharing in supply chain success. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 17(6), 1222-1249. doi:10.1108/jedt-03-2019-0052Sanguankaew, P., & Vathanophas Ractham, V. (2019). Bibliometric Review of Research on Knowledge Management and Sustainability, 1994–2018. Sustainability, 11(16), 4388. doi:10.3390/su11164388Zhang, J., Dawes, S. S., & Sarkis, J. (2005). Exploring stakeholders’ expectations of the benefits and barriers of e‐government knowledge sharing. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 18(5), 548-567. doi:10.1108/17410390510624007Riege, A. (2005). Three‐dozen knowledge‐sharing barriers managers must consider. 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    Foreign Language Learning In Knowledge Forums: using a knowledge-building forum in an EFL classroom

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    [EN] This paper presents the first phase of a study conducted to analyze Knowledge Building forums for evidence of second language acquisition. This study is an analysis of the posts within an existing forum in search of evidence of foreign language learning. The analysis found that the collaborative writing project shows evidence that the students passed through the stages of construction of knowledge within their foreign language classroom, however factors, such as confounding variables, inconsistencies in error types, and the small number of posts by the participants made it challenging to determine whether there is evidence of language acquisition for each student. The forum posts show evidence of knowledge acquisition, but further investigation is required to determine whether collaborative writing in knowledge forums is effective for foreign language acquisition.Manegre, M.; Gutiérrez-Colón, M.; Gisbert, M. (2019). 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    Multirate control with incomplete information over Profibus-DP network

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in International Journal of Systems Science on 2014, available online:http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/00207721.2013.844286When a process Âżeld bus-decentralized peripherals (ProÂżbus-DP) network is used in an industrial environment, a deterministic behaviour is usually claimed. However, due to some concerns such as bandwidth limitations, lack of synchronisation among different clocks and existence of time-varying delays, a more complex problem must be faced. This problem implies the transmission of irregular and, even, random sequences of incomplete information. The main consequence of this issue is the appearance of different sampling periods at different network devices. In this paper, this aspect is checked by means of a detailed ProÂżbus-DP timescale study. In addition, in order to deal with the different periods, a delay-dependent dual-rate proportional-integral-derivative control is introduced. Stability for the proposed control system is analysed in terms of linear matrix inequalitiesThe authors are grateful to the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity [Research Grant TEC2012-31506].Salt Llobregat, JJ.; Casanova Calvo, V.; Cuenca Lacruz, ÁM.; PizĂĄ FernĂĄndez, R. (2014). Multirate control with incomplete information over Profibus-DP network. International Journal of Systems Science. 45(7):1589-1605. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207721.2013.844286S15891605457Alves, M., & Tovar, E. (2007). Real-time communications over wired/wireless PROFIBUS networks supporting inter-cell mobility. Computer Networks, 51(11), 2994-3012. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2007.01.001Boyd, S., El Ghaoui, L., Feron, E., & Balakrishnan, V. (1994). Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory. doi:10.1137/1.9781611970777Bucher, R., & Balemi, S. (2006). Rapid controller prototyping with Matlab/Simulink and Linux. 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    Copyright is the branch of Intellectual Property Law that governs works of expression such as books, paintings and songs, and the expressive aspects of computer programs. Intellectual products such as these have a partially public goods character: they are largely inexhaustible and nonexcludable. Intellectual Property Law responds to inexcludability by giving producers legal rights to exclude nonpayers from certain usages of their intellectual products. The goal is to provide incentives for new production at fairly low transaction costs. However, the copyright owner will charge a price above marginal cost and this, coupled with the inexhaustibility of most copyrighted products, creates deadweight loss. Various copyright doctrines (such as the idea/expression dichotomy, the limited duration of the copyright ownership term and the doctrine of ‘fair use’) work to reduce deadweight loss and other costs within a larger structure that creates incentives. Copyright Law, unlike Patent Law, gives owners rights only against those who actually copy the work. This limitation, too, may serve to reduce both transaction costs and deadweight loss. Empirically it is unclear how successful copyright has been in creating incentives for production, reducing transaction costs and keeping deadweight costs low

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