230 research outputs found

    Jointly learning trajectory generation and hitting point prediction in robot table tennis

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    This paper proposes a combined learning framework for a table tennis robot. In a typical robot table tennis setup, a single striking point is predicted for the robot on the basis of the ball's initial state. Subsequently, the desired Cartesian racket state and the desired joint states at the striking time are determined. Finally, robot joint trajectories are generated. Instead of predicting a single striking point, we propose to construct a ball trajectory prediction map, which predicts the ball's entire rebound trajectory using the ball's initial state. We construct as well a robot trajectory generation map, which predicts the robot joint movement pattern and the movement duration using the Cartesian racket trajectories without the need of inverse kinematics, where a correlation function is used to adapt these joint movement parameters according to the ball flight trajectory. With joint movement parameters, we can directly generate joint trajectories. Additionally, we introduce a reinforcement learning approach to modify robot joint trajectories such that the robot can return balls well. We validate this new framework in both the simulated and the real robotic systems and illustrate that a seven degree-of-freedom Barrett WAM robot performs well

    Robotic Table Tennis: A Case Study into a High Speed Learning System

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    We present a deep-dive into a real-world robotic learning system that, in previous work, was shown to be capable of hundreds of table tennis rallies with a human and has the ability to precisely return the ball to desired targets. This system puts together a highly optimized perception subsystem, a high-speed low-latency robot controller, a simulation paradigm that can prevent damage in the real world and also train policies for zero-shot transfer, and automated real world environment resets that enable autonomous training and evaluation on physical robots. We complement a complete system description, including numerous design decisions that are typically not widely disseminated, with a collection of studies that clarify the importance of mitigating various sources of latency, accounting for training and deployment distribution shifts, robustness of the perception system, sensitivity to policy hyper-parameters, and choice of action space. A video demonstrating the components of the system and details of experimental results can be found at https://youtu.be/uFcnWjB42I0.Comment: Published and presented at Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS2023

    Ball Oscillating Bouncer

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    The purpose of this report is to document the need, objectives, marketing and engineering requirements, as well as validate the design of an autonomous control device capable of continuously bouncing a table tennis ball on a paddle. This includes the design of a self correcting system using lightweight materials, and as few sensors and components as possible to achieve a compact, portable design. To accomplish this, the system is designed to react to a ball falling from as short a distance as 10 centimeters above the paddle, meaning all sensor processing, control processing, and motor drives should be able to react within an appropriate timeframe. The overall system is broken down into four main parts: a sensor and sensor processing system, a controller and control processing system, an electromechanical motor system, and a DC power supply system. The sensor system shall be capable of detecting and analyzing ball trajectory and forward that information to the control processor. The control processor will generate a response to react to the ball trajectory and forward that information to the motor drives which will physically act to correct the ball position, thus completing the control sequence. ● System shall behave completely autonomously ● Four main subsystems: Sensor/Processor, Controller/Processor, Motors and Drives, and DC Power Supply. ● System will need to react quickly, sometimes in as short a time as 142 milliseconds

    A Survey on Policy Search for Robotics

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    Policy search is a subfield in reinforcement learning which focuses on finding good parameters for a given policy parametrization. It is well suited for robotics as it can cope with high-dimensional state and action spaces, one of the main challenges in robot learning. We review recent successes of both model-free and model-based policy search in robot learning. Model-free policy search is a general approach to learn policies based on sampled trajectories. We classify model-free methods based on their policy evaluation strategy, policy update strategy, and exploration strategy and present a unified view on existing algorithms. Learning a policy is often easier than learning an accurate forward model, and, hence, model-free methods are more frequently used in practice. However, for each sampled trajectory, it is necessary to interact with the * Both authors contributed equally. robot, which can be time consuming and challenging in practice. Modelbased policy search addresses this problem by first learning a simulator of the robot’s dynamics from data. Subsequently, the simulator generates trajectories that are used for policy learning. For both modelfree and model-based policy search methods, we review their respective properties and their applicability to robotic systems

    Intention Inference and Decision Making with Hierarchical Gaussian Process Dynamics Models

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    Anticipation is crucial for fluent human-robot interaction, which allows a robot to independently coordinate its actions with human beings in joint activities. An anticipatory robot relies on a predictive model of its human partners, and selects its own action according to the model's predictions. Intention inference and decision making are key elements towards such anticipatory robots. In this thesis, we present a machine-learning approach to intention inference and decision making, based on Hierarchical Gaussian Process Dynamics Models (H-GPDMs). We first introduce the H-GPDM, a class of generic latent-variable dynamics models. The H-GPDM represents the generative process of complex human movements that are directed by exogenous driving factors. Incorporating the exogenous variables in the dynamics model, the H-GPDM achieves improved interpretation, analysis, and prediction of human movements. While exact inference of the exogenous variables and the latent states is intractable, we introduce an approximate method using variational Bayesian inference, and demonstrate the merits of the H-GPDM in three different applications of human movement analysis. The H-GPDM lays a foundation for the following studies on intention inference and decision making. Intention inference is an essential step towards anticipatory robots. For this purpose, we consider a special case of the H-GPDM, the Intention-Driven Dynamics Model (IDDM), which considers the human partners' intention as exogenous driving factors. The IDDM is applicable to intention inference from observed movements using Bayes' theorem, where the latent state variables are marginalized out. As most robotics applications are subject to real-time constraints, we introduce an efficient online algorithm that allows for real-time intention inference. We show that the IDDM achieved state-of-the-art performance in intention inference using two human-robot interaction scenarios, i.e., target prediction for robot table tennis and action recognition for interactive robots. Decision making based on a time series of predictions allows a robot to be proactive in its action selection, which involves a trade-off between the accuracy and confidence of the prediction and the time for executing a selected action. To address the problem of action selection and optimal timing for initiating the movement, we formulate the anticipatory action selection using Partially Observable Markov Decision Process, where the H-GPDM is adopted to update belief state and to estimate transition model. We present two approaches to policy learning and decision making, and show their effectiveness using human-robot table tennis. In addition, we consider decision making solely based on the preference of the human partners, where observations are not sufficient for reliable intention inference. We formulate it as a repeated game and present a learning approach to safe strategies that exploit the humans' preferences. The learned strategy enables action selection when reliable intention inference is not available due to insufficient observation, e.g., for a robot to return served balls from a human table tennis player. In this thesis, we use human-robot table tennis as a running example, where a key bottleneck is the limited amount of time for executing a hitting movement. Movement initiation usually requires an early decision on the type of action, such as a forehand or backhand hitting movement, at least 80ms before the opponent has hit the ball. The robot, therefore, needs to be anticipatory and proactive of the opponent's intended target. Using the proposed methods, the robot can predict the intended target of the opponent and initiate an appropriate hitting movement according to the prediction. Experimental results show that the proposed intention inference and decision making methods can substantially enhance the capability of the robot table tennis player, using both a physically realistic simulation and a real Barrett WAM robot arm with seven degrees of freedom

    Definition and composition of motor Primitives using latent force models and hidden markov models

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    The movement representation problem is at the core of areas such as robot imitation learning and motion synthesis. In these fields, approaches oriented to the definition of motor primitives as basic building blocks of more complex movements have been extensively used because they cope with the high dimensionality and complexity by using a limited set of adjustable primitives. There is also biological evidence supporting the existence of such primitives in vertebrate and invertebrate motor systems. Traditional methods for representing motor primitives have been purely data-driven or strongly mechanistic. In the former approach new movements are generated using existing movements and these methods are usually very flexible but their extrapolation capacity is limited by the available training data. On the other hand, strongly mechanistic models have a better generalization ability by relying on a physical description of the modeled system, however, it may be hard to fully describe a real system and the resulting differential equations are usually expensive to solve numerically. Therefore, the motor primitive parameterization used in this work is based on a hybrid model which jointly incorporates the flexibility of the data-driven paradigm and the extrapolation capacity of strongly mechanistic models, namely the latent force model framework. Moreover, the sequential composition of different motor primitives is also addressed using Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) which allows to process movement realizations efficiently. The resulting joint model is an HMM with latent force models (LFMs) as emission process which is an unexplored combined probabilistic model to the best of our knowledge

    Modeling and Learning of Complex Motor Tasks: A Case Study with Robot Table Tennis

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    Most tasks that humans need to accomplished in their everyday life require certain motor skills. Although most motor skills seem to rely on the same elementary movements, humans are able to accomplish many different tasks. Robots, on the other hand, are still limited to a small number of skills and depend on well-defined environments. Modeling new motor behaviors is therefore an important research area in robotics. Computational models of human motor control are an essential step to construct robotic systems that are able to solve complex tasks in a human inhabited environment. These models can be the key for robust, efficient, and human-like movement plans. In turn, the reproduction of human-like behavior on a robotic system can be also beneficial for computational neuroscientists to verify their hypotheses. Although biomimetic models can be of great help in order to close the gap between human and robot motor abilities, these models are usually limited to the scenarios considered. However, one important property of human motor behavior is the ability to adapt skills to new situations and to learn new motor skills with relatively few trials. Domain-appropriate machine learning techniques, such as supervised and reinforcement learning, have a great potential to enable robotic systems to autonomously learn motor skills. In this thesis, we attempt to model and subsequently learn a complex motor task. As a test case for a complex motor task, we chose robot table tennis throughout this thesis. Table tennis requires a series of time critical movements which have to be selected and adapted according to environmental stimuli as well as the desired targets. We first analyze how humans play table tennis and create a computational model that results in human-like hitting motions on a robot arm. Our focus lies on generating motor behavior capable of adapting to variations and uncertainties in the environmental conditions. We evaluate the resulting biomimetic model both in a physically realistic simulation and on a real anthropomorphic seven degrees of freedom Barrett WAM robot arm. This biomimetic model based purely on analytical methods produces successful hitting motions, but does not feature the flexibility found in human motor behavior. We therefore suggest a new framework that allows a robot to learn cooperative table tennis from and with a human. Here, the robot first learns a set of elementary hitting movements from a human teacher by kinesthetic teach-in, which is compiled into a set of motor primitives. To generalize these movements to a wider range of situations we introduce the mixture of motor primitives algorithm. The resulting motor policy enables the robot to select appropriate motor primitives as well as to generalize between them. Furthermore, it also allows to adapt the selection process of the hitting movements based on the outcome of previous trials. The framework is evaluated both in simulation and on a real Barrett WAM robot. In consecutive experiments, we show that our approach allows the robot to return balls from a ball launcher and furthermore to play table tennis with a human partner. Executing robot movements using a biomimetic or learned approach enables the robot to return balls successfully. However, in motor tasks with a competitive goal such as table tennis, the robot not only needs to return the balls successfully in order to accomplish the task, it also needs an adaptive strategy. Such a higher-level strategy cannot be programed manually as it depends on the opponent and the abilities of the robot. We therefore make a first step towards the goal of acquiring such a strategy and investigate the possibility of inferring strategic information from observing humans playing table tennis. We model table tennis as a Markov decision problem, where the reward function captures the goal of the task as well as knowledge on effective elements of a basic strategy. We show how this reward function, and therefore the strategic information can be discovered with model-free inverse reinforcement learning from human table tennis matches. The approach is evaluated on data collected from players with different playing styles and skill levels. We show that the resulting reward functions are able to capture expert-specific strategic information that allow to distinguish the expert among players with different playing skills as well as different playing styles. To summarize, in this thesis, we have derived a computational model for table tennis that was successfully implemented on a Barrett WAM robot arm and that has proven to produce human-like hitting motions. We also introduced a framework for learning a complex motor task based on a library of demonstrated hitting primitives. To select and generalize these hitting movements we developed the mixture of motor primitives algorithm where the selection process can be adapted online based on the success of the synthesized hitting movements. The setup was tested on a real robot, which showed that the resulting robot table tennis player is able to play a cooperative game against an human opponent. Finally, we could show that it is possible to infer basic strategic information in table tennis from observing matches of human players using model-free inverse reinforcement learning
