164 research outputs found

    Trennung und SchĂ€tzung der Anzahl von Audiosignalquellen mit Zeit- und FrequenzĂŒberlappung

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    Everyday audio recordings involve mixture signals: music contains a mixture of instruments; in a meeting or conference, there is a mixture of human voices. For these mixtures, automatically separating or estimating the number of sources is a challenging task. A common assumption when processing mixtures in the time-frequency domain is that sources are not fully overlapped. However, in this work we consider some cases where the overlap is severe — for instance, when instruments play the same note (unison) or when many people speak concurrently ("cocktail party") — highlighting the need for new representations and more powerful models. To address the problems of source separation and count estimation, we use conventional signal processing techniques as well as deep neural networks (DNN). We ïŹrst address the source separation problem for unison instrument mixtures, studying the distinct spectro-temporal modulations caused by vibrato. To exploit these modulations, we developed a method based on time warping, informed by an estimate of the fundamental frequency. For cases where such estimates are not available, we present an unsupervised model, inspired by the way humans group time-varying sources (common fate). This contribution comes with a novel representation that improves separation for overlapped and modulated sources on unison mixtures but also improves vocal and accompaniment separation when used as an input for a DNN model. Then, we focus on estimating the number of sources in a mixture, which is important for real-world scenarios. Our work on count estimation was motivated by a study on how humans can address this task, which lead us to conduct listening experiments, conïŹrming that humans are only able to estimate the number of up to four sources correctly. To answer the question of whether machines can perform similarly, we present a DNN architecture, trained to estimate the number of concurrent speakers. Our results show improvements compared to other methods, and the model even outperformed humans on the same task. In both the source separation and source count estimation tasks, the key contribution of this thesis is the concept of “modulation”, which is important to computationally mimic human performance. Our proposed Common Fate Transform is an adequate representation to disentangle overlapping signals for separation, and an inspection of our DNN count estimation model revealed that it proceeds to ïŹnd modulation-like intermediate features.Im Alltag sind wir von gemischten Signalen umgeben: Musik besteht aus einer Mischung von Instrumenten; in einem Meeting oder auf einer Konferenz sind wir einer Mischung menschlicher Stimmen ausgesetzt. FĂŒr diese Mischungen ist die automatische Quellentrennung oder die Bestimmung der Anzahl an Quellen eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe. Eine hĂ€uïŹge Annahme bei der Verarbeitung von gemischten Signalen im Zeit-Frequenzbereich ist, dass die Quellen sich nicht vollstĂ€ndig ĂŒberlappen. In dieser Arbeit betrachten wir jedoch einige FĂ€lle, in denen die Überlappung immens ist zum Beispiel, wenn Instrumente den gleichen Ton spielen (unisono) oder wenn viele Menschen gleichzeitig sprechen (Cocktailparty) —, so dass neue Signal-ReprĂ€sentationen und leistungsfĂ€higere Modelle notwendig sind. Um die zwei genannten Probleme zu bewĂ€ltigen, verwenden wir sowohl konventionelle Signalverbeitungsmethoden als auch tiefgehende neuronale Netze (DNN). Wir gehen zunĂ€chst auf das Problem der Quellentrennung fĂŒr Unisono-Instrumentenmischungen ein und untersuchen die speziellen, durch Vibrato ausgelösten, zeitlich-spektralen Modulationen. Um diese Modulationen auszunutzen entwickelten wir eine Methode, die auf Zeitverzerrung basiert und eine SchĂ€tzung der Grundfrequenz als zusĂ€tzliche Information nutzt. FĂŒr FĂ€lle, in denen diese SchĂ€tzungen nicht verfĂŒgbar sind, stellen wir ein unĂŒberwachtes Modell vor, das inspiriert ist von der Art und Weise, wie Menschen zeitverĂ€nderliche Quellen gruppieren (Common Fate). Dieser Beitrag enthĂ€lt eine neuartige ReprĂ€sentation, die die Separierbarkeit fĂŒr ĂŒberlappte und modulierte Quellen in Unisono-Mischungen erhöht, aber auch die Trennung in Gesang und Begleitung verbessert, wenn sie in einem DNN-Modell verwendet wird. Im Weiteren beschĂ€ftigen wir uns mit der SchĂ€tzung der Anzahl von Quellen in einer Mischung, was fĂŒr reale Szenarien wichtig ist. Unsere Arbeit an der SchĂ€tzung der Anzahl war motiviert durch eine Studie, die zeigt, wie wir Menschen diese Aufgabe angehen. Dies hat uns dazu veranlasst, eigene Hörexperimente durchzufĂŒhren, die bestĂ€tigten, dass Menschen nur in der Lage sind, die Anzahl von bis zu vier Quellen korrekt abzuschĂ€tzen. Um nun die Frage zu beantworten, ob Maschinen dies Ă€hnlich gut können, stellen wir eine DNN-Architektur vor, die erlernt hat, die Anzahl der gleichzeitig sprechenden Sprecher zu ermitteln. Die Ergebnisse zeigen Verbesserungen im Vergleich zu anderen Methoden, aber vor allem auch im Vergleich zu menschlichen Hörern. Sowohl bei der Quellentrennung als auch bei der SchĂ€tzung der Anzahl an Quellen ist ein Kernbeitrag dieser Arbeit das Konzept der “Modulation”, welches wichtig ist, um die Strategien von Menschen mittels Computern nachzuahmen. Unsere vorgeschlagene Common Fate Transformation ist eine adĂ€quate Darstellung, um die Überlappung von Signalen fĂŒr die Trennung zugĂ€nglich zu machen und eine Inspektion unseres DNN-ZĂ€hlmodells ergab schließlich, dass sich auch hier modulationsĂ€hnliche Merkmale ïŹnden lassen

    Deep Learning for Audio Signal Processing

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    Given the recent surge in developments of deep learning, this article provides a review of the state-of-the-art deep learning techniques for audio signal processing. Speech, music, and environmental sound processing are considered side-by-side, in order to point out similarities and differences between the domains, highlighting general methods, problems, key references, and potential for cross-fertilization between areas. The dominant feature representations (in particular, log-mel spectra and raw waveform) and deep learning models are reviewed, including convolutional neural networks, variants of the long short-term memory architecture, as well as more audio-specific neural network models. Subsequently, prominent deep learning application areas are covered, i.e. audio recognition (automatic speech recognition, music information retrieval, environmental sound detection, localization and tracking) and synthesis and transformation (source separation, audio enhancement, generative models for speech, sound, and music synthesis). Finally, key issues and future questions regarding deep learning applied to audio signal processing are identified.Comment: 15 pages, 2 pdf figure

    Music Source Separation with Band-split RNN

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    The performance of music source separation (MSS) models has been greatly improved in recent years thanks to the development of novel neural network architectures and training pipelines. However, recent model designs for MSS were mainly motivated by other audio processing tasks or other research fields, while the intrinsic characteristics and patterns of the music signals were not fully discovered. In this paper, we propose band-split RNN (BSRNN), a frequency-domain model that explictly splits the spectrogram of the mixture into subbands and perform interleaved band-level and sequence-level modeling. The choices of the bandwidths of the subbands can be determined by a priori knowledge or expert knowledge on the characteristics of the target source in order to optimize the performance on a certain type of target musical instrument. To better make use of unlabeled data, we also describe a semi-supervised model finetuning pipeline that can further improve the performance of the model. Experiment results show that BSRNN trained only on MUSDB18-HQ dataset significantly outperforms several top-ranking models in Music Demixing (MDX) Challenge 2021, and the semi-supervised finetuning stage further improves the performance on all four instrument tracks

    Deep Learning Methods for Instrument Separation and Recognition

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    This thesis explores deep learning methods for timbral information processing in polyphonic music analysis. It encompasses two primary tasks: Music Source Separation (MSS) and Instrument Recognition, with focus on applying domain knowledge and utilising dense arrangements of skip-connections in the frameworks in order to reduce the number of trainable parameters and create more efficient models. Musically-motivated Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures are introduced, emphasizing kernels with vertical, square, and horizontal shapes. This design choice allows for the extraction of essential harmonic and percussive features, which enhances the discrimination of different instruments. Notably, this methodology proves valuable for Harmonic-Percussive Source Separation (HPSS) and instrument recognition tasks. A significant challenge in MSS is generalising to new instrument types and music styles. To address this, a versatile framework for adversarial unsupervised domain adaptation for source separation is proposed, particularly beneficial when labeled data for specific instruments is unavailable. The curation of the Tap & Fiddle dataset is another contribution of the research, offering mixed and isolated stem recordings of traditional Scandinavian fiddle tunes, along with foot-tapping accompaniments, fostering research in source separation and metrical expression analysis within these musical styles. Since our perception of timbre is affected in different ways by transient and stationary parts of sound, the research investigates the potential of Transient Stationary-Noise Decomposition (TSND) as a preprocessing step for frame-level recognition. A method that performs TSND of spectrograms and feeds the decomposed spectrograms to a neural classifier is proposed. Furthermore, this thesis introduces a novel deep learning-based approach for pitch streaming, treating the task as a note-level instrument classification. Such an approach is modular, meaning that it can also successfully stream predicted note-events and not only labelled ground truth note-event information to corresponding instruments. Therefore, the proposed pitch streaming method enables third-party multi-pitch estimation algorithms to perform multi-instrument AMT

    Deep Learning for Music Information Retrieval in Limited Data Scenarios.

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    PhD ThesisWhile deep learning (DL) models have achieved impressive results in settings where large amounts of annotated training data are available, over tting often degrades performance when data is more limited. To improve the generalisation of DL models, we investigate \data-driven priors" that exploit additional unlabelled data or labelled data from related tasks. Unlike techniques such as data augmentation, these priors are applicable across a range of machine listening tasks, since their design does not rely on problem-speci c knowledge. We rst consider scenarios in which parts of samples can be missing, aiming to make more datasets available for model training. In an initial study focusing on audio source separation (ASS), we exploit additionally available unlabelled music and solo source recordings by using generative adversarial networks (GANs), resulting in higher separation quality. We then present a fully adversarial framework for learning generative models with missing data. Our discriminator consists of separately trainable components that can be combined to train the generator with the same objective as in the original GAN framework. We apply our framework to image generation, image segmentation and ASS, demonstrating superior performance compared to the original GAN. To improve performance on any given MIR task, we also aim to leverage datasets which are annotated for similar tasks. We use multi-task learning (MTL) to perform singing voice detection and singing voice separation with one model, improving performance on both tasks. Furthermore, we employ meta-learning on a diverse collection of ten MIR tasks to nd a weight initialisation for a \universal MIR model" so that training the model on any MIR task with this initialisation quickly leads to good performance. Since our data-driven priors encode knowledge shared across tasks and datasets, they are suited for high-dimensional, end-to-end models, instead of small models relying on task-speci c feature engineering, such as xed spectrogram representations of audio commonly used in machine listening. To this end, we propose \Wave-U-Net", an adaptation of the U-Net, which can perform ASS directly on the raw waveform while performing favourably to its spectrogrambased counterpart. Finally, we derive \Seq-U-Net" as a causal variant of Wave- U-Net, which performs comparably to Wavenet and Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) on a variety of sequence modelling tasks, while being more computationally e cient.

    An Overview of Deep-Learning-Based Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement and Separation

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    Speech enhancement and speech separation are two related tasks, whose purpose is to extract either one or more target speech signals, respectively, from a mixture of sounds generated by several sources. Traditionally, these tasks have been tackled using signal processing and machine learning techniques applied to the available acoustic signals. Since the visual aspect of speech is essentially unaffected by the acoustic environment, visual information from the target speakers, such as lip movements and facial expressions, has also been used for speech enhancement and speech separation systems. In order to efficiently fuse acoustic and visual information, researchers have exploited the flexibility of data-driven approaches, specifically deep learning, achieving strong performance. The ceaseless proposal of a large number of techniques to extract features and fuse multimodal information has highlighted the need for an overview that comprehensively describes and discusses audio-visual speech enhancement and separation based on deep learning. In this paper, we provide a systematic survey of this research topic, focusing on the main elements that characterise the systems in the literature: acoustic features; visual features; deep learning methods; fusion techniques; training targets and objective functions. In addition, we review deep-learning-based methods for speech reconstruction from silent videos and audio-visual sound source separation for non-speech signals, since these methods can be more or less directly applied to audio-visual speech enhancement and separation. Finally, we survey commonly employed audio-visual speech datasets, given their central role in the development of data-driven approaches, and evaluation methods, because they are generally used to compare different systems and determine their performance
