834 research outputs found

    CAT-CAD: A Computer-Aided Diagnosis Tool for Cataplexy

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    Narcolepsy with cataplexy is a severe lifelong disorder characterized, among others, by sudden loss of bilateral face muscle tone triggered by emotions (cataplexy). A recent approach for the diagnosis of the disease is based on a completely manual analysis of video recordings of patients undergoing emotional stimulation made on-site by medical specialists, looking for specific facial behavior motor phenomena. We present here the CAT-CAD tool for automatic detection of cataplexy symptoms, with the double aim of (1) supporting neurologists in the diagnosis/monitoring of the disease and (2) facilitating the experience of patients, allowing them to conduct video recordings at home. CAT-CAD includes a front-end medical interface (for the playback/inspection of patient recordings and the retrieval of videos relevant to the one currently played) and a back-end AI-based video analyzer (able to automatically detect the presence of disease symptoms in the patient recording). Analysis of patients’ videos for discovering disease symptoms is based on the detection of facial landmarks, and an alternative implementation of the video analyzer, exploiting deep-learning techniques, is introduced. Performance of both approaches is experimentally evaluated using a benchmark of real patients’ recordings, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed solutions

    An In-Vehicle Vision-Based Driver's Drowsiness Detection System

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    [[abstract]]Many traffic accidents have been reported due to driver’s drowsiness/fatigue. Drowsiness degrades driving performance due to the declinations of visibility, situational awareness and decision-making capability. In this study, a vision-based drowsiness detection and warning system is presented, which attempts to bring to the attention of a driver to his/her own potential drowsiness. The information provided by the system can also be utilized by adaptive systems to manage noncritical operations, such as starting a ventilator, spreading fragrance, turning on a radio, and providing entertainment options. In high drowsiness situation, the system may initiate navigation aids and alert others to the drowsiness of the driver. The system estimates the fatigue level of a driver based on his/her facial images acquired by a video camera mounted in the front of the vehicle. There are five major steps involved in the system process: preprocessing, facial feature extraction, face tracking, parameter estimation, and reasoning. In the preprocessing step, the input image is sub-sampled for reducing the image size and in turn the processing time. A lighting compensation process is next applied to the reduced image in order to remove the influences of ambient illumination variations. Afterwards, for each image pixel a number of chrominance values are calculated, which are to be used in the next step for detecting facial features. There are four sub-steps constituting the feature extraction step: skin detection, face localization, eyes and mouth detection, and feature confirmation. To begin, the skin areas are located in the image based on the chrominance values of pixels calculated in the previous step and a predefined skin model. We next search for the face region within the largest skin area. However, the detected face is typically imperfect. Facial feature detection within the imperfect face region is unreliable. We actually look for facial features throughout the entire image. As to the face region, it will later be used to confirm the detected facial features. Once facial features are located, they are tracked over the video sequence until they are missed detecting in a video image. At this moment, the facial feature detection process is revoked again. Although facial feature detection is time consuming, facial feature tracking is fast and reliable. During facial feature tracking, parameters of facial expression, including percentage of eye closure over time, eye blinking frequency, durations of eye closure, gaze and mouth opening, as well as head orientation, are estimated. The estimated parameters are then utilized in the reasoning step to determine the driver’s drowsiness level. A fuzzy integral technique is employed, which integrates various types of parameter values to arrive at a decision about the drowsiness level of the driver. A number of video sequences of different drivers and illumination conditions have been tested. The results revealed that our system can work reasonably in daytime. We may extend the system in the future work to apply in nighttime. For this, infrared sensors should be included.

    Car that Knows Before You Do: Anticipating Maneuvers via Learning Temporal Driving Models

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    Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) have made driving safer over the last decade. They prepare vehicles for unsafe road conditions and alert drivers if they perform a dangerous maneuver. However, many accidents are unavoidable because by the time drivers are alerted, it is already too late. Anticipating maneuvers beforehand can alert drivers before they perform the maneuver and also give ADAS more time to avoid or prepare for the danger. In this work we anticipate driving maneuvers a few seconds before they occur. For this purpose we equip a car with cameras and a computing device to capture the driving context from both inside and outside of the car. We propose an Autoregressive Input-Output HMM to model the contextual information alongwith the maneuvers. We evaluate our approach on a diverse data set with 1180 miles of natural freeway and city driving and show that we can anticipate maneuvers 3.5 seconds before they occur with over 80\% F1-score in real-time.Comment: ICCV 2015, http://brain4cars.co


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    Monitoring the attentive and emotional status of the driver is critical for the safety and comfort of driving. In this work a real-time non-intrusive monitoring system is developed, which detects the emotional states of the driver by analyzing facial expressions. The system considers two negative basic emotions, anger and disgust, as stress related emotions. We detect an individual emotion in each video frame and the decision on the stress level is made on sequence level. Experimental results show that the developed system operates very well on simulated data even with generic models. An additional pose normalization step reduces the impact of pose mismatch due to camera setup and pose variation, and hence improves the detection accuracy further

    Deep Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving: Current Challenges and Future Directions

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    [EN] Advances in information and signal processing technologies have a significant impact on autonomous driving (AD), improving driving safety while minimizing the efforts of human drivers with the help of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. Recently, deep learning (DL) approaches have solved several real-world problems of complex nature. However, their strengths in terms of control processes for AD have not been deeply investigated and highlighted yet. This survey highlights the power of DL architectures in terms of reliability and efficient real-time performance and overviews state-of-the-art strategies for safe AD, with their major achievements and limitations. Furthermore, it covers major embodiments of DL along the AD pipeline including measurement, analysis, and execution, with a focus on road, lane, vehicle, pedestrian, drowsiness detection, collision avoidance, and traffic sign detection through sensing and vision-based DL methods. In addition, we discuss on the performance of several reviewed methods by using different evaluation metrics, with critics on their pros and cons. Finally, this survey highlights the current issues of safe DL-based AD with a prospect of recommendations for future research, rounding up a reference material for newcomers and researchers willing to join this vibrant area of Intelligent Transportation Systems.This work was supported by Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) Grant funded by the Korea Government (MSIT) (2019-0-00136, Development of AI-Convergence Technologies for Smart City Industry Productivity Innovation); The work of Javier Del Ser was supported by the Basque Government through the EMAITEK and ELKARTEK Programs, as well as by the Department of Education of this institution (Consolidated Research Group MATHMODE, IT1294-19); VHCA received support from the Brazilian National Council for Research and Development (CNPq, Grant #304315/2017-6 and #430274/2018-1).Muhammad, K.; Ullah, A.; Lloret, J.; Del Ser, J.; De Albuquerque, VHC. (2021). Deep Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving: Current Challenges and Future Directions. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 22(7):4316-4336. https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2020.30322274316433622

    Detection of Driver Drowsiness and Distraction Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning Approaches

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    Drowsiness and distracted driving are leading factor in most car crashes and near-crashes. This research study explores and investigates the applications of both conventional computer vision and deep learning approaches for the detection of drowsiness and distraction in drivers. In the first part of this MPhil research study conventional computer vision approaches was studied to develop a robust drowsiness and distraction system based on yawning detection, head pose detection and eye blinking detection. These algorithms were implemented by using existing human crafted features. Experiments were performed for the detection and classification with small image datasets to evaluate and measure the performance of system. It was observed that the use of human crafted features together with a robust classifier such as SVM gives better performance in comparison to previous approaches. Though, the results were satisfactorily, there are many drawbacks and challenges associated with conventional computer vision approaches, such as definition and extraction of human crafted features, thus making these conventional algorithms to be subjective in nature and less adaptive in practice. In contrast, deep learning approaches automates the feature selection process and can be trained to learn the most discriminative features without any input from human. In the second half of this research study, the use of deep learning approaches for the detection of distracted driving was investigated. It was observed that one of the advantages of the applied methodology and technique for distraction detection includes and illustrates the contribution of CNN enhancement to a better pattern recognition accuracy and its ability to learn features from various regions of a human body simultaneously. The comparison of the performance of four convolutional deep net architectures (AlexNet, ResNet, MobileNet and NASNet) was carried out, investigated triplet training and explored the impact of combining a support vector classifier (SVC) with a trained deep net. The images used in our experiments with the deep nets are from the State Farm Distracted Driver Detection dataset hosted on Kaggle, each of which captures the entire body of a driver. The best results were obtained with the NASNet trained using triplet loss and combined with an SVC. It was observed that one of the advantages of deep learning approaches are their ability to learn discriminative features from various regions of a human body simultaneously. The ability has enabled deep learning approaches to reach accuracy at human level.
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