1,645 research outputs found

    Comparison of JEE platform web applications development using JavaServer Faces and Spring Boot example

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    The article presents the results of the web applications development effectiveness on the Java Enterprise Edition platform using JavaServer Faces and Spring Boot. The comparative analysis was performed using the specially prepared test applications, implemented in both technologies

    Test-Driven Development as a tool to optimize the JEE programming

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    The article is about the benefits of using the Test-Driven Development methodology. Tests were carried out on the author's application based on Java Enterprise Edition platform. The investigated methodology was compared with the standard approach to writing tests

    Running and testing Java EE applications in embedded mode with JupEEter framework

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    This paper presents a design and usage of the author’s innovative framework, called JupEEter. This framework helps running and testing Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications [1] and to use Java EE components in Java SE [2] applications. The framework defines the application server and application life-cycle and exploits annotation based programming technique for its configuration

    Comparison of web applications development possibilities in JEE environment by the example of Spring Boot and Vaadin

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    The paper presents the analysis of capabilities of creating web applications on the Java Enterprise Edition platform using Spring Boot and Vaadin. To perform the analysis, there were used test applications, implemented in both technologies. Elements of implementation, work efficiency with the database and the efficiency of page loading in the browser were tested

    Comparison of selected graphical web interface libraries used in JEE applications

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    The basic technology for creating a graphical user interface (GUI) for Java Enterprise Edition web applications is JavaServer Pages (JSP). However, the capabilities offered by JSP are not sufficient, which has resulted in many extensions that assist the programmer in quickly creating modern GUI. The paper presents the results of comparison JavaServer Faces, Rich Faces and Prime Faces libraries

    Usage of JSF framework and EJB technology in the creation of corporate applications

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    In the following article we describe the architecture of an online store project, which is an application utilising Java Enterprise Edition. Our project is based on a customer expectations model. The choice of technology has been due to its easy expandability by additional modules as well as its functionality which does not require reorganising the existing code

    Frameworks de desarrollo sobre páginas JSP

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    Documento en PDF que aborda el tema “Simplificar el desarrollo de interfaces web en las aplicaciones JEE(Java Enterprise Edition).”


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    Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (KUMKM) merupakan salah satu sektor yang mampu mendorong pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia. Sayangnya, p entingnya peran strategis dari Koperasi terkendala oleh keterbatasan pemanfaatan teknologi pad a proses bisnis Koperasi sehingga kegiatan Koperasi kurang berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien. Pengelolaan Koperasi secara manual mengakibatkan banyaknya tumpukan kertas, pencatatan dan pelaporan keuangan yang rentan terhadap kurangnya akurasi data, dan s ulit dilakukannya monitoring terhadap seluruh transaksi yang terjadi karena data tidak dapat disajikan secara real time . Dalam membantu meningkatkan performansi dari Koperasi , maka dibangun A plikasi e - Koperasi menggunakan t eknologi Java Enterprise Edition dengan arsitektur multi - tier yang dapat diakses semua user secara online . Metode pengembangan yang digunakan yaitu, metode iterative dan incremental dimana setiap fase secara terus menerus akan dilakukan iterasi dan perbaikan sehingga aplikasi e - Koperasi yang dibangun sesuai dengan requirement dari sisi user. Hasil dari pembangunan aplikasi e - Koperasi memiliki fitur pengelolaan anggota, fitur pengelolaan transaksi simpan pinjam, dan fitur pengelolaan transaksi keuangan. Aplikasi e - Koperasi telah diimplemen tasikan ke dalam arsitektur multi - tier yang dapat diakses melalui web browser . Koperasi, e - Koperasi, Java Enterprise Edition, Multi - tier, Iterative dan Incremental

    Java Enterprise Edition Support in Search-Based JUnit Test Generation.

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    Many different techniques and tools for automated unit test generation target the Java programming languages due to its popularity. However, a lot of Java’s popularity is due to its usage to develop enterprise applications with frameworks such as Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) or Spring. These frameworks pose challenges to the automatic generation of JUnit tests. In particular, code units (“beans”) are handled by external web containers (e.g., WildFly and GlassFish). Without considering how web containers initialize these beans, automatically generated unit tests would not represent valid scenarios and would be of little use. For example, common issues of bean initialization are dependency injection, database connection, and JNDI bean lookup. In this paper, we extend the EvoSuite search-based JUnit test generation tool to provide initial support for JEE applications. Experiments on 247 classes (the JBoss EAP tutorial examples) reveal an increase in code coverage, and demonstrate that our techniques prevent the generation of useless tests (e.g., tests where dependencies are not injected)