516 research outputs found

    Selective Java code transformation into AWS Lambda functions

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    Cloud platforms offer diverse evolving programming and deployment models which require not only application code adaptation, but also retraining and changing developer mindsets. Such change is costly and is better served by automated tools. Subject of the study are automated FaaSification processes which transform conventional annotated Java methods into executable Function-as-a-Service units. Given the novelty of the problem domain, a key concern is the demonstration of feasibility within arbitrary boundaries of FaaS offerings and the measurement of resulting technical and pricing metrics. We contribute a suitable tool design called Termite with corresponding implementation in Java. The design is aligned with a generic transformation pipeline in which each step from code analysis over compilation to deployment and testing can be observed and measured separately. Our results show that annotations are suitable means for fine-grained configuration despite ceding control to the build system. Smaller Java projects can be FaaS-enabled with little effort. We expect FaaSification tools to become part of build chains on a wide scale once their current engineering shortcomings in terms of tackling more complex code are solved

    FaaSter, better, cheaper : the prospect of serverless scientific computing and HPC

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    The adoption of cloud computing facilities and programming models differs vastly between different application domains. Scalable web applications, low-latency mobile backends and on-demand provisioned databases are typical cases for which cloud services on the platform or infrastructure level exist and are convincing when considering technical and economical arguments. Applications with specific processing demands, including high-performance computing, high-throughput computing and certain flavours of scientific computing, have historically required special configurations such as compute- or memory-optimised virtual machine instances. With the rise of function-level compute instances through Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) models, the fitness of generic configurations needs to be re-evaluated for these applications. We analyse several demanding computing tasks with regards to how FaaS models compare against conventional monolithic algorithm execution. Beside the comparison, we contribute a refined FaaSification process for legacy software and provide a roadmap for future work

    Characterizing commodity serverless computing platforms

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    Serverless computing has become a new trending paradigm in cloud computing, allowing developers to focus on the development of core application logic and rapidly construct the prototype via the composition of independent functions. With the development and prosperity of serverless computing, major cloud vendors have successively rolled out their commodity serverless computing platforms. However, the characteristics of these platforms have not been systematically studied. Measuring these characteristics can help developers to select the most adequate serverless computing platform and develop their serverless-based applications in the right way. To fill this knowledge gap, we present a comprehensive study on characterizing mainstream commodity serverless computing platforms, including AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions, and Alibaba Cloud Function Compute. Specifically, we conduct both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. In qualitative analysis, we compare these platforms from three aspects (i.e., development, deployment, and runtime) based on their official documentation to construct a taxonomy of characteristics. In quantitative analysis, we analyze the runtime performance of these platforms from multiple dimensions with well-designed benchmarks. First, we analyze three key factors that can influence the startup latency of serverless-based applications. Second, we compare the resource efficiency of different platforms with 16 representative benchmarks. Finally, we measure their performance difference when dealing with different concurrent requests and explore the potential causes in a black-box fashion. Based on the results of both qualitative and quantitative analysis, we derive a series of findings and provide insightful implications for both developers and cloud vendors

    Serverless GEO Labels for the Semantic Sensor Web

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    Service Prototyping Lab Report - 2017 (Y2)

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    The annual activity report of the Service Prototyping Lab at Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Research trends and initiatives, research projects, transfer to education and local industry, academic community involvement, qualification and scientific development over the period of one year are among the covered topics

    Stateful Entities: Object-oriented Cloud Applications as Distributed Dataflows

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    Programming stateful cloud applications remains a very painful experience. Instead of focusing on the business logic, programmers spend most of their time dealing with distributed systems considerations, with the most important being consistency, load balancing, failure management, recovery, and scalability. At the same time, we witness an unprecedented adoption of modern dataflow systems such as Apache Flink, Google Dataflow, and Timely Dataflow. These systems are now performant and fault-tolerant, and they offer excellent state management primitives. With this line of work, we aim at investigating the opportunities and limits of compiling general-purpose programs into stateful dataflows. Given a set of easy-to-follow code conventions, programmers can author stateful entities, a programming abstraction embedded in Python. We present a compiler pipeline named StateFlow, to analyze the abstract syntax tree of a Python application and rewrite it into an intermediate representation based on stateful dataflow graphs. StateFlow compiles that intermediate representation to a target execution system: Apache Flink and Beam, AWS Lambda, Flink's Statefun, and Cloudburst. Through an experimental evaluation, we demonstrate that the code generated by StateFlow incurs minimal overhead. While developing and deploying our prototype, we came to observe important limitations of current dataflow systems in executing cloud applications at scale

    Architecture of a Function-as-a-Service Application

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    Serverless computing and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) are programming paradigms that have many advantages for modern, distributed and highly modular applications. However, the process of transforming a legacy, monolithic application into a set of functions suitable for a FaaS environment can be a complex task. It may be questionable whether the obvious advantages received from such a transformation outweigh the effort and resources spent on it. In this paper we present our continuing research aimed at the transformation of legacy applications into the FaaS paradigm. Our test subject is an airport visibility system, a sub-class of the meteorological services required for airport operations. We have chosen to modularize the application, divide it into parts that can be implemented as functions in the FaaS paradigm, and provide it with a simple cloud-based data management layer. The tools that we are using are Apache OpenWhisk for FaaS and Airflow for workflow management, Apache Airflow for workflow management and NextCloud for cloud storage. Only a part of the original application has been transformed, but it already allows us to draw some conclusions and especially start forming a generalized picture of a Function-as-a-Service application

    Cppless: Productive and Performant Serverless Programming in C++

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    The rise of serverless introduced a new class of scalable, elastic and highly available parallel workers in the cloud. Many systems and applications benefit from offloading computations and parallel tasks to dynamically allocated resources. However, the developers of C++ applications found it difficult to integrate functions due to complex deployment, lack of compatibility between client and cloud environments, and loosely typed input and output data. To enable single-source and efficient serverless acceleration in C++, we introduce Cppless, an end-to-end framework for implementing serverless functions which handles the creation, deployment, and invocation of functions. Cppless is built on top of LLVM and requires only two compiler extensions to automatically extract C++ function objects and deploy them to the cloud. We demonstrate that offloading parallel computations from a C++ application to serverless workers can provide up to 30x speedup, requiring only minor code modifications and costing less than one cent per computation

    Practical tooling for serverless computing

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    Cloud applications are increasingly built from a mixture of runtime technologies. Hosted functions and service-oriented web hooks are among the most recent ones which are natively supported by cloud platforms. They are collectively referred to as serverless computing by application engineers due to the transparent on-demand instance activation and microbilling without the need to provision infrastructure explicitly. This half-day tutorial explains the use cases for serverless computing and the drivers and existing software solutions behind the programming and deployment model also known as Function-as-a-Service in the overall cloud computing stack. Furthermore, it presents practical open source tools for deriving functions from legacy code and for the management and execution of functions in private and public clouds
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