98,013 research outputs found

    File Transfer Web Application

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    Aim is to develop a web application using java web framework. Description: Develop a web application in 3 tier architecture involving user interface, controller and database. The user interface will be a web page hosted on a server. The web page consists of both static and dynamic content. All the data required for the application is stored in database tables. Controller accesses the data from the database and provides it to the user through user interface (web page). Web page: The webpage serves as user interface to the application. Web page is developed using Jsp, HTML, Java Script and Ajax. Controller: The controller serves as the communicating interface between web page and database. Controller serves the data to the user based on the user request. Controller is developed using Java 7, Java Servlets, and JDBC. Database: Database is used to store all the required data for the application. Database tables are designed according to requirement and developed using SQL. Server: Server is used to host the application. The developed web application is deployed onto server. Apache Tomcat is the application server for the application. Environment: Java 7, HTML, Java Script, JDBC, Ajax, Apache Tomcat, Derby Database, SQL

    Scala Server Faces

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    Progress in the Java language has been slow over the last few years. Scala is emerging as one of the probable successors for Java with features such as type inference, higher order functions, closure support and sequence comprehensions. This allows object-oriented yet concise code to be written using Scala. While Java based MVC frameworks are still prevalent, Scala based frameworks along with Ruby on Rails, Django and PHP are emerging as competitors. Scala has a web framework called Lift which has made an attempt to borrow the advantages of other frameworks while keeping code concise. Since Sun’s MVC framework, Java Server Faces 2.0 and its future versions seem to be heading in a reasonably progressive direction; I have developed a framework which attempts to overcome its limitations. I call such a framework ―Scala Server Faces‖. This framework provides a way of writing Java EE applications in Scala yet borrow from the concept of ―convention over configuration‖ followed by rival web frameworks. Again, an Eclipse tool is provided to make the programmer\u27s task of writing code on the popular Eclipse platform. Scala Server Faces, the framework and the tool allows the programmer to write enterprise web applications in Scala by providing features such as templating support, CRUD screen generation for database model objects, an Ant script to help deployment and integration with the Glassfish Application Server

    Building Location-based Service with Java Technologies

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    The growing use of Java in Location-based Service provides an opportunity to find solutions for problems and challenges in the rapidly changing telecommunications environment. This paper describes the development of location-based service components using Java technologies. The technologies include J2ME, Servlet, Java Server Pages (JSP) and XML Java Binding Tool. The developed components are the location server simulator, location service application and device client application. This study is crucial for support of BT’s launch of User Location Service on prototype ERICA mobile application platform through supporting the testing and validation of the platform components

    A scalable application server on Beowulf clusters : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Information Science at Albany, Auckland, Massey University, New Zealand

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    Application performance and scalability of a large distributed multi-tiered application is a core requirement for most of today's critical business applications. I have investigated the scalability of a J2EE application server using the standard ECperf benchmark application in the Massey Beowulf Clusters namely the Sisters and the Helix. My testing environment consists of Open Source software: The integrated JBoss-Tomcat as the application server and the web server, along with PostgreSQL as the database. My testing programs were run on the clustered application server, which provide replication of the Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) objects. I have completed various centralized and distributed tests using the JBoss Cluster. I concluded that clustering of the application server and web server will effectively increase the performance of the application running on them given sufficient system resources. The application performance will scale to a point where a bottleneck has occurred in the testing system, the bottleneck could be any resources included in the testing environment: the hardware, software, network and the application that is running. Performance tuning for a large-scale J2EE application is a complicated issue, which is related to the resources available. However, by carefully identifying the performance bottleneck in the system with hardware, software, network, operating system and application configuration. I can improve the performance of the J2EE applications running in a Beowulf Cluster. The software bottleneck can be solved by changing the default settings, on the other hand, hardware bottlenecks are harder unless more investment are made to purchase higher speed and capacity hardware

    A Review: Runtime Environment for Addition Services for TOMCAT and MYSQL using JAVA Swing

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    In this paper, We Introduce to host any java web application, server is required, to execute any relevant database file (SQL) of any Java Web Application, database software is required. So we use Tomcat as a server and MySQL as database software. Normally we are installing full package of Tomcat and MySQL. Now, in our application, to host any web application and its relevant database, we prepare ?swing? application of Java through which we will add only services of Tomcat and MySQL at runtime. Another feature of ?swing? application is that it will add ?n? number of services of Tomcat and MySQL to host ?n? number of web applications

    Java EE Organizer

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      Práce ukazuje základy práce s technologiemi Java EE, návrh aplikace Java EE organizér, zabývá se volbou vhodných technologii v Javě EE, zabezpečení aplikace a problematice práce se síťovými aplikacemi v Java EE technologiích. Součástí je i pojednání o zabezpečení takovýchto druhů aplikace a způsobu jejich návrhu. Primárními technologiemi používanými v této práci jsou Java EE 5 (aplikační platforma), Glassfish (aplikační server), Firebird (databáze), TopLink JPA (ORM manažer).This thesis deal with Java EE technologies and various subtechnologies of Java EE platform. This work is based on experience designing Java EE aplication network organizer with focus on technologies like DB connectivity (JPA, TopLink JPA), network enabled enterprise application design, remote accessing of bussiness logic in Java EE and security of the system as whole. Primary technologies used are Java EE 5 (core platform), Glassfish (application server), Firebird (database) and TopLink (ORM manager).

    Running and testing Java EE applications in embedded mode with JupEEter framework

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    This paper presents a design and usage of the author’s innovative framework, called JupEEter. This framework helps running and testing Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications [1] and to use Java EE components in Java SE [2] applications. The framework defines the application server and application life-cycle and exploits annotation based programming technique for its configuration

    Design of Information Systems Using the Portlet Technology

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    Portlets are Java-based Web components, managed by a portlet container, that process requests and generate dynamic content. Portals use portlets as pluggable user interface components that provide a presentation layer to information systems. The next step, after servlets in Web application programming, portlets enable modular and user-centric Web applications. In this paper are described the principal characteristics and the functionalities of the portlets. There are presents some notions of administration of a J2EE server which suports this technology (IBM WebSphere Application Server).portlets, java components, application server