20 research outputs found

    Magda: A New Language for Modularity

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    Trait-oriented Programming in Java 8

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    International audienceJava 8 was released recently. Along with lambda expressions, a new language construct is introduced: default methods in interfaces. The intent of this feature is to allow interfaces to be extended over time preserving backward compatibility. In this paper, we show a possible, different use of interfaces with default methods: we introduce a trait-oriented programming style based on an interface-as- trait idea, with the aim of improving code modularity. Starting from the most common operators on traits, we introduce some programming patterns mimicking such operators and discuss this approach

    Towards Practical Gradual Typing

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    Over the past 20 years, programmers have embraced dynamically-typed programming languages. By now, they have also come to realize that programs in these languages lack reliable type information for software engineering purposes. Gradual typing addresses this problem; it empowers programmers to annotate an existing system with sound type information on a piecemeal basis. This paper presents an implementation of a gradual type system for a full-featured class-based language as well as a novel performance evaluation framework for gradual typing

    The Java 5 Generics Compromise Orthogonality to Keep Compatibility

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    In response to a long-lasting anticipation by the Java community, version 1.5 of the Java 2 platform - referred to as Java 5 - introduced generic types and methods to the Java language. The Java 5 generics are a significant enhancement to the language expressivity because they allow straightforward composition of new generic classes from existing ones while reducing the need for a plethora of type casts. While the Java 5 generics are expressive, the chosen implementation method, type erasure, has triggered undesirable orthogonality violations. This paper identifies six cases of orthogonality violations in the Java 5 generics and demonstrates how these violations are mandated by the use of type erasure. The paper also compares the Java 5 cases of orthogonality violations to compatible cases in C# 2 and NextGen 2 and analyzes the trade-offs in the three approaches. The conclusion is that Java 5 users face new challenges: a number of generic type expressions are forbidden, while others that are allowed are left unchecked

    Chai: Traits for Java-Like Languages

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    Run-time Variability with Roles

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    Adaptability is an intrinsic property of software systems that require adaptation to cope with dynamically changing environments. Achieving adaptability is challenging. Variability is a key solution as it enables a software system to change its behavior which corresponds to a specific need. The abstraction of variability is to manage variants, which are dynamic parts to be composed to the base system. Run-time variability realizes these variant compositions dynamically at run time to enable adaptation. Adaptation, relying on variants specified at build time, is called anticipated adaptation, which allows the system behavior to change with respect to a set of predefined execution environments. This implies the inability to solve practical problems in which the execution environment is not completely fixed and often unknown until run time. Enabling unanticipated adaptation, which allows variants to be dynamically added at run time, alleviates this inability, but it holds several implications yielding system instability such as inconsistency and run-time failures. Adaptation should be performed only when a system reaches a consistent state to avoid inconsistency. Inconsistency is an effect of adaptation happening when the system changes the state and behavior while a series of methods is still invoking. A software bug is another source of system instability. It often appears in a variant composition and is brought to the system during adaptation. The problem is even more critical for unanticipated adaptation as the system has no prior knowledge of the new variants. This dissertation aims to achieve anticipated and unanticipated adaptation. In achieving adaptation, the issues of inconsistency and software failures, which may happen as a consequence of run-time adaptation, are evidently addressed as well. Roles encapsulate dynamic behavior used to adapt players representing the base system, which is the rationale to select roles as the software system's variants. Based on the role concept, this dissertation presents three mechanisms to comprehensively address adaptation. First, a dynamic instance binding mechanism is proposed to loosely bind players and roles. Dynamic binding of roles enables anticipated and unanticipated adaptation. Second, an object-level tranquility mechanism is proposed to avoid inconsistency by allowing a player object to adapt only when its consistent state is reached. Last, a rollback recovery mechanism is proposed as a proactive mechanism to embrace and handle failures resulting from a defective composition of variants. A checkpoint of a system configuration is created before adaptation. If a specialized bug sensor detects a failure, the system rolls back to the most recent checkpoint. These mechanisms are integrated into a role-based runtime, called LyRT. LyRT was validated with three case studies to demonstrate the practical feasibility. This validation showed that LyRT is more advanced than the existing variability approaches with respect to adaptation due to its consistency control and failure handling. Besides, several benchmarks were set up to quantify the overhead of LyRT concerning the execution time of adaptation. The results revealed that the overhead introduced to achieve anticipated and unanticipated adaptation to be small enough for practical use in adaptive software systems. Thus, LyRT is suitable for adaptive software systems that frequently require the adaptation of large sets of objects

    Le système de composants Fractal

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    Les approches à base de composants apparaissent de plus en plus incontournables pour le développement de systèmes et d'applications répartis. Il s'agit de faire face à la complexité sans cesse croissante de ces logiciels et de répondre aux grands défis de l'ingénierie des systèmes : passage à grande échelle, administration, autonomie. Après les objets dans la première moitié des années 1990, les composants se sont imposés comme le paradigme clé de l'ingénierie des intergiciels et de leurs applications dans la seconde moitié des années 1990. L'intérêt de la communauté industrielle et académique s'est d'abord porté sur les modèles de composants pour les applications comme EJB, CCM ou .NET. A partir du début des années 2000, le champ d'application des composants s'est étendu aux couches inférieures : systèmes et intergiciels. Il s'agit toujours, comme pour les applications, d'obtenir des entités logicielles composables aux interfaces spécifiées contractuellement, déployables et configurables~; mais il s'agit également d'avoir des plates-formes à composants suffisamment performantes et légères pour ne pas pénaliser les performances du système. Le modèle de composants Fractal remplit ces conditions

    Adlet: A Java-based Architecture Description Language

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    Adlet is a Java-based architecture description language (ADL). Adlet enables todescribe in pure Java syntax a software architecture. Two main patterns are supported: compositecomponent, and typed binding. The composite component pattern enables to describe a hierarchyof parent and sub components. Typed bindings enable to describe the communication links betweenprovided and required component interfaces. These two patterns are implemented in pure Javasyntax. This means that an Adlet software architecture descriptor is a fully legal Java programwith no particular language extension. This enables reusing the full stack of tools (unit testing,processing, editing, compiling, etc.) available for this language. As such Adlet can be seen aprogramming style for describing software architectures with the Java language.Adlet est un langage de description d’architecture (ADL) en Java. Adlet permetde décrire une architecture logicielle dans une syntaxe purement Java. Deux gabarits principauxsont supportés: composant composite, et liaison typée. Le gabarit composant composite permetde décrier une hiérarchie de composants parents et enfants. Les liaisons typées permettent dedécrire les liens de communication entre les interfaces fournies et requises d’un composant. Cesdeux gabarits sont mis en œuvre avec une syntaxe purement Java. Cela signifie qu’un descripteurAdlet d’architecture logicielle est un programme purement Java sans extension langage particulière.Cela permet d’utiliser la pile complète d’outils (test unitaire, traitement, édition, compilation, etc.)disponible pour ce langage. En tant que tel Adlet peut être vu comme un style de programmationpour décrire des architectures logicielles en Jav