4,006 research outputs found

    Agricultural Labor Markets and Immigration

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    Labor and Human Capital, J43, J61, J68,

    The canonical 8-form on manifolds with holonomy group Spin(9)

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    An explicit expression of the canonical 8-form on a Riemannian manifold with a Spin(9)-structure, in terms of the nine local symmetric involutions involved, is given. The list of explicit expressions of all the canonical forms related to Berger's list of holonomy groups is thus completed. Moreover, some results on Spin(9)-structures as G-structures defined by a tensor and on the curvature tensor of the Cayley planes, are obtained

    Textbook Scholarships Help 50 UNH Students

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    Identifying effect heterogeneity to improve the effiency of job creation schemes in Germany?

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    Previous empirical studies of job creation schemes in Germany have shown that the average effects for the participating individuals are negative. However, we find that this is not true for all strata of the population. Identifying individual characteristics that are responsible for the effect heterogeneity and using this information for a better allocation of individuals therefore bears some scope for improving programme efficiency. We present several stratification strategies and discuss the occurring effect heterogeneity. Our findings show that job creation schemes do neither harm nor improve the labour market chances for most of the groups. Exceptions are long-term unemployed men in West and long-term unemployed women in East and West Germany who benefit from participation in terms of higher employment rates. JEL: C13 , J68 , H4

    Scaling analysis of a model Hamiltonian for Ce3+^{3+} impurity in a cubic metal

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    We introduce various exchange interactions in a model Hamiltonian for Ce3+^{3+} ions in cubic symmetry with three configurations (f0f^0,f1f^1,f2f^2). With the impurity pseudo spin SI=1/2S_I=1/2, our Hamiltonian includes: (i) One-channel Sc=1/2S_c=1/2 Anderson model; (ii) Two-channel Sc=1/2S_c=1/2 Anderson model; (iii) An unforseen one-channel Sc=3/2S_c=3/2 Anderson model with a non-trivial fixed point; (iv) Mixing exchange interaction between the Γ6,7\Gamma_{6,7} and the Γ8\Gamma_8 conduction electron partial wave states; (v) Multiple conduction electron partial wave states. Using the third-order scaling (perturbative renormalization group) analysis, we study stability of various fixed points relevant to various exchange interactions for Ce3+^{3+} ions in cubic symmetry.Comment: 68 pages. 4 figures are available upon request from [email protected] (revised

    Do China and Hong Kong constitute an optimum currency area?

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    After the political unification of Hong Kong with China, Hong Kong is supposed to function as a separate economic entity under the framework of one country, two systems . However, the increasingly close ties between the two economices have raised the possibility of full economic integration, and even of monetary union as the Chinese currency progresses towards full convertibility. This paper employs the theory of optimum currency area (OCA) and adopts recently developed techniques to test whether China and Hong Kong constitute an OCA. The empirical findings based on disaggregated historical data are overwhelmingly negative. Other considerations also point to a sceptical answer even for the post-1997 era
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