1,805,750 research outputs found

    Quantum interferences from cross talk in J=1/2J=1/2J=1/2\leftrightarrow J=1/2 transitions

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    We consider the possibility of a control field opening up multiple pathways and thereby leading to new interference and coherence effects. We illustrate the idea by considering the J=1/2J=1/2J=1/2\leftrightarrow J=1/2 transition. As a result of the additional pathways, we show the possibilities of nonzero refractive index without absorption and gain without inversion. We explain these results in terms of the coherence produced by the opening of an extra pathway.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, RevTeX4, submitte

    Higher-order multipole amplitudes in charmonium radiative transitions

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    Using 24 million ψψ(2S)\psi' \equiv \psi(2S) decays in CLEO-c, we have searched for higher multipole admixtures in electric-dipole-dominated radiative transitions in charmonia. We find good agreement between our data and theoretical predictions for magnetic quadrupole (M2) amplitudes in the transitions ψγχc1,2\psi' \to \gamma \chi_{c1,2} and χc1,2γJ/ψ\chi_{c1,2} \to \gamma J/\psi, in striking contrast to some previous measurements. Let b2Jb_2^J and a2Ja_2^J denote the normalized M2 amplitudes in the respective aforementioned decays, where the superscript JJ refers to the angular momentum of the χcJ\chi_{cJ}. By performing unbinned maximum likelihood fits to full five-parameter angular distributions, we determine the ratios a2J=1/a2J=2=0.670.13+0.19a_2^{J=1}/a_2^{J=2} = 0.67^{+0.19}_{-0.13} and a2J=1/b2J=1=2.270.99+0.57a_2^{J=1}/b_2^{J=1} = -2.27^{+0.57}_{-0.99}, where the theoretical predictions are independent of the charmed quark magnetic moment and are a2J=1/a2J=2=0.676±0.071a_2^{J=1}/a_2^{J=2} = 0.676 \pm 0.071 and a2J=1/b2J=1=2.27±0.16a_2^{J=1}/b_2^{J=1} = -2.27 \pm 0.16.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, acceptance updat

    Frustrated square lattice with spatial anisotropy: crystal structure and magnetic properties of PbZnVO(PO4)2

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    Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the layered vanadium phosphate PbZnVO(PO4)2 are studied using x-ray powder diffraction, magnetization and specific heat measurements, as well as band structure calculations. The compound resembles AA'VO(PO4)2 vanadium phosphates and fits to the extended frustrated square lattice model with the couplings J(1), J(1)' between nearest-neighbors and J(2), J(2)' between next-nearest-neighbors. The temperature dependence of the magnetization yields estimates of averaged nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor couplings, J(1) ~ -5.2 K and J(2) ~ 10.0 K, respectively. The effective frustration ratio alpha=J(2)/J(1) amounts to -1.9 and suggests columnar antiferromagnetic ordering in PbZnVO(PO4)2. Specific heat data support the estimates of J(1) and J(2) and indicate a likely magnetic ordering transition at 3.9 K. However, the averaged couplings underestimate the saturation field, thus pointing to the spatial anisotropy of the nearest-neighbor interactions. Band structure calculations confirm the identification of ferromagnetic J(1), J(1)' and antiferromagnetic J(2), J(2)' in PbZnVO(PO4)2 and yield J(1)'-J(1) ~ 1.1 K in excellent agreement with the experimental value of 1.1 K, deduced from the difference between the expected and experimentally measured saturation fields. Based on the comparison of layered vanadium phosphates with different metal cations, we show that a moderate spatial anisotropy of the frustrated square lattice has minor influence on the thermodynamic properties of the model. We discuss relevant geometrical parameters, controlling the exchange interactions in these compounds, and propose a new route towards strongly frustrated square lattice materials.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    An extension theorem for separately holomorphic functions with pluripolar singularities

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    Let DjCnjD_j\subset\Bbb C^{n_j} be a pseudoconvex domain and let AjDjA_j\subset D_j be a locally pluriregular set, j=1,...,Nj=1,...,N. Put X:=j=1NA1×...×Aj1×Dj×Aj+1×...×ANCn1×...×CnN=Cn. X:=\bigcup_{j=1}^N A_1\times...\times A_{j-1}\times D_j\times A_{j+1}\times ...\times A_N\subset\Bbb C^{n_1}\times...\times\Bbb C^{n_N}=\Bbb C^n. Let UCnU\subset\Bbb C^n be an open neighborhood of XX and let MUM\subset U be a relatively closed subset of UU. For j{1,...,N}j\in\{1,...,N\} let Σj\Sigma_j be the set of all (z,z)(A1×...×Aj1)×(Aj+1×...×AN)(z',z'')\in(A_1\times...\times A_{j-1}) \times(A_{j+1}\times...\times A_N) for which the fiber M(z,,z):={zjCnj(z,zj,z)M}M_{(z',\cdot,z'')}:=\{z_j\in\Bbb C^{n_j}\: (z',z_j,z'')\in M\} is not pluripolar. Assume that Σ1,...,ΣN\Sigma_1,...,\Sigma_N are pluripolar. Put X:=j=1N{(z,zj,z)(A1×...×Aj1)×Dj×(Aj+1×...×AN)(z,z)Σj}. X':=\bigcup_{j=1}^N\{(z',z_j,z'')\in(A_1\times...\times A_{j-1})\times D_j \times(A_{j+1}\times...\times A_N)\: (z',z'')\notin\Sigma_j\}. Then there exists a relatively closed pluripolar subset M^X^\hat M\subset\hat X of the `envelope of holomorphy' X^Cn\hat X\subset\Bbb C^n of XX such that: M^XM\hat M\cap X'\subset M, for every function ff separately holomorphic on XMX\setminus M there exists exactly one function f^\hat f holomorphic on X^M^\hat X\setminus\hat M with f^=f\hat f=f on XMX'\setminus M, and M^\hat M is singular with respect to the family of all functions f^\hat f. Some special cases were previously studied in \cite{Jar-Pfl 2001c}.Comment: 19 page