841 research outputs found

    Separable Convex Optimization with Nested Lower and Upper Constraints

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    We study a convex resource allocation problem in which lower and upper bounds are imposed on partial sums of allocations. This model is linked to a large range of applications, including production planning, speed optimization, stratified sampling, support vector machines, portfolio management, and telecommunications. We propose an efficient gradient-free divide-and-conquer algorithm, which uses monotonicity arguments to generate valid bounds from the recursive calls, and eliminate linking constraints based on the information from sub-problems. This algorithm does not need strict convexity or differentiability. It produces an ϵ\epsilon-approximate solution for the continuous problem in O(nlogmlognBϵ)\mathcal{O}(n \log m \log \frac{n B}{\epsilon}) time and an integer solution in O(nlogmlogB)\mathcal{O}(n \log m \log B) time, where nn is the number of decision variables, mm is the number of constraints, and BB is the resource bound. A complexity of O(nlogm)\mathcal{O}(n \log m) is also achieved for the linear and quadratic cases. These are the best complexities known to date for this important problem class. Our experimental analyses confirm the good performance of the method, which produces optimal solutions for problems with up to 1,000,000 variables in a few seconds. Promising applications to the support vector ordinal regression problem are also investigated

    Active deep learning for nonlinear optics design of a vertical FFA accelerator

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    Vertical Fixed-Field Alternating Gradient (vFFA) accelerators exhibit particle orbits which move vertically during acceleration. This recently rediscovered circular accelerator type has several advantages over conventional ring accelerators, such as zero momentum compaction factor. At the same time, inherently non-planar orbits and a unique transverse coupling make controlling the beam dynamics a complex task. In general, betatron tune adjustment is crucial to avoid resonances, particularly when space charge effects are present. Due to highly nonlinear magnetic fields in the vFFA, it remains a challenging task to determine an optimal lattice design in terms of maximising the dynamic aperture. This contribution describes a deep learning based algorithm which strongly improves on regular grid scans and random search to find an optimal lattice: a surrogate model is built iteratively from simulations with varying lattice parameters to predict the dynamic aperture. The training of the model follows an active learning paradigm, which thus considerably reduces the number of samples needed from the computationally expensive simulations

    The Group Loss++: A deeper look into group loss for deep metric learning

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    Deep metric learning has yielded impressive results in tasks such as clustering and image retrieval by leveraging neural networks to obtain highly discriminative feature embeddings, which can be used to group samples into different classes. Much research has been devoted to the design of smart loss functions or data mining strategies for training such networks. Most methods consider only pairs or triplets of samples within a mini-batch to compute the loss function, which is commonly based on the distance between embeddings. We propose Group Loss, a loss function based on a differentiable label-propagation method that enforces embedding similarity across all samples of a group while promoting, at the same time, low-density regions amongst data points belonging to different groups. Guided by the smoothness assumption that '`similar objects should belong to the same group'', the proposed loss trains the neural network for a classification task, enforcing a consistent labelling amongst samples within a class. We design a set of inference strategies tailored towards our algorithm, named Group Loss++ that further improve the results of our model. We show state-of-the-art results on clustering and image retrieval on four retrieval datasets, and present competitive results on two person re-identification datasets, providing a unified framework for retrieval and re-identification

    The Group Loss++: A deeper look into group loss for deep metric learning

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    Deep metric learning has yielded impressive results in tasks such as clustering and image retrieval by leveraging neural networks to obtain highly discriminative feature embeddings, which can be used to group samples into different classes. Much research has been devoted to the design of smart loss functions or data mining strategies for training such networks. Most methods consider only pairs or triplets of samples within a mini-batch to compute the loss function, which is commonly based on the distance between embeddings. We propose Group Loss, a loss function based on a differentiable label-propagation method that enforces embedding similarity across all samples of a group while promoting, at the same time, low-density regions amongst data points belonging to different groups. Guided by the smoothness assumption that "similar objects should belong to the same group", the proposed loss trains the neural network for a classification task, enforcing a consistent labelling amongst samples within a class. We design a set of inference strategies tailored towards our algorithm, named Group Loss++ that further improve the results of our model. We show state-of-the-art results on clustering and image retrieval on four retrieval datasets, and present competitive results on two person re-identification datasets, providing a unified framework for retrieval and re-identification.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (tPAMI), 2022. Includes supplementary materia

    The Group Loss for Deep Metric Learning

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    Deep metric learning has yielded impressive results in tasks such as clustering and image retrieval by leveraging neural networks to obtain highly discriminative feature embeddings, which can be used to group samples into different classes. Much research has been devoted to the design of smart loss functions or data mining strategies for training such networks. Most methods consider only pairs or triplets of samples within a mini-batch to compute the loss function, which is commonly based on the distance between embeddings. We propose Group Loss, a loss function based on a differentiable label-propagation method that enforces embedding similarity across all samples of a group while promoting, at the same time, low-density regions amongst data points belonging to different groups. Guided by the smoothness assumption that "similar objects should belong to the same group", the proposed loss trains the neural network for a classification task, enforcing a consistent labelling amongst samples within a class. We show state-of-the-art results on clustering and image retrieval on several datasets, and show the potential of our method when combined with other techniques such as ensemblesComment: Accepted to European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2020, includes non-archival supplementary materia

    LambdaOpt: Learn to Regularize Recommender Models in Finer Levels

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    Recommendation models mainly deal with categorical variables, such as user/item ID and attributes. Besides the high-cardinality issue, the interactions among such categorical variables are usually long-tailed, with the head made up of highly frequent values and a long tail of rare ones. This phenomenon results in the data sparsity issue, making it essential to regularize the models to ensure generalization. The common practice is to employ grid search to manually tune regularization hyperparameters based on the validation data. However, it requires non-trivial efforts and large computation resources to search the whole candidate space; even so, it may not lead to the optimal choice, for which different parameters should have different regularization strengths. In this paper, we propose a hyperparameter optimization method, LambdaOpt, which automatically and adaptively enforces regularization during training. Specifically, it updates the regularization coefficients based on the performance of validation data. With LambdaOpt, the notorious tuning of regularization hyperparameters can be avoided; more importantly, it allows fine-grained regularization (i.e. each parameter can have an individualized regularization coefficient), leading to better generalized models. We show how to employ LambdaOpt on matrix factorization, a classical model that is representative of a large family of recommender models. Extensive experiments on two public benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our method in boosting the performance of top-K recommendation.Comment: Accepted by KDD 201

    Feature selection strategies for improving data-driven decision support in bank telemarketing

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    The usage of data mining techniques to unveil previously undiscovered knowledge has been applied in past years to a wide number of domains, including banking and marketing. Raw data is the basic ingredient for successfully detecting interesting patterns. A key aspect of raw data manipulation is feature engineering and it is related with the correct characterization or selection of relevant features (or variables) that conceal relations with the target goal. This study is particularly focused on feature engineering, aiming at the unfolding features that best characterize the problem of selling long-term bank deposits through telemarketing campaigns. For the experimental setup, a case-study from a Portuguese bank, ranging the 2008-2013 year period and encompassing the recent global financial crisis, was addressed. To assess the relevance of such problem, a novel literature analysis using text mining and the latent Dirichlet allocation algorithm was conducted, confirming the existence of a research gap for bank telemarketing. Starting from a dataset containing typical telemarketing contacts and client information, research followed three different and complementary strategies: first, by enriching the dataset with social and economic context features; then, by including customer lifetime value related features; finally, by applying a divide and conquer strategy for splitting the problem in smaller fractions, leading to optimized sub-problems. Each of the three approaches improved previous results in terms of model metrics related to prediction performance. The relevance of the proposed features was evaluated, confirming the obtained models as credible and valuable for telemarketing campaign managers.A utilização de técnicas de data mining para a descoberta de conhecimento tem sido aplicada nos últimos anos a uma grande variedade de domínios, incluindo banca e marketing. Os dados no seu estado primitivo constituem o ingrediente básico para a deteção de padrões de informação. Um aspeto chave da manipulação de dados em bruto consiste na "engenharia de atributos", que compreende uma correta definição e seleção de atributos relevantes (ou variáveis) que se relacionem com o alvo da descoberta de conhecimento. Este trabalho foca-se numa abordagem de "engenharia de atributos" para definir as variáveis que melhor caraterizam o problema de vender depósitos bancários a prazo através de campanhas de telemarketing. Sendo um estudo empírico, foi utilizado um caso de estudo de um banco português, abrangendo o período 2008-2013, que inclui os efeitos da crise financeira internacional. Para aferir da importância deste problema, foi realizada uma inovadora análise da literatura recorrendo a text mining e ao algoritmo latent Dirichlet allocation, confirmando a existência de uma lacuna nesta matéria. Utilizando como base um conjunto de dados de contactos de telemarketing e informação sobre os clientes, três estratégias diferentes e complementares foram propostas: primeiro, os dados foram enriquecidos com atributos socioeconómicos; posteriormente, foram adicionadas características associadas ao valor do cliente ao longo do seu tempo de vida; finalmente, o problema foi dividido em problemas mais específicos, permitindo abordagens otimizadas a cada subproblema. Cada abordagem melhorou as métricas associadas à capacidade preditiva do modelo. Adicionalmente, a relevância dos atributos foi avaliada, confirmando os modelos obtidos como credíveis e valiosos para gestores de campanhas de telemarketing