10 research outputs found

    Multi-Dimensional Joins

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    We present three novel algorithms for performing multi-dimensional joins and an in-depth survey and analysis of a low-dimensional spatial join. The first algorithm, the Iterative Spatial Join, performs a spatial join on low-dimensional data and is based on a plane-sweep technique. As we show analytically and experimentally, the Iterative Spatial Join performs well when internal memory is limited, compared to competing methods. This suggests that the Iterative Spatial Join would be useful for very large data sets or in situations where internal memory is a shared resource and is therefore limited, such as with today's database engines which share internal memory amongst several queries. Furthermore, the performance of the Iterative Spatial Join is predictable and has no parameters which need to be tuned, unlike other algorithms. The second algorithm, the Quickjoin algorithm, performs a higher-dimensional similarity join in which pairs of objects that lie within a certain distance epsilon of each other are reported. The Quickjoin algorithm overcomes drawbacks of competing methods, such as requiring embedding methods on the data first or using multi-dimensional indices, which limit the ability to discriminate between objects in each dimension, thereby degrading performance. A formal analysis is provided of the Quickjoin method, and experiments show that the Quickjoin method significantly outperforms competing methods. The third algorithm adapts incremental join techniques to improve the speed of calculating the Hausdorff distance, which is used in applications such as image matching, image analysis, and surface approximations. The nearest neighbor incremental join technique for indices that are based on hierarchical containment use a priority queue of index node pairs and bounds on the distance values between pairs, both of which need to modified in order to calculate the Hausdorff distance. Results of experiments are described that confirm the performance improvement. Finally, a survey is provided which instead of just summarizing the literature and presenting each technique in its entirety, describes distinct components of the different techniques, and each technique is decomposed into an overall framework for performing a spatial join

    New Plane-Sweep Algorithms for Distance-Based Join Queries in Spatial Databases

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    Efficient and effective processing of the distance-based join query (DJQ) is of great importance in spatial databases due to the wide area of applications that may address such queries (mapping, urban planning, transportation planning, resource management, etc.). The most representative and studied DJQs are the K Closest Pairs Query (KCPQ) and εDistance Join Query (εDJQ). These spatial queries involve two spatial data sets and a distance function to measure the degree of closeness, along with a given number of pairs in the final result (K) or a distance threshold (ε). In this paper, we propose four new plane-sweep-based algorithms for KCPQs and their extensions for εDJQs in the context of spatial databases, without the use of an index for any of the two disk-resident data sets (since, building and using indexes is not always in favor of processing performance). They employ a combination of plane-sweep algorithms and space partitioning techniques to join the data sets. Finally, we present results of an extensive experimental study, that compares the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms for KCPQs and εDJQs. This performance study, conducted on medium and big spatial data sets (real and synthetic) validates that the proposed plane-sweep-based algorithms are very promising in terms of both efficient and effective measures, when neither inputs are indexed. Moreover, the best of the new algorithms is experimentally compared to the best algorithm that is based on the R-tree (a widely accepted access method), for KCPQs and εDJQs, using the same data sets. This comparison shows that the new algorithms outperform R-tree based algorithms, in most cases

    Efficient processing of similarity queries with applications

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    Today, a myriad of data sources, from the Internet to business operations to scientific instruments, produce large and different types of data. Many application scenarios, e.g., marketing analysis, sensor networks, and medical and biological applications, call for identifying and processing similarities in big data. As a result, it is imperative to develop new similarity query processing approaches and systems that scale from low dimensional data to high dimensional data, from single machine to clusters of hundreds of machines, and from disk-based to memory-based processing. This dissertation introduces and studies several similarity-aware query operators, analyzes and optimizes their performance. The first contribution of this dissertation is an SQL-based Similarity Group-by operator (SGB, for short) that extends the semantics of the standard SQL Group-by operator to group data with similar but not necessarily equal values. We realize these SGB operators by extending the Standard SQL Group-by and introduce two new SGB operators for multi-dimensional data. We implement and test the new SGB operators and their algorithms inside an open-source centralized database server (PostgreSQL). In the second contribution of this dissertation, we study how to efficiently process Hamming-distance-based similarity queries (Hamming-distance select and Hamming-distance join) that are crucial to many applications. We introduce a new index, termed the HA-Index, that speeds up distance comparisons and eliminates redundancies when performing the two flavors of Hamming distance range queries (namely, the selects and joins). In the third and last contribution of this dissertation, we develop a system for similarity query processing and optimization in an in-memory and distributed setup for big spatial data. We propose a query scheduler and a distributed query optimizer that use a new cost model to optimize the cost of similarity query processing in this in-memory distributed setup. The scheduler and query optimizer generates query execution plans that minimize the effect of query skew. The query scheduler employs new spatial indexing techniques based on bloom filters to forward queries to the appropriate local sites. The proposed query processing and optimization techniques are prototyped inside Spark, a distributed main-memory computation system

    Efficient Group K Nearest-Neighbor Spatial Query Processing in Apache Spark

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    Aiming at the problem of spatial query processing in distributed computing systems, the design and implementation of new distributed spatial query algorithms is a current challenge. Apache Spark is a memory-based framework suitable for real-time and batch processing. Spark-based systems allow users to work on distributed in-memory data, without worrying about the data distribution mechanism and fault-tolerance. Given two datasets of points (called Query and Training), the group K nearest-neighbor (GKNN) query retrieves (K) points of the Training with the smallest sum of distances to every point of the Query. This spatial query has been actively studied in centralized environments and several performance improving techniques and pruning heuristics have been also proposed, while, a distributed algorithm in Apache Hadoop was recently proposed by our team. Since, in general, Apache Hadoop exhibits lower performance than Spark, in this paper, we present the first distributed GKNN query algorithm in Apache Spark and compare it against the one in Apache Hadoop. This algorithm incorporates programming features and facilities that are specific to Apache Spark. Moreover, techniques that improve performance and are applicable in Apache Spark are also incorporated. The results of an extensive set of experiments with real-world spatial datasets are presented, demonstrating that our Apache Spark GKNN solution, with its improvements, is efficient and a clear winner in comparison to processing this query in Apache Hadoop

    Large-Scale Spatial Data Management on Modern Parallel and Distributed Platforms

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    Rapidly growing volume of spatial data has made it desirable to develop efficient techniques for managing large-scale spatial data. Traditional spatial data management techniques cannot meet requirements of efficiency and scalability for large-scale spatial data processing. In this dissertation, we have developed new data-parallel designs for large-scale spatial data management that can better utilize modern inexpensive commodity parallel and distributed platforms, including multi-core CPUs, many-core GPUs and computer clusters, to achieve both efficiency and scalability. After introducing background on spatial data management and modern parallel and distributed systems, we present our parallel designs for spatial indexing and spatial join query processing on both multi-core CPUs and GPUs for high efficiency as well as their integrations with Big Data systems for better scalability. Experiment results using real world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed techniques on managing large-scale spatial data