83 research outputs found

    Block preconditioning for fault/fracture mechanics saddle-point problems

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    The efficient simulation of fault and fracture mechanics is a key issue in several applications and is attracting a growing interest by the scientific community. Using a formulation based on Lagrange multipliers, the Jacobian matrix resulting from the Finite Element discretization of the governing equations has a non-symmetric generalized saddlepoint structure. In this work, we propose a family of block preconditioners to accelerate the convergence of Krylov methods for such problems. We critically review possible advantages and difficulties of using various Schur complement approximations, based on both physical and algebraic considerations. The proposed approaches are tested in a number of real-world applications, showing their robustness and efficiency also in large-size and ill-conditioned problems

    Analysis of fiber-reinforced concrete: micromechanics, parameter identification, fast solvers

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    Proceedings of: Third International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2016). Sofia (Bulgaria), October, 6-7, 2016.Ultrascale computing is required for many important applications in chemistry, computational fluid dynamics etc., see an overview in the paper Applications for Ultrascale Computing by M. Mihajlovic et al. published in the International Journal Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, Vol 2 (2015). In this abstract we shortly describe an application that involves many aspects described in the above paper - the multiscale material design problem. The problem of interest is analysis of the fiber reinforced concrete and we focus on modelling of stiffness through numerical homogenization and computing local material properties by inverse analysis. Both problems require a repeated solution of large-scale finite element problems up to 200 million degrees of freedom and therefore the importance of HPC and ultrascale computing is evident.The work is supported by COST Action IC1305 project Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing and a bilateral project of collaboration between the Institute of Geonics CAS and IICT BAS. Further support is through the projects LD15105 Ultrascale computing in geosciences and LQ1602 IT4Innovations excellence in science supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic

    Modelling fracture in heterogeneous materials on HPC systems using a hybrid MPI/Fortran coarray multi-scale CAFE framework

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    A 3D multi-scale cellular automata finite element (CAFE) framework for modelling fracture in heterogeneous materials is described. The framework is implemented in a hybrid MPI/Fortran coarray code for efficient parallel execution on HPC platforms. Two open source BSD licensed libraries developed by the authors in modern Fortran were used: CGPACK, implementing cellular automata (CA) using Fortran coarrays, and ParaFEM, implementing finite elements (FE) using MPI. The framework implements a two-way concurrent hierarchical information exchange between the structural level (FE) and the microstructure (CA). MPI to coarrays interface and data structures are described. The CAFE framework is used to predict transgranular cleavage propagation in a polycrystalline iron round bar under tension. Novel results enabled by this CAFE framework include simulation of progressive cleavage propagation through individual grains and across grain boundaries, and emergence of a macro-crack from merging of cracks on preferentially oriented cleavage planes in individual crystals. Nearly ideal strong scaling up to at least tens of thousands of cores was demonstrated by CGPACK and by ParaFEM in isolation in prior work on Cray XE6. Cray XC30 and XC40 platforms and CrayPAT profiling were used in this work. Initially the strong scaling limit of hybrid CGPACK/ParaFEM CAFE model was 2000 cores. After replacing all-to-all communication patterns with the nearest neighbour algorithms the strong scaling limit on Cray XC30 was increased to 7000 cores. TAU profiling on non-Cray systems identified deficiencies in Intel Fortran 16 optimisation of remote coarray operations. Finally, coarray synchronisation challenges and opportunities for thread parallelisation in CA are discussed

    A new unified arc-length method for damage mechanics problems

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    The numerical solution of continuum damage mechanics (CDM) problems suffers from convergence-related challenges during the material softening stage, and consequently existing iterative solvers are subject to a trade-off between computational expense and solution accuracy. In this work, we present a novel unified arc-length (UAL) method, and we derive the formulation of the analytical tangent matrix and governing system of equations for both local and non-local gradient damage problems. Unlike existing versions of arc-length solvers that monolithically scale the external force vector, the proposed method treats the latter as an independent variable and determines the position of the system on the equilibrium path based on all the nodal variations of the external force vector. This approach renders the proposed solver substantially more efficient and robust than existing solvers used in CDM problems. We demonstrate the considerable advantages of the proposed algorithm through several benchmark 1D problems with sharp snap-backs and 2D examples under various boundary conditions and loading scenarios. The proposed UAL approach exhibits a superior ability of overcoming critical increments along the equilibrium path. Moreover, the proposed UAL method is 1-2 orders of magnitude faster than force-controlled arc-length and monolithic Newton-Raphson solvers

    Large-scale Finite Element Simulation of Seismic Soil-Pile foundation-Structure Interaction

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    GeomInt–Mechanical Integrity of Host Rocks

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    This open access book summarizes the results of the collaborative project “GeomInt: Geomechanical integrity of host and barrier rocks - experiment, modeling and analysis of discontinuities” within the Program: Geo Research for Sustainability (GEO: N) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The use of geosystems as a source of resources, a storage space, for installing underground municipal or traffic infrastructure has become much more intensive and diverse in recent years. Increasing utilization of the geological environment requires careful analyses of the rock–fluid systems as well as assessments of the feasibility, efficiency and environmental impacts of the technologies under consideration. The establishment of safe, economic and ecological operation of underground geosystems requires a comprehensive understanding of the physical, (geo)chemical and microbiological processes on all relevant time and length scales. This understanding can only be deepened on the basis of intensive laboratory and in-situ experiments in conjunction with reliable studies on the modeling and simulation (numerical experiments) of the corresponding multi-physical/chemical processes. The present work provides a unique handbook for experimentalists, modelers, analysts and even decision makers concerning the characterization of various types of host rocks (salt, clay, crystalline formations) for various geotechnical applications