9 research outputs found

    Analisis Fungsi Keamanan Terhadap Kinerja Router Pada Jaringan Berkecepatan Tinggi

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    Router adalah sebuah perangkat pada jaringan komputer yang digunakan untuk meneruskan paket data. Karena fungsinya, router menjadi peran penting dalam mengukur kinerja jaringan komputer. Router perlu memproses paket data yang masuk dengan kecepatan tinggi dan delay sedikit mungkin. Oleh karena itu, router harus didukung dengan sistem keamanan yang baik juga. Aktivasi aplikasi keamanan dan enkripsi data pada router dan firewall dapat mengkonsumsi sumber daya CPU untuk komputasi tambahan dan hal ini dapat mempengaruhi penurunan kinerja router. Selain itu, mekanisme keamanan di router bisa membawa kemungkinan kemacetan di jaringan pada saat ON/OFF fungsi keamanan sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kinerja router dalam meneruskan paket data. Sebuah analisis kuantitatif didasarkan pada teori antrian dapat digunakan untuk mengukur dan memprediksi serta meningkatkan kinerja router. Dalam tulisan ini, beberapa skenario simulasi akan dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh fungsi keamanan di router pada jaringan kecepatan tinggi. Skenario tersebut menggunakan distribusi Generalized Exponential (GE-type) untuk mencerminkan interarrival bursty dan waktu servis pada router. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fungsi keamanan di router bisa membawa penurunan pada kinerjanya. Kata kunci— router, keamanan, kinerja, teori antrian, jaringan berkecepatan tingg

    Integración de seguridad e información médica en FHIR

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    En este proyecto se experimenta con FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources), un conjunto de estándares desarrollados por HL7 (Health Level 7) Internacional, y se implementan una serie de servicios basados en FHIR que permitan hacer búsquedas de información médica de forma segura a través de una interfaz REST (REpresentational State Transfer). Además de la implementación de estos servicios, se desarrolla una aplicación cliente que demuestre su funcionamiento. En este documento se puede encontrar detallado todo el proceso de realización del proyecto desde sus fase más temprana de planificación hasta su finalización y se detallan las decisiones tomadas durante su desarrollo y los problemas e inconvenientes encontrados.This project experiments with FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources), a set of standards developed by HL7 (Health Level 7 International), and implements a series of FHIR-based services that allow searching of medical information safely through a REST (REpresentational State Transfer) interface. In addition to the implementation of these services, a client application is developed to demonstrate its operation. In this document, you can find the entire process of carrying out the project from its earliest planning phase to its completion, and details the decisions made during its development and the problems encountered

    Guidelines to address the human factor in the South African National Research and Education Network beneficiary institutions

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    Even if all the technical security solutions appropriate for an organisation’s network are implemented, for example, firewalls, antivirus programs and encryption, if the human factor is neglected then these technical security solutions will serve no purpose. The greatest challenge to network security is probably not the technological solutions that organisations invest in, but the human factor (non-technical solutions), which most organisations neglect. The human factor is often ignored even though humans are the most important resources of organisations and perform all the physical tasks, configure and manage equipment, enter data, manage people and operate the systems and networks. The same people that manage and operate networks and systems have vulnerabilities. They are not perfect and there will always be an element of mistake-making or error. In other words, humans make mistakes that could result in security vulnerabilities, and the exploitation of these vulnerabilities could in turn result in network security breaches. Human vulnerabilities are driven by many factors including insufficient security education, training and awareness, a lack of security policies and procedures in the organisation, a limited attention span and negligence. Network security may thus be compromised by this human vulnerability. In the context of this dissertation, both physical and technological controls should be implemented to ensure the security of the SANReN network. However, if the human factors are not adequately addressed, the network would become vulnerable to risks posed by the human factor which could threaten the security of the network. Accordingly, the primary research objective of this study is to formulate guidelines that address the information security related human factors in the rolling out and continued management of the SANReN network. An analysis of existing policies and procedures governing the SANReN network was conducted and it was determined that there are currently no guidelines addressing the human factor in the SANReN beneficiary institutions. Therefore, the aim of this study is to provide the guidelines for addressing the human factor threats in the SANReN beneficiary institutions

    Models and Measures for Correlation in Cyber-Insurance

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    Scaling and Visualizing Network Data to Facilitate in Intrusion Detection Tasks

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    As the trend of successful network attacks continue to rise, better forms of intrusion, detection and prevention are needed. This thesis addresses network traffic visualization techniques that aid administrators in recognizing attacks. A view of port statistics and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) alerts has been developed. Each help to address issues with analyzing large datasets involving networks. Due to the amount of traffic as well as the range of possible port numbers and IP addresses, scaling techniques are necessary. A port-based overview of network activity produces an improved representation for detecting and responding to malicious activity. We have found that presenting an overview using stacked histograms of aggregate port activity, combined with the ability to drill-down for finer details allows small, yet important details to be noticed and investigated without being obscured by large, usual traffic. Another problem administrators face is the cumbersome amount of alarm data generated from IDS sensors. As a result, important details are often overlooked, and it is difficult to get an overall picture of what is occurring in the network by manually traversing textual alarm logs. We have designed a novel visualization to address this problem by showing alarm activity within a network. Alarm data is presented in an overview from which system administrators can get a general sense of network activity and easily detect anomalies. They additionally have the option of then zooming and drilling down for details. Based on our system administrator requirements study, this graphical layout addresses what system administrators need to see, is faster and easier than analyzing text logs, and uses visualization techniques to effectively scale and display the data. With this design, we have built a tool that effectively uses operational alarm log data generated on the Georgia Tech campus network. For both of these systems, we describe the input data, the system design, and examples. Finally, we summarize potential future work.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Copeland, John; Committee Member: Hamblen, James; Committee Member: Ji, Chuanyi; Committee Member: Owen, Henry; Committee Member: Stasko, Joh

    Ascertaining the Relationship between Security Awareness and the Security Behavior of Individuals

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    Security threats caused by the inappropriate actions of the user continue to be a significant security problem within any organization. The purpose of this study was to continue the efforts of Katz by assessing the security behavior and practices of working professionals. Katz conducted a study that assessed whether the faculty and staff at Armstrong Atlantic State University had been performing the simple everyday practices and behavior necessary to avert insider threats to information security. Critical in understanding human behavior is in knowing how behavior varies across different groups or demographics. Because a user\u27s behavior can be influenced by demographic groups, this study adapted Katz\u27s study by examining the influence on the security behavior of four demographic groups identified by gender, age, education, and occupation. Like Katz, this study used a 5-point Likert scale quantitative self-administered, closed-ended questionnaire to assess the participants\u27 security practices and behaviors. The questionnaire was developed in two sections: Section 1 used a binary scale to gather the participants\u27 demographics data while Section 2 used a 5-point Likert scale to measure the participants\u27 security behaviors. The sample population was derived from working professionals at the General Dynamic and Program Manager Advanced Amphibious Assault (GD & PM AAA) Facility in Woodbridge, Virginia. The total population at PM AAA Office was 288, of which 87 or 30% completed the survey. Results of the demographic survey indicate that (a) women were more security aware than their male counterparts, (b) younger participants were more security aware than their older counterparts, (c) participants who did not attend college were more security aware than their college-educated counterparts, and (d) participants in nontechnical positions were more security aware than their counterparts in technical positions. The results indicate that a relation exists between the participants\u27 security behaviors and their levels of security awareness