8 research outputs found

    A simple and efficient preprocessing step for convex hull problem

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    The present paper is concerned with a recursive algorithm as a preprocessing step to find the convex hull of nn random points uniformly distributed in the plane. For such a set of points, it is shown that eliminating all but O(logn)O(\log n) of points can derive the same convex hull as the input set. Finally it will be shown that the running time of the algorithm is $O(n

    Computing and Visualizing Time-Varying Merge Trees for High-Dimensional Data

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    We introduce a new method that identifies and tracks features in arbitrary dimensions using the merge tree—a structure for identifying topological features based on thresholding in scalar fields. This method analyzes the evolution of features of the function by tracking changes in the merge tree and relates features by matching subtrees between consecutive time steps. Using the time-varying merge tree, we present a structural visualization of the changing function that illustrates both features and their temporal evolution. We demonstrate the utility of our approach by applying it to temporal cluster analysis of high-dimensional point clouds

    Edge Groups: An Approach to Understanding the Mesh Quality of Marching Methods

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn this dissertation, we advance the theory and practice of verifying visualization algorithms. We present techniques to assess visualization correctness through testing of important mathematical properties. Where applicable, these techniques allow us to distinguish whether anomalies in visualization features can be attributed to the underlying physical process or to artifacts from the implementation under verification. Such scientific scrutiny is at the heart of verifiable visualization - subjecting visualization algorithms to the same verification process that is used in other components of the scientific pipeline. The contributions of this dissertation are manifold. We derive the mathematical framework for the expected behavior of several visualization algorithms, and compare them to experimentally observed results in the selected codes. In the Computational Science & Engineering community CS&E, this technique is know as the Method of Manufactured Solution (MMS). We apply MMS to the verification of geometrical and topological properties of isosurface extraction algorithms, and direct volume rendering. We derive the convergence of geometrical properties of isosurface extraction techniques, such as function value and normals. For the verification of topological properties, we use stratified Morse theory and digital topology to design algorithms that verify topological invariants. In the case of volume rendering algorithms, we provide the expected discretization errors for three different error sources. The results of applying the MMS is another important contribution of this dissertation. We report unexpected behavior for almost all implementations tested. In some cases, we were able to find and fix bugs that prevented the correctness of the visualization algorithm. In particular, we address an almost 2 0 -year-old bug with the core disambiguation procedure of Marching Cubes 33, one of the first algorithms intended to preserve the topology of the trilinear interpolant. Finally, an important by-product of this work is a range of responses practitioners can expect to encounter with the visualization technique under verification

    Visual Analysis of High-Dimensional Point Clouds using Topological Abstraction

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    This thesis is about visualizing a kind of data that is trivial to process by computers but difficult to imagine by humans because nature does not allow for intuition with this type of information: high-dimensional data. Such data often result from representing observations of objects under various aspects or with different properties. In many applications, a typical, laborious task is to find related objects or to group those that are similar to each other. One classic solution for this task is to imagine the data as vectors in a Euclidean space with object variables as dimensions. Utilizing Euclidean distance as a measure of similarity, objects with similar properties and values accumulate to groups, so-called clusters, that are exposed by cluster analysis on the high-dimensional point cloud. Because similar vectors can be thought of as objects that are alike in terms of their attributes, the point cloud\''s structure and individual cluster properties, like their size or compactness, summarize data categories and their relative importance. The contribution of this thesis is a novel analysis approach for visual exploration of high-dimensional point clouds without suffering from structural occlusion. The work is based on implementing two key concepts: The first idea is to discard those geometric properties that cannot be preserved and, thus, lead to the typical artifacts. Topological concepts are used instead to shift away the focus from a point-centered view on the data to a more structure-centered perspective. The advantage is that topology-driven clustering information can be extracted in the data\''s original domain and be preserved without loss in low dimensions. The second idea is to split the analysis into a topology-based global overview and a subsequent geometric local refinement. The occlusion-free overview enables the analyst to identify features and to link them to other visualizations that permit analysis of those properties not captured by the topological abstraction, e.g. cluster shape or value distributions in particular dimensions or subspaces. The advantage of separating structure from data point analysis is that restricting local analysis only to data subsets significantly reduces artifacts and the visual complexity of standard techniques. That is, the additional topological layer enables the analyst to identify structure that was hidden before and to focus on particular features by suppressing irrelevant points during local feature analysis. This thesis addresses the topology-based visual analysis of high-dimensional point clouds for both the time-invariant and the time-varying case. Time-invariant means that the points do not change in their number or positions. That is, the analyst explores the clustering of a fixed and constant set of points. The extension to the time-varying case implies the analysis of a varying clustering, where clusters appear as new, merge or split, or vanish. Especially for high-dimensional data, both tracking---which means to relate features over time---but also visualizing changing structure are difficult problems to solve