19 research outputs found

    Using hardware performance counters for fault localization

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    In this work, we leverage hardware performance counters-collected data as abstraction mechanisms for program executions and use these abstractions to identify likely causes of failures. Our approach can be summarized as follows: Hardware counters-based data is collected from both successful and failed executions, the data collected from the successful executions is used to create normal behavior models of programs, and deviations from these models observed in failed executions are scored and reported as likely causes of failures. The results of our experiments conducted on three open source projects suggest that the proposed approach can effectively prioritize the space of likely causes of failures, which can in turn improve the turn around time for defect fixes

    Random testing of interrupt-driven software

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    ManuscriptInterrupt-driven embedded software is hard to thoroughly test since it usually contains a very large number of executable paths. Developers can test more of these paths using random interrupt testing-firing random interrupt handlers at random times. Unfortunately, na¨ıve application of random testing to interrupt-driven software does not work: some randomly generated interrupt schedules violate system semantics, causing spurious failures. The contribution of this paper is the design, implementation, and experimental evaluation of RID, a restricted interrupt discipline that hardens embedded software with respect to unexpected interrupts, making it possible to perform random interrupt testing and also protecting it from spurious interrupts after deployment. We evaluate RID by implementing it in TinyOS and then using random interrupt testing to find bugs and also to drive applications toward their worst-case stack depths

    Cause reduction for quick testing

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    pre-printAbstract-In random testing, it is often desirable to produce a "quick test" - an extremely inexpensive test suite that can serve as a frequently applied regression and allow the benefits of random testing to be obtained even in very slow or oversubscribed test environments. Delta debugging is an algorithm that, given a failing test case, produces a smaller test case that also fails, and typically executes much more quickly. Delta debugging of random tests can produce effective regression suites for previously detected faults, but such suites often have little power for detecting new faults, and in some cases provide poor code coverage. This paper proposes extending delta debugging by simplifying tests with respect to code coverage, an instance of a generalization of delta debugging we call cause reduction. We show that test suites reduced in this fashion can provide very effective quick tests for real-world programs. For Mozilla's SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine, the reduced suite is more effective for finding software faults, even if its reduced runtime is not considered. The effectiveness of a reduction-based quick test persists through major changes to the software under test

    Preemption Sealing for Efficient Concurrency Testing

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    Cause Reduction for Quick Testing

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    Debugging statecharts models via model-code tracebility

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationA modern software system is a composition of parts that are themselves highly complex: operating systems, middleware, libraries, servers, and so on. In principle, compositionality of interfaces means that we can understand any given module independently of the internal workings of other parts. In practice, however, abstractions are leaky, and with every generation, modern software systems grow in complexity. Traditional ways of understanding failures, explaining anomalous executions, and analyzing performance are reaching their limits in the face of emergent behavior, unrepeatability, cross-component execution, software aging, and adversarial changes to the system at run time. Deterministic systems analysis has a potential to change the way we analyze and debug software systems. Recorded once, the execution of the system becomes an independent artifact, which can be analyzed offline. The availability of the complete system state, the guaranteed behavior of re-execution, and the absence of limitations on the run-time complexity of analysis collectively enable the deep, iterative, and automatic exploration of the dynamic properties of the system. This work creates a foundation for making deterministic replay a ubiquitous system analysis tool. It defines design and engineering principles for building fast and practical replay machines capable of capturing complete execution of the entire operating system with an overhead of several percents, on a realistic workload, and with minimal installation costs. To enable an intuitive interface of constructing replay analysis tools, this work implements a powerful virtual machine introspection layer that enables an analysis algorithm to be programmed against the state of the recorded system through familiar terms of source-level variable and type names. To support performance analysis, the replay engine provides a faithful performance model of the original execution during replay