15 research outputs found

    Patterns of User Involvement in Experiment-Driven Software Development

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    Background: Experiments are often used as a means to continuously validate user needs and to aid in making software development decisions. Involving users in the development of software products benefits both the users and companies. How software companies efficiently involve users in both general development and in experiments remains unclear; however, it is especially important to determine the perceptions and attitudes held by practitioners in different roles in these companies. Objective: We seek to: 1) explore how software companies involve users in software development and experimentation; 2) understand how developer, manager and UX designer roles perceive and involve users in experimentation; and 3) uncover systematic patterns in practitioners’ views on user involvement in experimentation. The study aims to reveal behaviors and perceptions that could support or undermine experiment-driven development, point out what skills could enhance experiment-driven development, and raise awareness of such issues for companies that wish to adopt experiment-driven development. Methods: We conducted a survey within four Nordic software companies, inviting practitioners in three major roles: developers, managers, and UX designers. We asked the respondents to indicate how they involve users in their job function, as well as their perspectives regarding software experiments and ethics. Results and Conclusion: We identified six patterns describing experimentation and user involvement. For instance, managers were associated with a cautious user notification policy, that is, to always let users know of an experiment they are subject to, and they also believe that users have to be convinced before taking part in experiments. We discovered that, due to lack of clear processes for involving users and the lack of a common understanding of ethics in experimentation, practitioners tend to rationalize their perceptions based on their own experiences. Our patterns were based on empirical evidence and they can be evaluated in different populations and contexts.Peer reviewe

    Trust as a Competitive Parameter in the Construction Industry

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    Household Disruption and Sexual Victimization Among Young South Africans.

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    This dissertation comprises two empirical articles investigating the influences of household-level disruption and sexual victimization on the sexual and reproductive behavior of young South Africans, and a third identifying methodological limitations of research on sexual victimization. In particular, the empirical articles examine whether: 1) Household-level disruptions are associated with increases in young people’s risky sexual behavior and whether disruptions accumulate to produce greater influences; and whether 2) Sexual victimization increases the likelihood of adolescent pregnancy. Each uses a multi-disciplinary perspective to identify and address important gaps in the literature and the analysis on sexual victimization corrects significant methodological shortcomings of previous research. Taken together, the articles underscore the need for more and better research on the influences of trauma and disruption on the lives of young people and provide some direction for these efforts. Results indicate that young people experiencing a single household-level disruption or multiple disruptions do not demonstrate increased sexual activity or involvement with older partners, nor are they less likely to use condoms. I discuss data limitations that may explain these findings and suggest improvements to future research. Conversely, experiencing some forms of sexual victimization is associated with an increased hazard of adolescent pregnancy. Unexpectedly, however, respondents who were the most severely sexually victimize were no more likely to become pregnant during adolescence than respondents who were not sexually victimized. These results suggest that existing theories may need modification to account for a wider range of individual behaviors. The third article provides a substantive methodological critique of existing research on sexual victimization and offers examples of how limitations and inconsistencies in definitions, methods, and measures may affect the research findings and impede the accumulation of knowledge. In particular, it identifies methodological shortcomings that undermine the validity of previous findings, including the lack of attention to racial/ethnic diversity and other sample selectivity, problematic assumptions underlying survey questionnaires, and issues related to temporal ordering and confounding variables. Furthermore, it describes some methodological and analytical decisions made by scholars of this research that make it difficult to compare findings across studies and determine the state of knowledge on the topic.Ph.D.SociologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/60663/1/susanml_1.pd

    Teaching EFL on the radio: a genre-based study of language use in English teaching radio programmes in Taiwan

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    This thesis provides a genre-based study of the ways in which language is used in English teaching radio programmes (ETRPs) in Taiwan. Drawing upon the frameworks of genre analysis, pragmatics, systemic linguistics, interactional sociolinguistics, the ethnography of communication, and variation analysis, and research on classroom discourse and media discourse, ETRPs are studied as a genre by examining the relationship between context, communicative purposes, discourse structure and lexical-grammatical use. Nineteen days of ETRPs of different broadcasts, which were on air in 1998-2001 and which served senior high school students in Taiwan, were recorded, transcribed and coded for linguistic analyses. The pedagogical purposes of ETRPs are identified by investigating the educational needs of the listeners and the stated aims of the broadcasters. They are then studied in more detail by considering the communicative needs generated in the situational context. The purposes of ETRPs provide frameworks for the description and explanation - quantitative and qualitative - of the prominent genre features, above and below the level of sentence, of ETRPs. The accounts of the discourse structure of ETRPs include not only the generic structure (the macrostructure) but also the interaction structure of the genre; i.e. the interaction between the presenters in the generic structure of a monologue. This thesis also makes comparisons between various broadcasts of ETRPs and interprets listeners' perceptions of ETRPs in terms oftheir genre features. It concludes by considering applications ofthe findings to the fields of genre analysis and language teaching

    The Ledger and Times, January 25, 1980

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    Investigation of factors affecting students\u27 satisfaction with online course components.

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    Technological advances in Internet delivery have allowed university course offerings to change from synchronous to asynchronous. These changes have occurred so rapidly that Web-based (WB) courses have proliferated without significant research as to their effectiveness from a student\u27s perspective (Ewing-Taylor, 1999). Researchers are aware that it is not sufficient to measure the effectiveness of WB learning purely through testing and grades. Indeed, Marshall (1999) pointed out that it is necessary to look at and evaluate the process of delivery and attitudes toward various delivery methods as well as course components in order to design more effective courses for Web delivery and to explore their effectiveness. Five quasi-models of descriptive characteristics (Demographic, Experiential, Motivational, Learning Styles, Instructional Design) were singled out as potentially having an impact on students\u27 satisfaction with the online course components (email, hypertext, online threaded discussions, web links, chat, video, audio, simulations, and graphics). The purpose of this study was to investigate various factors that might affect students\u27 satisfaction with online course components. Data were collected from 240 online undergraduate students using an online questionnaire. The findings of this study may lead educators to rethink the process of Instructional Design (ID). They may shift or adapt the traditional ID models and theories to accommodate the new features of online courses. At the very least, a deeper understanding about the Web as a mode of delivery in distance education and its effects on distance learning should emerge. Furthermore, the findings from this research study may strengthen our understanding of how students\u27 internal characteristics affect learning outcomes in technology-mediated online environment. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2004 .Q74. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 66-02, Section: A, page: 0517. Adviser: David Kellenberger. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004

    The Impact of the Internationalisation of Higher Education on Scientists’ Multimodal Communication: A case study from Catalonia

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    Les universitats de tot el món són instades a participar en el procés d' ‘internacionalització’ com a distintiu de qualitat i com a reclam per atraure estudiants. Aquest estudi aborda aquesta qüestió des del context de les institucions catalanes d’educació superior, que afronten el dilema de donar suport a la/les llengua/gües local/s i, alhora, abraçar el multilingüisme i, sobretot, l’anglès. L'objectiu principal d'aquest estudi és examinar l'impacte de la internacionalització de l'educació superior en la comunicació diària dels científics. Les dades etnogràfiques s’han recopilat al llarg d’un període d’11 mesos d’observació de dos grups de recerca (RGs) multinacionals amb seu en una universitat catalana, i s’han contrastat amb dades extretes d’un RG amb seu a Alemanya i amb idees inspirades en les pràctiques del RG de la pròpia investigadora. De l'objectiu empíric n’ha derivat un objectiu teòric, que consisteix a dissenyar i provar un marc teòric adequat per estudiar el fenomen proposat de manera integral. Aquest estudi té l’objectiu de contribuir a la limitada literatura que descriu aquelles pràctiques comunicatives "informals" i inèdites dels científics, així com a la literatura sobre la internacionalització de l’ensenyament superior. A nivell pràctic, aquest treball pretén contribuir a la millora de les polítiques d’internacionalització de les institucions d’ensenyament superior de Catalunya, d’Europa i potencialment d’altres contextos arreu del món.Las universidades de todo el mundo son instadas a participar en el proceso de ‘internacionalización’ como distintivo de calidad y como reclamo para atraer estudiantes. Este estudio aborda esta cuestión desde el contexto de las instituciones catalanas de educación superior, que afrontan el dilema de apoyar la/s lengua/s local/es y, a la vez, abrazar el multilingüismo y, sobre todo, el inglés. El objetivo principal de este estudio es examinar el impacto de la internacionalización de la educación superior en la comunicación diaria de los científicos. Los datos etnográficos se han recopilado a lo largo de un período de 11 meses de observación de dos grupos de investigación (RGs) multinacionales con sede en una universidad catalana, y se han contrastado con datos extraídos de un RG con sede en Alemania y con ideas inspiradas en las prácticas del RG de la propia investigadora. Del objetivo empírico ha derivado un objetivo teórico, que consiste en diseñar y probar un marco teórico adecuado para estudiar el fenómeno propuesto de manera integral. Este estudio tiene el objetivo de contribuir a la limitada literatura que describe aquellas prácticas comunicativas "informales" e inéditas de los científicos, así como a la literatura sobre la internacionalización de la enseñanza superior. A nivel práctico, este trabajo pretende contribuir a la mejora de las políticas de internacionalización de las instituciones de enseñanza superior de Cataluña, de Europa y potencialmente de otros contextos en todo el mundo.Universities worldwide are urged to engage in the process of ‘internationalisation’ as a hallmark of quality and as a lure to attract students. The current study approaches this issue from the context of Catalan higher education institutions, which deal with the dilemma of supporting the local language(s) and at the same time embracing multilingualism and especially English. The main aim of this study is to examine the impact of the internationalisation of higher education on the daily communication of scientists. Ethnographic data have been collected throughout a period of 11 months from two multinational research groups (RGs) based in a Catalan state university, and contrasted with data taken from a RG based in Germany and with insights from the researcher’s own RG. From the empirical objective has derived a theoretical objective, consisting in designing and proving a suitable theoretical framework to study the phenomenon holistically. This study aims to contribute to the limited body of research describing scientists’ "informal" and unpublished communicative practices, as well as to the literature on the internationalisation of higher education. On a practical level, this work is intended to aid in the improvement of internationalisation policies of higher education institutions in Catalonia, in Europe and potentially in other contexts worldwide

    Documents as functions

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    Treating variable data documents as functions over their data bindings opens opportunities for building more powerful, robust and flexible document architectures to meet the needs arising from the confluence of developments in document engineering, digital printing technologies and marketing analysis. This thesis describes a combination of several XML-based technologies both to represent and to process variable documents and their data, leading to extensible, high-quality and 'higher-order' document generation solutions. The architecture (DDF) uses XML uniformly throughout the documents and their processing tools with interspersing of different semantic spaces being achieved through namespacing. An XML-based functional programming language (XSLT) is used to describe all intra-document variability and for implementing most of the tools. Document layout intent is declared within a document as a hierarchical set of combinators attached to a tree-based graphical presentation. Evaluation of a document bound to an instance of data involves using a compiler to create an executable from the document, running this with the data instance as argument to create a new document with layout intent described, followed by resolution of that layout by an extensible layout processor. The use of these technologies, with design paradigms and coding protocols, makes it possible to construct documents that not only have high flexibility and quality, but also perform in higher-order ways. A document can be partially bound to data and evaluated, modifying its presentation and still remaining variably responsive to future data. Layout intent can be re-satisfied as presentation trees are modified by programmatic sections embedded within them. The key enablers are described and illustrated through example