63 research outputs found

    A cultural analysis of information technology offshore outsourcing: an exercise in multi-sited ethnography of virtual work

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    This study is an exploration of how ethnography and anthropological analysis can provide new understanding of transnational, multi-sited research phenomena. Research focused on the work activities of one American client organization and its Indian IT service provider situated in the global virtual field of Information Technology (IT) offshore outsourcing. The Principal Investigator adapted and applied an ethnographic approach for her fieldwork in order to understand the norms, beliefs, and values about work, as well as the relationship between cultural differences and virtual communication. Dissertation findings offer new insight for anthropological discussions of globalization as well as suggest further development of studies in the virtual environment as a site for ethnographic inquiry

    Territorial Cohesion in Europe: for the 70th Anniversary of Transdanubian Research Institute

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    Dagens standardiserade revisionsberättelse har kritiserats för att den innehåller alltför knapphändig information. Dessutom presenterar den enbart att revisorn tagit ett passivt ansvar i sitt granskningsarbete och ger inte revisorn möjlighet att ta ett aktivt ansvar vid författandet av revisionsberättelsen. För att förbättra detta har IAASB beslutat att införa ett nytt avsnitt, Key Audit Matters, där revisorn förväntas redogöra för väsentliga risker och svårigheter i revisionen. Genom att undersöka vilka områden som utgör Key Audit Matters idag och hur dessa kommuniceras bäst i revisionsberättelsen förväntas studien analysera relationen mellan revisorers ansvar och deras inställning till revisionsberättelsen. För att få en djupare förståelse för forskningsfrågan genomförs en kvalitativ studie där sju auktoriserade revisorer intervjuas från Sveriges fyra största revisionsbyråer. Studien visar att de områden som idag utgör Key Audit Matters framförallt består av bedömnings- och värderingsfrågor, väsentlighetsbedömningar och oegentligheter. Vidare anser inte revisorerna att det är viktigt att kommunicera i revisionsberättelsen och de har således en passiv inställning till denna. Detta indikerar till att KAM kommer bli standardiserad och att IAASB inte kommer få sina förväntningar uppfyllda

    Territorial Cohesion in Europe: for the 70th Anniversary of Transdanubian Research Institute

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    Are you ready for change? Farsight for construction: Exploratory scenarios for Queensland’s construction industry to 2036

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    The future of work and employment is a global hot topic with interconnected and powerful forces shaping jobs, industries and entire economies. Farsight, prepared in partnership with Construction Skills Queensland, examines the future of construction work in the state. Specifically, the report discusses critical trends and alternative scenarios for the future of Queensland’s construction workforce. Eighty leading experts across the state contributed to this future through a range of thinking and participation in interviews and workshops – where they considered what the industry could look like in 2036, and how job profiles and skills requirements might change to align with that future. A comprehensive scan of trends impacting the industry was undertaken, 25 of which are discussed in this report. This industry input and trends scan culminated in the development of four scenarios (Figure 1) that capture key areas of uncertainty and impact for jobs and skills in the industry. Each scenario is possible and takes the reader down an evidence-based journey about a plausible future. Because the future is not exact, there are multiple paths leading to multiple scenarios. Our scenarios describe a range of futures – some we would like to happen or others we would like to avoid. The aim in scenario planning is to be objective and inform decision-makers to identify, select and implement optimal strategies to achieve a better future – for all involved. Farsight was designed to help the industry understand what could happen in the future, and to identify what future(s) the industry wants and what steps could be taken to move toward desired futures. The scenarios were defined using a strategic foresight process that involves the identification of two spectrums that capture a range of plausible outcomes. The end points are extreme possibilities, with each relatively independent of the other. The outcomes of Farsight rests upon a set of trends compiled and synthesised by the research team. Crossing the axes defines the scenario space and the four scenarios which detail the tools we will need to keep stay nimble, relevant and effective in a global marke

    Professional English for the students of Electronic Education Institute in specialty of «Informatics and Computer Technologies»

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    Пособие предназначено для студентов 3 курса ИнЭО, изучающих профессиональный курс английского языка по направлению 09.03.01 «Информатика и вычислительная техника»

    Work, Culture and Sociality in the Indian Information Technology (IT) Industry: A Sociological Study

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    This report presents the key findings of a sociological study of the Indian information technology workforce that was carried out over a period of more than two years, between November 2003 and March 2006, in Bangalore and in three countries in Europe. The objective of the research project, entitled ‘Indian IT Professionals in India and Europe: Work, Culture, and Transnationalism’, was to document the social and cultural transformations that have been set in motion by the rapid growth of the IT and ITES industries in India, and through this to shed some light on wider processes of globalisation. The study focused on the creation of the IT workforce; the new forms of work, employment, organisation, and management, and the new cultures of work that have emerged in this industry, and on the transformations in lifestyle, sociality and identity that are taking place within this new global workforce