531 research outputs found

    Towards an explication of the presence effects on information processing and persuasion: A construal level framework

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    Dissatisfied with the existing theoretical account of the effects of presence on the mode of information processing (i.e., heuristic vs. systematic processing) and how this leads to persuasion in the context of mediated communication, the current study suggests an alternative framework that could provide an efficient and reasonable way of understanding the underlying psychological mechanism of the presence effects on persuasion. Drawing on presence theory, construal level theory, and the dual process model of persuasion, this study proposes a conceptual model that posits construal level as a key variable that mediates the effects of presence on the mode of information processing. Specifically, on the basis of the conceptual overlap between psychological distance and presence, which are respectively represented as key constructs in construal level theory and presence theory, this study proposes that a sense of presence has the potential to replace the role of psychological distance in the construal level theory and consequently prime a certain level of construal (i.e., the extent to which people’s thinking is abstract or concrete). Additionally, the conceptual similarity between the construal level in the construal level theory and the dual process model is supposed to lead people to apply the primed level of construal in processing information. In this framework, construal level is posited as a key factor that could mediate the relationship between the degree to which people experience a sense of presence and the mode of information processing. This study also attempts to provide a theoretical understanding of how this framework will serially influence the formation of trust and persuasion (i.e., behavioral intention). Guided by the empirical evidence from earlier studies, heuristic and systematic processing are predicted to respectively increase the degree to which people form affective trust towards brand and cognitive trust towards advertising product information. Consequently, persuasion is predicted to occur through both cognitive trust towards advertising product information and affective trust towards brand, as affect and cognition are intertwined. In order to validate this conceptual model, a two (ad presentation mode: video vs. text) x two (ad type: location-based advertising vs. traditional advertising) between-subjects experiment (N = 180) was conducted in a recent advertising context―i.e., location-based advertising. Consistent with the predictions based on this framework, the results showed that construal level plays a significant role in mediating the effects of presence and social presence on the mode of information processing. In addition, the amount of heuristic and systematic processing, determined by the construal level primed by a sense of presence and social presence, was positively associated with the degree to which people form affective trust towards brand and cognitive trust towards advertising product information. Consequently, both affective trust towards brand and cognitive trust towards advertising product information, formed through heuristic and systematic processing, positively influenced participants’ behavioral (purchase) intention. Through partial least squares structural equation modeling, this framework was statistically validated. Further theoretical implications of this framework are discussed

    Infrastructuring for cultural commons

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    In this doctoral dissertation, I inquire into the ways in which Participatory Design (PD) and digital design endeavors can contribute to wider public access to, and use of, digital cultural heritage. I advocate for an approach according to which digital cultural heritage is arranged and understood as cultural commons, and for more collaborative modes of social care for and governance of the commons. In addition to the empirically grounded findings and proposals contained in six individual research articles, I develop a theoretical framework that combines scholarship on Information Infrastructures, Commons and PD. Against this framework I interrogate how the information infrastructures and conditions that surround digital cultural heritage can be active in constructing and contributing to cultural commons. While doing this, I draw attention to the gap that exists between on the one hand official institutional digital cultural heritage collections, systems and practices, and on the other hand the digital platforms and practices through which everyday people create, curate and share digital cultural works. In order to understand how to critically and productively bridge this gap, I present insights gained from conducting three design research cases that engage both cultural heritage institutions and everyday media users. Building upon this empirical work, and latching on to scholarship on the notion of infrastructuring, I propose four infrastructuring strategies for cultural commons: probing and building upon the installed base, stimulating and simulating design and use through gateways, producing and pooling shared resources, and, lastly, fostering and shaping a commons culture that supports commoning. In exploring these strategies, I map the territory between commons and infrastructuring, and connect these notions to the PD tradition. I do so to sketch the design principles for a design orientation, commons design. I assert that these principles can be useful for advancing PD, and can inform future initiatives, aid in identifying infrastructural challenges, and in finding and confirming an orientation to participatory design activities. Drawing on my practical design work, I discuss requirements for professional designers operating on commons frameworks and with collective action. By doing this, my dissertation not only breaks new theoretical ground through advancing theoretical considerations relevant to contemporary design research, especially the field of PD, but also contributes practical implications useful for professional digital media design practice, especially for designers working in the fields of digital culture and cultural heritage

    Human-Machine Communication: Complete Volume 5. Gender and Human-Machine Communication

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    This is the complete volume of HMC Volume

    Deficit Frame Dangers

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    Civil rights advocates have long viewed litigation as an essential, if insufficient, catalyst of social change. In part, it is. But in critical respects that remain underexplored in legal scholarship, civil rights litigation can hinder short- and long-term projects of racial justice. Specifically, certain civil rights doctrines reward plaintiffs for emphasizing community deficits—or what I term a “deficit frame.” Legal doctrine, in other words, invites legal narratives that track, activate, and reinforce pernicious racial stereotypes. This dynamic, even in the context of well-intended litigation, risks entrenching conditions that drive racial inequality—including the conditions that litigation is often intended to address. To concretize the theory, this Article explores how deficit frames can influence the behavior of four key constituencies who impact—and often undermine—the pursuit of educational equality

    Gender and Human-Machine Communication: Where Are We?

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    In this introduction to the fifth volume of the journal Human-Machine Communication, we present and discuss the five articles focusing on gender and human-machine communication. In this essay, we will analyze the theme of gender, including how this notion has historically and politically been set up, and for what reasons. We will start by considering gender in in-person communication, then we will progress to consider what happens to gender when it is mediated by the most important ICTs that preceded HMC: the telephone, mobile phone, and computer-mediated communication (CMC). We outline the historical framework necessary to analyze the last section of the essay, which focuses on gender in HMC. In the conclusion, we will set up some final sociological and political reflections on the social meaning of these technologies for gender and specifically for women

    QualitĂ€tstaxonomie fĂŒr skalierbare Algorithmen von Free Viewpoint Video Objekten

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    Diese Dissertation beabsichtigt einen Beitrag zur QualitĂ€tsbeurteilung von Algorithmen fĂŒr Bildanalyse und Bildsynthese im Anwendungskontext Videokommunikationssysteme zu leisten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Möglichkeiten und Hindernisse der nutzerzentrierten Definition von subjektiver QualitĂ€tswahrnehmung in diesem speziellen Anwendungsfall untersucht. QualitĂ€tsbeurteilung von aufkommender Visualisierungs-Technologie und neuen Verfahren zur Erzeugung einer dreidimensionalen ReprĂ€sentation unter der Nutzung von Bildinformation zweier Kameras fĂŒr Videokommunikationssysteme wurde bisher noch nicht umfangreich behandelt und passende AnsĂ€tze dazu fehlen. Die Herausforderungen sind es qualitĂ€tsbeeinflussende Faktoren zu definieren, passende Maße zu formulieren, sowie die QualitĂ€tsevaluierung mit den Erstellungsalgorithmen, welche noch in Entwicklung sind, zu verbinden. Der Vorteil der Verlinkung von QualitĂ€tswahrnehmung und ServicequalitĂ€t ist die UnterstĂŒtzung der technischen Realisierungsprozesse hinsichtlich ihrer AnpassungsfĂ€higkeit (z.B. an das vom Nutzer verwendete System) und Skalierbarkeit (z.B. Beachtung eines Aufwands- oder Ressourcenlimits) unter BerĂŒcksichtigung des Endnutzers und dessen QualitĂ€tsanforderungen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt den theoretischen Hintergrund und einen Vorschlag fĂŒr eine QualitĂ€tstaxonomie als verlinkendes Modell. Diese Arbeit beinhaltet eine Beschreibung des Projektes Skalalgo3d, welches den Rahmen der Anwendung darstellt. PrĂ€sentierte Ergebnisse bestehen aus einer systematischen Definition von qualitĂ€tsbeeinflussenden Faktoren inklusive eines Forschungsrahmens und EvaluierungsaktivitĂ€ten die mehr als 350 Testteilnehmer inkludieren, sowie daraus heraus definierte QualitĂ€tsmerkmale der evaluierten QualitĂ€t der visuellen ReprĂ€sentation fĂŒr Videokommunikationsanwendungen. Ein darauf basierendes Modell um diese Ergebnisse mit den technischen Erstellungsschritten zu verlinken wird zum Schluss anhand eines formalisierten QualitĂ€tsmaßes prĂ€sentiert. Ein Flussdiagramm und ein Richtungsfeld zur grafischen AnnĂ€herung an eine differenzierbare Funktion möglicher ZusammenhĂ€nge werden daraufhin fĂŒr weitere Untersuchungen vorgeschlagen.The thesis intends to make a contribution to the quality assessment of free viewpoint video objects within the context of video communication systems. The current work analyzes opportunities and obstacles, focusing on users' subjective quality of experience in this special case. Quality estimation of emerging free viewpoint video object technology in video communication has not yet been assessed and adequate approaches are missing. The challenges are to define factors that influence quality, to formulate an adequate measure of quality, and to link the quality of experience to the technical realization within an undefined and ever-changing technical realization process. There are two advantages of interlinking the quality of experience with the quality of service: First, it can benefit the technical realization process, in order to allow adaptability (e.g., based on systems used by the end users). Second, it provides an opportunity to support scalability in a user-centered way, e.g., based on a cost or resources limitation. The thesis outlines the theoretical background and introduces a user-centered quality taxonomy in the form of an interlinking model. A description of the related project Skalalgo3d is included, which offered a framework for application. The outlined results consist of a systematic definition of factors that influence quality, including a research framework, and evaluation activities involving more than 350 participants. The thesis includes the presentation of quality features, defined by evaluations of free viewpoint video object quality, for video communication application. Based on these quality features, a model that links these results with the technical creation process, including a formalized quality measure, is presented. Based on this, a flow chart and slope field are proposed. These intend the visualization of these potential relationships and may work as a starting point for further investigations thereon and to differentiate relations in form of functions
