1,360 research outputs found

    Exploring the use of Facebook in the classroom: A Malaysia case study

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    With the evolution of social media, including major social networking sites that came into existence in the 21st century, social media has burgeoned into one of the most used channels of communication in the society. As it becomes well recognised for its potential as a social communication channel, recent years have witnessed an increased interest of using social media in higher education. The Social Media Survey 2013 by Pearson shows that 41% of higher education faculty in the U.S. population has use social media in teaching in 2013 compared to 34% of them using it in 2012. The survey results also show the increase use of social media for teaching by educators and faculty professionals because they see the potential in applying and integrating social media technology to their teaching. Many higher education institutions and educators are now finding themselves expected to catch up with the world of social media applications and social media users. This creates a growing phenomenon for the educational use of social media to create, engage, and share existing or newly produced information between lecturers and students and among students. However, the use of social media technologies in higher education is not an easy and straightforward process. Some educators perceived social media tool as an effective educational platform, some perceived that it was not useful at all. Some claimed that it allows them to make the classes more interactive, and some stated that the use of social media can help or hinder the achievement of student learning outcomes. Although there is a growing body of empirical research on the use of social media in higher education in the developed countries, there is not abundance in literature in Malaysia context. This study aims to examine the educational use of Facebook by lecturers and students in a private university in the Klang Valley, Malaysia, and to gauge their attitude towards adopting Facebook in the classroom. The research objectives include 1) investigating the use of Facebook for teaching and learning as well as a communication tool between lecturers and students, and 2) exploring the perception of lecturers and students on the usefulness and ease of use of Facebook in the classroom. Using both qualitative and quantitative research methods, this study will achieve two objectives set and the outcome will provides useful insights for academics interested in using social networking sites for teaching and learning and for researchers interested in pursuing social media in higher education research

    Library websites popularity: does Facebook really matter?

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    The purpose of this paper is to determine whether the utilization of social media (Facebook) is an important factor in increasing the visibility of the library site usage in Malaysian public universities. Nine top ranked Malaysian public universities involved in this research and number of Facebook followers for each library website is listed. Alexa software was used as the approach to study the issue of visibility. Alexa is able to determine web site usage, by showing the percentage of visitors of library related subdomain(s) as listed in the top subdomains for each University website (domain) over a month. It is found that Universiti Utara Malaysia library website scored the highest percentage of visitors based on the library related subdomain(s) as listed in the top subdomains for the University website in Alexa. To check such irregularities in access, this paper use EvalAccess 2.0 and it is found that Universiti Sains Malaysia’s library website scored higher irregularities. In term of number of Facebook followers, Univesity of Malaya library has the highest score. It is showed that the utilization of social media (Facebook) is not yet an important factor in increasing the visibility of the library websites. However, expectedly, top ranked universities’ library web sites, are more visible and popular. This research is limited to the situation in Malaysia where public universities are more noticeable and seldom face financial constraints rather than private universities. It is highly important for those universities’ library web sites that are not highly visible to initiate the necessary measures in improving the development of their web sites as the usage of the website is an indicator of online quality

    A review on use of social media in teaching and learning

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    Online learning are rapidly evolving in educational uses through social media. Previous research has identified the problem occured where the guidance for appropriate use of social media is needed so that can embark more effective and efficient learning environment. Social media has been shown to have a positive impact towards learner hence making the process of teaching and learning more meaningful. This is because social networking tools can provide opportunities for students to find information, collect their own material, communicate and interact towards each other. Therefore, this concept paper reviews the use of online learning through social media conducted by previous researchers. Besides, the advantages and disadvantages of implementing social media in teaching and learning also beeing reviewed. This review paper describe the use of online learning through social media and also its pros and cons compared to traditional media. As the conclusion, results from the previous research shows that, online learning through social media have a good feedback and advantages that can inline in education purposes

    Collaboration and community of practice in online social networking services among Malaysian university students

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    This article reports the results of an exploratory study to investigate the usage patterns of social networking services (SNS) by Malaysian tertiary level students. The focus in this paper is on the collaborative use of SNS including the factors (variables of level of study, gender and academic performance) that might have influenced how SNS is used by Malaysian students. This focus is necessary as so far, no research have looked at these variables across the population of Malaysian university students. An online survey was carried out using convenience sampling and this returned a usable result set of N=16661. Frequency analysis revealed that 68.6% of respondents used SNS to collaborate with their peers, and more than half join study groups on SNS (57.5%) as well as course groups created by their lecturers (56.1%) at a high level of frequency; many reported using SNSs often/all the time for these purposes. Further analysis showed statistical significance for almost all the variables investigated. However, results of Cohen’s effect size indicated that the differences between the Postgraduate-Undergraduate variable pairs (Collaboration d = 0.27 and Community of Practice d = 0.24) have a small to moderate practical significance which may be meaningful. The findings suggest that the practical and pedagogical differences between undergraduate and postgraduate levels of study should be given due consideration when integrating the use of SNS into higher education in Malaysia

    Social Media Use: A Critical Analysis of Facebook\u27s Impact on Collegiate EFL Students\u27 English Writing in Thailand

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    In this technology era, a new trend of using Social Media or Social Networking Sites (SNSs) has been recently highlighted. Social media influences people’s lives in many aspects including education and English language learning. The purpose of this study is to examine whether using Facebook online impacts the type (formal or informal) of English EFL students use for in-class writing or not, as well as to understand the students’ perceptions on how the use of Facebook helps to facilitate or inhibit their English writing skills. The study was conducted by using qualitative research methods to explore EFL college students’ writing behavior on the Facebook platform and understand the perspectives of students involved in using Facebook. The data collection methods were observation and interviews. Participants consisted of 32 students, mostly freshmen college students. The site for this study was Center Bangkok University (CBU, pseudonym) in Thailand, a university located in Bangkok. The study took place during a 5-week period from November 11, 2013 until December 12, 2013. The interviews were conducted with 16 students from the 32 and two teachers, each lasting about 45-60 minutes. After the data was coded and analyzed, three major findings that answer the research questions were emerged

    The role of information in postgraduates' decision-making cycle.

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    The global market for international postgraduate students is becoming increasingly competitive as more institutions offer Masters level courses and universities need to increase revenues. The UK Government and universities want to stop the declining trend in market share of international students and have ambitious plans to attract these students to the UK. Understanding the decision making and information searching processes of international postgraduates will help universities to support these students as they make their decisions and tailor their marketing communications strategies to raise awareness of the institution, increase applications and ensure postgraduates' satisfaction whilst at university. The aim of this study is to explore the role of information within the individual decision making cycle of international non-EU postgraduate students when selecting a business qualification and studying at university and evolve a decision making cycle model. The information requirements of international postgraduates at all stages of the decision making process from the time they recognised a need to study, through application and enrolment to graduation, were investigated. Influential members of the decision making unit were identified and their information needs explored alongside the factors that impacted on the decision making cycle. The methodological approach was underpinned by an interpretivist philosophy. A quantitative scoping study, based on the author's previous research, was used as an exploratory framework to help design the qualitative data collection. Under an inductive research approach 42 interviews were conducted with international non-EU postgraduates studying a business qualification in a post-92 English university. Thematic and Interpretative Phenomenological analysis were carried out on the full transcripts. A theoretical contribution is made by evolving a new conceptual model of the role of information in the decision making cycle of individuals when making a significant purchase decision; the Iterative Decision Making Cycle Model. The model is unique as it builds on models proposed by both marketing and consumer behaviour scholars, and Kuhlthau, a LIS academic, to create a new model which reflects the connectedness of individuals in the digital era. Kuhlthau's research is extended into a new context as the focus is on the postgraduate as an information seeker and their use of information when making a high involvement purchase decision. A new consumer Decision Maker and Information Searcher Typology is proposed. This study contributes to the body of knowledge in marketing and LIS as it helps individuals to understand the cyclical and iterative nature of the decision making cycle, the sequence of decisions made regarding the country, university and course and then city to study in and the significance of online sources including the university website, rankings and online reviews regardless of their credibility. There is a need to stimulate recommendations and information exchange amongst prospective, current students and alumni due to the influence of word of mouth information sources and communicate pertinent information to students, parents, agents and partner staff as important target audiences. Despite living in an information rich world there was a lack of rationality and informedness amongst certain groups of postgraduates when making these significant decisions and 'new', 'experienced' and 'connected' prospective postgraduates should receive tailored information as identified in the typology. Once at university information plays an important role in structuring expectations and contributing to the student experience and satisfaction levels of international postgraduates. Recommendations are made to the Government and universities on targeting prospective postgraduates and other influential members of the DMU, on tailoring the messages and media to be used when communicating with these target audiences and to provide the information required by postgraduates immediately post purchase and whilst studying at university

    Technology acceptance among library male and female users of Lahore-based public and private general categories universities

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    Abstract Purpose- The purpose of the study was to assess the usefulness of digital library resources & services, and the value of multidisciplinary databases among postgraduate researchers/ students. This research study is an investigation of technology acceptance behaviours of university library users in Lahore, Pakistan. It also works on user’s perception and usage of digital databases, user’s level of satisfaction, user’s ease of use and usefulness to use digital library databases and identifications of factors affecting accessing digital databases. This research study is based on the TAM model in the context of technology acceptance by postgraduate researchers. Design/ methodology/ approach-This is a quantitative research study based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and two basic variables i.e. perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived usefulness (PU) adopted to check the acceptance level of library users through an adapted questionnaire-survey of 243 post-graduate students of higher degree-awarding universities/institutes of Pakistan, accredited from Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan. Findings- The findings of this study discovered that the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of the system are significant predictors that play the primary role in accepting the particular system. The effect of moderating variables with respect to gender and age impacts the acceptance level. The findings of this research study also show that female researchers use online library databases conveniently and preferably, as compared to male researchers. Implications- The results of this research study will help out teachers, students, and institutional administration in their academic pursuits. The faculty can get a better idea of how to teach and lead researchers from the available digital information resources and services provided by the university libraries. It will also help in decision-making about the selection or rejection of resources for the library\u27s users/ students. Originality/value- This research study provides valuable/ important insights into key factors that impact and affect user\u27s perception & intention to use and accept library technological services and digital resources from the Pakistani perspective

    Student engagement, student interactions and 'quality of use' in blended learning using flipped classroom

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    The research ofblended learning using flipped classroom is still at the early stage, hence the fundamental issues still unclear. Therefore, this study has examined the quality of use, by incorporating the quality constructs for entrepreneurship education. The framework was developed base on 'Quality of Use' Model underpinned by Luhmann's System Theory, Model of Online Learning and Social Learning Theory: Groups Nets and Sets. There were five variables tested in this study, namely satisfaction, efficiency, effectiveness, student interactions and student engagement. This study was conducted in two phases, firstly this study examined whether blended learning provide impacts on the studied variables. Later this study tested the relationship between variables based on the research framework. Data for the first stage were obtained through quasiexperimental among 90 students of entrepreneurship education for the Semester 201 54 in the Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis. The results reveals that there were significant differences between treatment group and control group for all variables tested. Data for the second stage were collected through a self-administered survey questionnaires among 281 students of entrepreneurship education for Semester 20162 in the same university. This result reveals that student interactions have a significant relationship with satisfaction, efficiency, effectiveness. However, student engagement exhibits a significant influence to satisfaction, but insignificant influence to efficiency and effectiveness. Further analysis reveals that student interactions provides a partial mediation between student engagement and satisfaction and full mediation between student engagement and efficiency, as well as effectiveness. This study contributes to the development of quality framework for large enrollment in flipped classroom, a multi-method of data collection to ensure the appropriateness of variables selected, and a quality measure of blended learning in entrepreneurship education, as well as business management disciplines. Conclusions, limitation and suggestions for future studies are also highlighted

    International Academic Symposium of Social Science 2022

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    This conference proceedings gathers work and research presented at the International Academic Symposium of Social Science 2022 (IASSC2022) held on July 3, 2022, in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. The conference was jointly organized by the Faculty of Information Management of Universiti Teknologi MARA Kelantan Branch, Malaysia; University of Malaya, Malaysia; Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia; Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, Indonesia; Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges, Philippines; and UCSI University, Malaysia. Featuring experienced keynote speakers from Malaysia, Australia, and England, this proceeding provides an opportunity for researchers, postgraduate students, and industry practitioners to gain knowledge and understanding of advanced topics concerning digital transformations in the perspective of the social sciences and information systems, focusing on issues, challenges, impacts, and theoretical foundations. This conference proceedings will assist in shaping the future of the academy and industry by compiling state-of-the-art works and future trends in the digital transformation of the social sciences and the field of information systems. It is also considered an interactive platform that enables academicians, practitioners and students from various institutions and industries to collaborate