28 research outputs found

    SNSs and deliberative governance in a polarised society : the role of WhatsApp groups in Kenyan counties

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    Kenya has experienced polarisation that has sometimes resulted in conflict. As a remedy, the Kenyan constitution, reviewed in 2010, and other legislation prescribes deliberative governance as one of the solutions to polarisation in sub-national Kenyan counties. The legislation mandates counties to use the mainstream and social media platforms for deliberative governance to promote national cohesion and integration. This study examines the growing use of WhatsApp groups for such deliberations. It is based on the proposition that the outcomes of deliberative governance and its impact on polarisation depends on the quality of deliberation and, in particular, on the platform’s (WhatsApp’s), structure and norms. The deliberative norms analysed here are based on the Habermasian model of tolerance, inclusivity, diversity, incivility, and heterogeneity of viewpoints, whilst the deliberative structure examines WhatsApp group’s affordances and composition. Based on these propositions, this study empirically explores the impact of deliberative governance on polarisation in WhatsApp group platforms in four Kenyan counties. Guided by a critical realism paradigm, the study uses an original mixed-methods approach involving a quantitative (online survey) and qualitative (WhatsApp-based focus group discussion). The study revealed that the socio-demographic profile of WhatsApp groups participants is predominantly young males with high educational attainment, similar to other SNSs participatory platforms. The research also suggests that achieving deliberative norms such as civility, tolerance, and inclusivity is challenging in WhatsApp groups. Therefore, the quality of deliberations in WhatsApp groups falls short of the Habermasian deliberative ideals, and this has worsened because WhatsApp has enhanced the sharing of stereotypes, misinformation, and conflict frames which have aggravated polarisation. Consequently, deliberations in WhatsApp groups have further augmented polarisation around county governance issues. Regarding the deliberative structure, the study proposes that the platform’s affordance, the composition of participants, the information sources, and the discussion topics in WhatsApp groups affect the quality of deliberations and polarisation. Additionally, this study makes a significant contribution by using an fresh, integrated methodological approach based on WhatsApp’s affordances for data collection and analysis

    Consensus or Conflict?

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    This open access book brings together leading international scholars and policy-makers to explore the challenges and dilemmas of globalization and governance in an era increasingly defined by economic crises, widespread populism, retreating internationalism, and a looming cold war between the United States and China. It provides the diversity of views on those widely concerned topics such as global governance, climate change, global health, migration, S&T revolution, financial market, and sustainable development. It is a truly unique book. Never before has such an authoritative group of essayists come together to develop deep new thinking about global governance that is relevant to current shared global challenges. They express deep concerns about the historically unprecedented upheavals in the world. They describe the unparalleled turbulence that mankind is facing in the form of multiple crises, any one of which has the potential to bring civilization to its knees. The most obvious of these is the threat posed by climate change. They spell out why these perils pose a stark choice for the human race. They stress how any path that leads to conflict increases the risk of catastrophe. In this context, the common thread is that a consensus must be reached about the future of our world. They have put forward many ideas and potential new policies, reflecting their vision of what this consensus should be and how it is the only way forward for the human race

    Modding the Apocalypse: (Re)Making Videogames as Post-Structuralist Free Play

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    This dissertation is about seeing videogames, and videogame design, through the lens of Gregory Ulmer ℱs electracy apparatus theory. Videogame modding is emphasized an electrate approach to intervening in existing media. Mods have the potential to make potent rhetorical arguments, but they are little-understood in the field of rhet-comp, and there are numerous obstacles to carving a space for them in academic curricula; nevertheless, they are an increasingly common form of participatory engagement that make use of a broad digital skillset. Modders fit into Gregory Ulmer ℱs electracy apparatus as egents ”agents of change in the Internet age ”and their playful appropriation of objects from various archives resembles the electrate genre of MyStory (personal alternative-history). By positioning modding as electrate composition praxis, a new gateway for academic game study and production is opened, one where play is integral to the process of knowledge formation. Fallout 4 (2016) serves as an example of a moddable game whose rhetorical affordances can be adapted to craft MyStories and MEmorials

    Public Administration in Ethiopia

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    First handbook on Ethiopian Public Administration Building an effective, inclusive, and accountable public administration has become a major point of attention for policymakers and academics in Ethiopia who want to realise sustainable development. This first handbook on Ethiopian Public Administration is written by Ethiopian academics and practitioner-academics and builds on PhD studies and conference papers, including studies presented at the meetings of the Ethiopian Public Administration Association (EPAA), established in 2016. Public Administration in Ethiopia presents a wide range of timely issues in four thematic parts: Governance, Human Resources, Performance and Quality, and Governance of Policies. Each of the individual chapters in this volume contributes in a different way to the overarching research questions: How can we describe and explain the contexts, the processes and the results of the post-1990 politico-administrative reforms in Ethiopia? And what are the implications for sustainable development? This book is essential for students, practitioners, and theorists interested in public administration, public policy, and sustainable development. Moreover, the volume is a valuable stepping stone for PA teaching and PA research in Ethiopia. Contributors: Adare Assefa Mitiku (Defense Construction Enterprise), Aklilu Wubet Lema (Addis Ababa University), Alebachew Asfaw Yimer (Bahir Dar University), Annie Hondeghem (KU Leuven), Bacha Kebede Debela (Ambo University), Bahiru Deti Heyi (Dilla University), Belayneh Bogale Zewdie (Kotebe Metropolitan University), Geert Bouckaert (KU Leuven), Gutata Goshu Amante (Addis Ababa University), Bruno Broucker (KU Leuven), Challa Amdissa Jiru (Addis Ababa University), Defferew Kebebe Tessema (Addis Ababa University), Denamo Addissie Nuramo (Addis Ababa University), Deribe Assefa Aga (Ethiopian Civil Service University), Dessalegn Kebede Kedida (Oromia Police College), Frehiwot Gebrehiwot Araya (Addis Ababa City Public Service and Human Resource Development Bureau), Henok Seyoum Assefa (Ethiopian Public Administration Association, EPAA), Hirko Wakgari Amanta (Oromia State University), Hiwot Amare Tadesse (Ambo University), Kassa Teshager Alemu (Ethiopian Civil Service University), Kiflie Worku Angaw (Dilla University),Moti Mosisa Gutema (Dilla University), Solomon Gebreyohans Gebru (KU Leuven), Steve Troupin (KU Leuven), Temesgen Genie Chekol (Dire Dawa Institute of Technology), Tewelde Mezgobo Ghrmay (Mekelle University), Trui Steen (KU Leuven), Meuriaw Ayalew (Assosa University / Addis Ababa University), Zekarias Minota Seiko (Ethiopian Civil Service University / Addis Ababa University

    Weaponized Women in Contemporary Visual Culture : Representing Military Women in the ‘War on Terror’

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    This thesis examines representations of military women in contemporary Western visual culture during the ‘War on Terror’ (2001-present). Through the comparison of cultural productions that center on military women (e.g. films, TV series, etc.), I assess the current perpetuation of representational patterns established by a long tradition of the military/war genre. Moreover, I attempt to identify new patterns and tropes, and also categorize any divergences to pre-established patterns. With this study I intend to explore the hypothesis that military women are subjected to systematic stereotyping when featured in fictional narratives as protagonists, which I understand to be a signal of a larger problem, concerning the instrumentalization of military women by military/political forces. Drawing from the works of Cynthia Enloe, Barbara Ehrenreich, Yvonne Tasker, among other critics who theorized on this subject, I attempt to expand on what was already written, adding original material relating exclusively to the period of the ‘War on Terror’. Through the comparison and analysis of intermedia artworks from the US and European countries (UK, and France), I offer a wide cultural study on the fictionalization of military women. By focusing on US and European cultural representations of servicewomen I aim to verify the existence of similarities which may suggest a transatlantic cohesion in regard to not only representational tropes, but also military/political interests. The thesis is divided into three parts, each corresponding to an important stage in military life. Therefore, chronologically, the first part is dedicated to ‘Boot Camp’, the second to ‘Deployment’, and the last to ‘Discharge’. This structure is intended to compartmentalize stages that introduce different sets of challenges to women in the military. Through this approach, I am able to direct my focus towards each segment as a whole, exploring correspondent cultural products that encompass dominant representations in each stage of military life. The final objective of this research is to acknowledge how fictional depictions of military women can help us achieve a clearer image of a collective Western understanding of what it means to be a female and a soldier. Additionally, I aim to identify how those depictions are used to convey specific ideological messages pertaining to (trans)national interests during the ‘War on Terror’. Furthermore, through this cultural analysis I intend to contribute to an expanding field concerned with gender equality in Western armed forces.Esta tese analisa representaçÔes da mulher militar na cultura visual Ocidental contemporĂąnea durante o perĂ­odo da ‘Guerra ao Terror’ (2001-presente). AtravĂ©s da comparação de produtos culturais centrados na mulher militar (e.g. filmes, sĂ©ries de TV, etc.), examino a perpetuação actual de padrĂ”es de representação estabelecidos por uma longa tradição do gĂ©nero militar/guerra. Para alĂ©m deste trabalho de comparação, identifico novos padrĂ”es e estereĂłtipos, ao mesmo tempo categorizando divergĂȘncias dos padrĂ”es previamente estabelecidos. Com este estudo, pretendo explorar a hipĂłtese de que as mulheres militares estĂŁo sujeitas a estereĂłtipos sistemĂĄticos aquando protagonizam narrativas ficcionais, o que problematizo enquanto instrumentalização da mulher militar por forças militares/polĂ­ticas. Apoiando-me nos trabalhos de Cynthia Enlow, Barbara Ehrenreich, Yvonne Tasker, entre outra/os crĂ­tica/os que teorizaram acerca deste tĂłpico, pretendo expandir o trabalho que jĂĄ existe, acrescentando material original relacionado exclusivamente com o perĂ­odo da ‘Guerra ao Terror’. AtravĂ©s da comparação e anĂĄlise de vĂĄrios tipos de obras artĂ­sticas visuais provindas dos Estados Unidos e de paĂ­ses Europeus (Reino Unido e França), dedico-me a um alargado estudo cultural focado na ficcionalização da mulher militar. Ao focar-me em representaçÔes culturais estadunidenses e europeias pretendo verificar a existĂȘncia de semelhanças que possam sugerir uma coesĂŁo transatlĂąntica no que diz respeito nĂŁo sĂł a estereĂłtipos representacionais, mas tambĂ©m a interesses militares/polĂ­ticos. Esta tese estĂĄ dividida em trĂȘs partes, cada uma correspondendo a uma fase importante da vida militar. Desta forma, cronologicamente, a primeira parte intitula-se ‘Boot Camp’ (campo de treino militar), a segunda ‘Deployment’ (projecção das forças militares no terreno), e a Ășltima ‘Discharge’ (dispensa militar). Esta estrutura visa compartimentar perĂ­odos que apresentam conjuntos de dificuldades diferentes para a mulher militar. AtravĂ©s desta abordagem, direcciono o meu foco de atenção para cada segmento como um todo, explorando produçÔes culturais correspondentes que demonstram as representaçÔes dominantes em cada fase da vida militar. O objectivo final deste trabalho de investigação Ă© identificar o que dizem as representaçÔes ficcionais da mulher militar acerca de um entendimento Ocidental colectivo do que significa ser mulher e soldado. Adicionalmente, pretendo tambĂ©m reconhecer como essas representaçÔes sĂŁo utilizadas para transmitir mensagens ideolĂłgicas especĂ­ficas, relativas a interesses (trans)nacionais durante a ‘Guerra ao Terror’. AtravĂ©s desta anĂĄlise cultural pretendo ainda contribuir para os estudos que apoiam a igualdade de gĂ©nero nas forças armadas Ocidentais

    Public Administration in Ethiopia

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    "Building an effective, inclusive, and accountable public administration has become a major point of attention for policymakers and academics in Ethiopia who want to realise sustainable development. This first handbook on Ethiopian Public Administration is written by Ethiopian academics and practitioner-academics and builds on PhD studies and conference papers, including studies presented at the meetings of the Ethiopian Public Administration Association (EPAA), established in 2016. Public Administration in Ethiopia presents a wide range of timely issues in four thematic parts: Governance, Human Resources, Performance and Quality, and Governance of Policies. Each of the individual chapters in this volume contributes in a different way to the overarching research questions: How can we describe and explain the contexts, the processes and the results of the post-1990 politico-administrative reforms in Ethiopia? And what are the implications for sustainable development? This book is essential for students, practitioners, and theorists interested in public administration, public policy, and sustainable development. Moreover, the volume is a valuable stepping stone for PA teaching and PA research in Ethiopia.

    Cultural Crossroads in the Middle East

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    The region of the Middle East has been called the cradle of mankind. This volume studies historical, cultural, religious, social and political legacies, which play a central role in obstructing intercultural dialogue in the Middle East. The region became home to numerous cultures, religions and ethnicities with long experience of living together in a multicultural environment and has an immense impact on the entire human civilization as first human civilizations were born there. Today, more than 50% of world population follow Abrahamic religions (e.g. Christianity, Islam, Judaism), which have their roots in the Middle East. This book focuses on multiple topics related to the Middle East, including ancient history, the religion and mythology of the Ancient Near Eastern regions, Arabic, Persian and Islamic studies, Persian, Turkish and Arab literature, as well as modern Middle Eastern issues related to politics, security, society and the economy. The volume includes papers by Amar Annus, Tanja Dibou, Peeter Espak, Yoel Guzansky, Ingrida Kleinhofa, Jaan Lahe, Lidia Leontjeva, Aynura Mahmudova, Yossi Mann, Kobi Michael, Holger Mölder, Limor Nobel-Konig, Sandra Peets, Üllar Peterson, Illimar Ploom. Yurii Punda, Itamar Rickover, Vladimir Sazonov, Vitalii Shevchuk, Krzysztof Ulanowski, and Viljar Veebel