8 research outputs found


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    Recently it has been suggested that \u27digital natives\u27, a generation of young people born into the digital age, are inherently technology-savvy. If this suggestion is correct, there could be profound implications for Information Systems research, which traditionally has conducted empirical research on \u27digital immigrants\u27. This paper looks at whether there are significant differences between digital natives and digital immigrants. Our findings suggest that there is a continuum rather than a rigid dichotomy between digital natives and digital immigrants. We propose that \u27digital nativity\u27 can perhaps best be conceptualized as \u27digital fluency\u27 Digital fluency is the ability to reformulate knowledge and produce information to express oneself creatively and appropriately in a digital environment. We propose a conceptual model that outlines factors that have a direct and indirect impact on digital fluency, namely demographic characteristics, organisational factors, psychological factors, social influence, opportunity, behavioural intention, and actual use of digital technologies

    Políticas de inclusão digital no México. Um olhar sobre o estado de Oaxaca

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    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar el análisis de dos políticas de inclusión digital desplegadas en el estado de Oaxaca, México, en el período 2013-2018. Estas políticas son los sitios públicos de conectividad del Programa México Conectado y el Centro de Inclusión Digital (CID), orientado al desarrollo de habilidades digitales. En ambos casos, los resultados muestran divergencias significativas respecto a los objetivos de las políticas. En los sitios públicos la disponibilidad de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y el acceso a internet son deficientes; mientras que el CID cuenta con equipamiento y personal capacitado para impulsar el desarrollo de habilidades digitales, aunque su contribución es marginal debido a la poca cobertura que provee.The objective of this article is to present the analysis of two digital inclusion policies deployed in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico in the period 2013-2018. These policies are the public connectivity sites of the México Conectado Program and the Center for Digital Inclusion (CID) aimed at the development of digital skills. In both cases, the results show significant divergences with respect to the objectives of the policies. In public sites, information and communication technologies availability and internet access are deficient; while the CID has equipment and trained personnel to promote the development of digital skills; however, its contribution is marginal due to the little coverage it provides.O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a análise de duas políticas de inclusão digital implantadas no estado de Oaxaca, México, no período 2013-2018. Essas políticas são os sites públicos de conectividade do Programa México Conectado e o Centro de Inclusão Digital (CID) voltados para o desenvolvimento de habilidades digitais. Em ambos casos, lós resultados mostram divergências significativas respeito a lós objetivos de lãs políticas. Nos sites públicos disponibilidade de tecnologia da informação e comunicação e acesso à internet são deficientes; enquanto o CID dispõe de equipamentos e pessoal capacitado para promover o desenvolvimento de competências digitais; no entanto, sua contribuição é marginal devido à pouca cobertura que oferece

    Influencia de la gobernabilidad electrónica en la gestión de servicio al ciudadano en la municipalidad provincial de Huallaga, 2022.

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    La presente investigación fue titulada “influencia de la gobernabilidad electrónica en la gestión de servicio al ciudadano en la municipalidad provincial de Huallaga, 2022” cuyo propósito principal fue identificar si coexiste influencia entre la gobernabilidad electrónica y la gestión de servicios ofrecida al ciudadano en la municipalidad. La metodología desarrollada fue de enfoque cuantitativo, con un tipo de estudio descriptivo explicativo, con diseño de estudio no experimental, de corte transversal, y con el método hipotético – deductivo. El instrumento de recolección de datos fue el cuestionario. De los resultados obtenidos se concluyó que su coeficiente según la correlación es de r=.690, con un p=0.000 (p < .05), con el cual se acepta la hipótesis planteada. Por lo tanto, se confirma que existe una influencia moderada de la gobernabilidad electrónica en la gestión de servicios al ciudadano en la Municipalidad Provincial de Huallaga, 2022

    Digital Inequality in a Rural Cornish Village: an Integrative Analysis

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    Over the last three decades, the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has transformed human societies. This digitisation is commonly believed to make all residents’ lives easier, healthier, and more productive by reducing spatiotemporal constraints for accessing information or services. However, this optimistic view neglects the situation of disadvantaged populations who may not be able to access or use ICTs in the same way and are, therefore at risk of being left behind and excluded from an increasingly digitised society. Such inequalities in the access and use of digital technologies are referred to as the digital divide and have been studied extensively. Research on the digital divide is typically based on ‘Big Data’ from national surveys that are useful for revealing general trends and usage patterns but neglect the situation of small rural areas that are underrepresented in surveys. These areas are often structurally disadvantaged for several reasons, such as spatial isolation, poor infrastructure, low population density, or the out-migration of businesses and young people. Digitisation has the potential to mitigate some of those challenges, but despite recent efforts to investigate technology use in rural communities, very little is known about the role of ICTs in the everyday life of rural residents and about the practical barriers that may hinder their adoption. This thesis aimed to fill this data gap by developing an integrative bottom-up research approach that examined technology use in a rural Cornish area at multiple levels, with convergent methods and minimal preconceptions about normative forms of ICT use. This approach enabled the collection of ‘Small Data’ that portrays the use of technology in the inhabitants’ life context and delineates how personal characteristics of individuals, socio-cultural characteristics of the local community, and structural characteristics of the area collectively shape digital divides in the rural environment

    NGOs and illicit drug policy change in the Russian Federation

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    In the decade to 2010, international initiatives directed at changing Russian illicit drug policy gained considerable momentum. However from 2010 official Russian government ambivalence evolved into open hostility directed against foreign ideas and against donor funded NGOs. By 2013, large scale donor-funded programs directed at reducing the social and individual harms associated with illicit drug use became effectively unimplementable in Russia. The main objective of this thesis is to establish if any non-government initiatives directed at illicit drug policy change were politically feasible in Russia between 2010 and 2013. In order to address this overarching objective, I sought to answer the following research questions: 1. What framed the possibilities and limits of political feasibility of drug policy initiatives that relied on international funding sources? 2. What political and other structures framed the feasibility of domestically funded non-government drug policy initiatives? 3. Contemporary Russia has presented unique barriers to the application of conventional methods of researching illicit drug policy. What novel data sources and methods might frame these limits? This thesis examines Russian drug policy from a pragmatic perspective. It examines both internationally and domestically funded civil society actors to identify what worked to influence Russian drug policy in the recent past. This thesis consists of a series of mixed methods exploratory case studies that offer a rich "bottom up" description of the contemporary Russian context. It also describes novel "big data" quantitative Internet search methods as a valid research method to study of complex environments. Against the backdrop of increasing security tensions between Russia and NATO, it proposes mechanisms that may allow future collaboration between donors, researchers, and Russian civil society organisations in a new, largely unknown policy space

    E-government harm:An assessment of the Danish coercive digital post strategy

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    La estructura relacional de la tecnología en PISA. Un diagnóstico por países con factores personales y contextuales

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    En la actualidad nos encontramos inmersos en la Sociedad del Conocimiento, cuyas dos características principales son la globalización económica y social junto con las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC). Las TIC han ido evolucionando a lo largo de los últimos años, y forman parte de nuestras vidas, afectando a todos los aspectos de la misma, incidiendo directamente en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, pues si bien es cierto, uno de los aspectos centrales de la Sociedad del Conocimiento es la creación de conocimiento por parte de la ciudadanía. Ya no se trata únicamente de la búsqueda, almacenamiento y gestión de la información, sino de la transformación de esa información en conocimiento. Y en ese sentido, se precisa que el sistema educativo ayude al alumnado a adquirir las competencias TIC necesarias. Para conocer si se ha atendido adecuadamente a dicho logro, se precisa de las evaluaciones de las competencias digitales, y entre las numerosas existentes, encontramos PISA, concretamente: El cuestionario de familiaridad con las tecnologías. En este sentido, en la investigación realizada determinaremos la estructura relacional de los indicadores del cuestionario realizado en la prueba PISA 2018, en Finlandia, Suecia, Dinamarca, Francia, Italia y España, considerando la incidencia de variables contextuales y personales en dicha estructura (país de origen, género, nivel económico, social y cultural de las familias, nivel educativo de las familias, condición de inmigrante y nivel de exposición a situaciones de bullying o acoso escolar), tanto a nivel general como específicamente por países