7 research outputs found

    Statistical mechanics of covariant systems with multi-fingered time

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    Recently, in [Class. Quantum Grav. 33 (2016) 045005], the authors proposed a new approach extending the framework of statistical mechanics to reparametrization-invariant systems with no additional gauges. In this work, the approach is generalized to systems defined by more than one Hamiltonian constraints (multi-fingered time). We show how well known features as the Ehrenfest- Tolman effect and the J\"uttner distribution for the relativistic gas can be consistently recovered from a covariant approach in the multi-fingered framework. Eventually, the crucial role played by the interaction in the definition of a global notion of equilibrium is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    On entropic gravity: the entropy postulate, entropy content of screens and relation to quantum mechanics

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    We consider the controversial hypothesis that gravity is an entropic force that has its origin in the thermodynamics of holographic screens. Several key aspects of entropic gravity are discussed. In particular, we revisit and elaborate on our criticism of the recent claim that entropic gravity fails to explain observations involving gravitationally-bound quantum states of neutrons in the GRANIT experiment and gravitationally induced quantum interference. We argue that the analysis leading to this claim is troubled by a misinterpretation concerning the relation between the microstates of a holographic screen and the state of a particle in the emergent space, engendering inconsistencies. A point of view that could resolve the inconsistencies is presented. We expound the general idea of the aforementioned critical analysis of entropic gravity in such a consistent setting. This enables us to clarify the problem and to identify a premise whose validity will decide the faith of the criticism against entropic gravity. It is argued that in order to reach a sensible conclusion we need more detailed knowledge on entropic gravity. These arguments are relevant to any theory of emergent space, where the entropy of the microscopic system depends on the distribution of matter in the emergent space.Comment: 15 pages; v2: presentation and arguments improved, particularly in section 5; accepted to Phys. Lett.

    Three possible implications of spacetime discreteness

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    We analyze the possible implications of the discreteness of spacetime, which is defined here as the existence of a minimum observable interval of spacetime. First, it is argued that the discreteness of spacetime may result in the existence of a finite invariant speed when combining with the principle of relativity. Next, it is argued that when combining with the uncertainty principle, the discreteness of space seems to require that spacetime is curved by matter, and the dynamical relationship between matter and spacetime holds true not only for macroscopic objects but also for microscopic particles. Moreover, the Einstein gravitational constant can also be determined in terms of the minimum size of discrete spacetime. Thirdly, it is argued that the discreteness of time may result in the dynamical collapse of the wave function, and the minimum size of discrete spacetime also yields a plausible collapse criterion consistent with experiments. These heuristic arguments might provide a deeper understanding of the special and general relativity and quantum theory, and also have implications for the solutions to the measurement problem and the problem of quantum gravity

    Conservative entropic forces

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    Entropic forces have recently attracted considerable attention as ways to reformulate, retrodict, and perhaps even "explain'" classical Newtonian gravity from a rather specific thermodynamic perspective. In this article I point out that if one wishes to reformulate classical Newtonian gravity in terms of an entropic force, then the fact that Newtonian gravity is described by a conservative force places significant constraints on the form of the entropy and temperature functions. (These constraints also apply to entropic reinterpretations of electromagnetism, and indeed to any conservative force derivable from a potential.) The constraints I will establish are sufficient to present real and significant problems for any reasonable variant of Verlinde's entropic gravity proposal, though for technical reasons the constraints established herein do not directly impact on either Jacobson's or Padmanabhan's versions of entropic gravity. In an attempt to resolve these issues, I will extend the usual notion of entropic force to multiple heat baths with multiple "temperatures'" and multiple "entropies".Comment: V1: 21 pages; no figures. V2: now 24 pages. Two new sections (reduced mass formulation, decoherence). Many small clarifying comments added throughout the text. Several references added. V3: Three more references added. V4: now 25 pages. Some extra discussion on the relation between Verlinde's scenario and the Jacobson and Padmanabhan scenarios. This version accepted for publication in JHE

    Interpreting Quantum Mechanics in Terms of Random Discontinuous Motion of Particles

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    This thesis is an attempt to reconstruct the conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics. First, we argue that the wave function in quantum mechanics is a description of random discontinuous motion of particles, and the modulus square of the wave function gives the probability density of the particles being in certain locations in space. Next, we show that the linear non-relativistic evolution of the wave function of an isolated system obeys the free Schrödinger equation due to the requirements of spacetime translation invariance and relativistic invariance. Thirdly, we argue that the random discontinuous motion of particles may lead to a stochastic, nonlinear collapse evolution of the wave function. A discrete model of energy-conserved wavefunction collapse is proposed and shown to be consistent with existing experiments and our macroscopic experience. In addition, we also give a critical analysis of the de Broglie-Bohm theory, the many-worlds interpretation and dynamical collapse theories, and briefly analyze the problem of the incompatibility between quantum mechanics and special relativity

    On the possibility of stable regularities without fundamental laws

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    This doctoral dissertation investigates the notion of physical necessity. Specifically, it studies whether it is possible to account for non-accidental regularities without the standard assumption of a pre-existent set of governing laws. Thus, it takes side with the so called deflationist accounts of laws of nature, like the humean or the antirealist. The specific aim is to complement such accounts by providing a missing explanation of the appearance of physical necessity. In order to provide an explanation, I recur to fields that have not been appealed to so far in discussions about the metaphysics of laws. Namely, I recur to complex systems’ theory, and to the foundations of statistical mechanics. The explanation proposed is inspired by how complex systems’ theory has elucidated the way patterns emerge, and by the probabilistic explanations of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. More specifically, this thesis studies how some constraints that make no direct reference to the dynamics can be a sufficient condition for obtaining in the long run, with high probability, stable regular behavior. I hope to show how certain metaphysical accounts of laws might benefit from the insights achieved in these other fields. According to the proposal studied in this thesis, some regularities are not accidental not in virtue of an underlying physical necessity. The non-accidental character of certain regular behavior is only due to its overwhelming stability. Thus, from this point of view the goal becomes to explain the stability of temporal patterns without assuming a set of pre-existent guiding laws. It is argued that the stability can be the result of a process of convergence to simpler and stable regularities from a more complex lower level. According to this project, if successful, there would be no need to postulate a (mysterious) intermediate category between logical necessity and pure contingency. Similarly, there would be no need to postulate a (mysterious) set of pre-existent governing laws. Part I of the thesis motivates part II, mostly by arguing why further explanation of the notions of physical necessity and governing laws should be welcomed (chapter 1), and by studying the plausibility of a lawless fundamental level (chapters 2 and 3). Given so, part II develops the explanation of formation of simpler and stable behavior from a more complex underlying level

    Is Gravity an Entropic Force?

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    The remarkable connections between gravity and thermodynamics seem to imply that gravity is not fundamental but emergent, and in particular, as Verlinde suggested, gravity is probably an entropic force. In this paper, we will argue that the idea of gravity as an entropic force is debatable. It is shown that there is no convincing analogy between gravity and entropic force in Verlinde’s example. Neither holographic screen nor test particle satisfies all requirements for the existence of entropic force in a thermodynamics system. Furthermore, we show that the entropy increase of the screen is not caused by its statistical tendency to increase entropy as required by the existence of entropic force, but in fact caused by gravity. Therefore, Verlinde’s argument for the entropic origin of gravity is problematic. In addition, we argue that the existence of a minimum size of spacetime, together with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle in quantum theory, may imply the fundamental existence of gravity as a geometric property of spacetime. This may provide a further support for the conclusion that gravity is not an entropic force