246 research outputs found

    Irreducible Coxeter groups

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    We prove that a non-spherical irreducible Coxeter group is (directly) indecomposable and that a non-spherical and non-affine Coxeter group is strongly indecomposable in the sense that all its finite index subgroups are (directly) indecomposable. We prove that a Coxeter group has a decomposition as a direct product of indecomposable groups, and that such a decomposition is unique up to a central automorphism and a permutation of the factors. We prove that a Coxeter group has a virtual decomposition as a direct product of strongly indecomposable groups, and that such a decomposition is unique up to commensurability and a permutation of the factors

    Minimal Faithful Permutation Degrees for Irreducible Coxeter Groups and Binary Polyhedral Groups

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    In this article we calculate the minimal faithful permutation degree for all of the irreducible Coxeter groups. We also exhibit new examples of finite groups that possess a quotient whose minimal degree is strictly greater than that of the group.Comment: 22 page

    On the direct indecomposability of infinite irreducible Coxeter groups and the Isomorphism Problem of Coxeter groups

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    In this paper we prove, without the finite rank assumption, that any irreducible Coxeter group of infinite order is directly indecomposable as an abstract group. The key ingredient of the proof is that we can determine, for an irreducible Coxeter group, the centralizers of the normal subgroups that are generated by involutions. As a consequence, we show that the problem of deciding whether two general Coxeter groups are isomorphic, as abstract groups, is reduced to the case of irreducible Coxeter groups, without assuming the finiteness of the number of the irreducible components or their ranks. We also give a description of the automorphism group of a general Coxeter group in terms of those of its irreducible components.Comment: 30 page

    Polynomial solutions to the WDVV equations in four dimensions

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    All polynomial solutions of the WDVV equations for the case n = 4 are determined. We find all five solutions predicted by Dubrovin, namely those corresponding to Frobenius structures on orbit spaces of finite Coxeter groups. Moreover we find two additional series of polynomial solutions of which one series is of semi-simple type (massive). This result supports Dubrovin's conjecture if modified appropriately

    Involutory reflection groups and their models

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    AbstractA finite subgroup G of GL(n,C) is involutory if the sum of the dimensions of its irreducible complex representations is given by the number of absolute involutions in the group, i.e. elements g∈G such that gg¯=1, where the bar denotes complex conjugation. A uniform combinatorial model is constructed for all non-exceptional irreducible complex reflection groups which are involutory including, in particular, all infinite families of finite irreducible Coxeter groups
